#!/usr/bin/env ruby ENV['DB_NAME'] = ARGV[0] if ARGV[0] require './config/application' class AutoMigrate attr_accessor :fields class << self def table(table_name) die "table [#{table_name}] not in plural -> expected [#{table_name.to_s.pluralize}]" unless table_name.to_s.pluralize == table_name.to_s unless DB.table_exists?(table_name.to_s) # http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/rdoc/files/doc/schema_modification_rdoc.html DB.create_table table_name do primary_key :id, Integer index :id, unique: true end end t = new table_name yield t t.fix_fields t.update end def migrate &block instance_eval &block end def enable_extension name DB.run 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS %s;' % name end def transaction_do text begin DB.run 'BEGIN; %s ;COMMIT;' % text rescue puts caller[1].red puts text.yellow raise $! end end end ### def initialize table_name @table_name = table_name @fields = {} end def log_run what puts ' %s' % what.green self.class.transaction_do what end def fix_fields for vals in @fields.values type = vals[0] opts = vals[1] opts[:limit] ||= 255 if type == :string opts[:default] ||= false if type == :boolean opts[:null] = true unless opts[:null].class.name == 'FalseClass' opts[:array] ||= false opts[:unique] ||= false opts[:default] = [] if opts[:array] end end def get_db_column_type field type, opts = @fields[field] db_type = type db_type = :varchar if type == :string db_type = Time if type == :datetime if opts[:array] db_type = '%s(%s)' % [db_type, opts[:limit]] if type == :string db_type = '%s[]' % db_type else db_type = 'varchar(%s)' % opts[:limit] if opts[:limit] end db_type end def update begin obj = @table_name.to_s.classify.constantize o = obj.new rescue puts "Object #{@table_name.to_s.classify.red} does not exist, yet table #{@table_name.to_s.red} exists!" return end # remove extra fields existing_fields = o.attributes.keys - ['id'] for field in (existing_fields - @fields.keys.map(&:to_s)) print "Remove colum #{@table_name}.#{field} (y/N): ".light_blue if STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase.index('y') DB.drop_column @table_name, field puts " drop_column #{field}".green end end puts "Table #{@table_name.to_s.yellow}, #{@fields.keys.length} fields" # loop trough defined fileds in schema for field, opts_in in @fields type = opts_in[0] opts = opts_in[1] db_type = get_db_column_type(field) # create missing columns unless obj.columns.index(field.to_sym) DB.add_column @table_name, field, db_type, opts if opts[:array] default = type == :string ? "ARRAY[]::character varying[]" : "ARRAY[]::integer[]" self.class.transaction_do "ALTER TABLE #{@table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{field} SET DEFAULT #{default};" end puts " add_column #{field}, #{db_type}, #{opts.to_json}".green next end if current = obj.db_schema[field.to_sym] # unhandled db schema changes will not happen # --- # field - field name # current - current db_schema # type - new proposed type in schema # opts - new proposed types # if we have type set as array and in db it is not array, fix that if opts[:array] && !current[:db_type].include?('[]') self.class.transaction_do %[ alter table #{@table_name} alter #{field} drop default; alter table #{@table_name} alter #{field} type #{current[:db_type]}[] using array[#{field}]; alter table #{@table_name} alter #{field} set default '{}'; ] puts " Coverted #{@table_name}.#{field} to array type".green end # if we have array but scema says no array if !opts[:array] && current[:db_type].include?('[]') m = current[:type] == :integer ? "#{field}[0]" : "array_to_string(#{field}, ',')" self.class.transaction_do %[ alter table #{@table_name} alter #{field} drop default; alter table #{@table_name} alter #{field} type #{current[:db_type].sub('[]','')} using #{m}; ] puts " Coverted #{@table_name}.#{field}[] to non array type".red end # if varchar limit size has changed if type == :string && current[:max_length] != opts[:limit] self.class.transaction_do "ALTER TABLE #{@table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{field} TYPE varchar(#{opts[:limit]});" puts " #{field} limit, #{current[:max_length]}-> #{opts[:limit]}".green end # covert from varchar to text if type == :text && current[:max_length] self.class.transaction_do "ALTER TABLE #{@table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{field} SET DATA TYPE text" puts " #{field} limit from #{current[:max_length]} to no limit (text type)".green end # null true or false if current[:allow_null] != opts[:null] to_run = " #{field} #{opts[:null] ? 'DROP' : 'SET'} NOT NULL" log_run "ALTER TABLE #{@table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{to_run}" end # covert string to date if current[:type] == :string && [:date, :datetime].include?(type) log_run "ALTER TABLE #{@table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{field} TYPE #{type.to_s.upcase} using #{field}::#{type};" end #ap [current, field, type, opts] if current[:type] == :string && @table_name == :informators # field default changed if current[:default].to_s != opts[:default].to_s # skip for arrays next if opts[:array] next if current[:default].to_s.index('{}') and opts[:default] == [] next if current[:default].to_s.starts_with?("'#{opts[:default]}':") if opts[:default].to_s.blank? log_run "ALTER TABLE #{@table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{field} drop default" else log_run "ALTER TABLE #{@table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{field} SET DEFAULT '#{opts[:default]}'; update #{@table_name} set #{field}='#{opts[:default]}' where #{field} is null;" end end if opts[:index] add_index(field) end end end end def add_index field type = @table_name.to_s.classify.constantize.new.db_schema[field][:db_type] rescue nil begin if type.index('[]') DB.run %[CREATE INDEX #{@table_name}_#{field}_gin_index on "#{@table_name}" USING GIN ("#{field}");] puts " * added array GIN index on #{field}".green else DB.add_index(@table_name, field) puts " * added index on #{field}".green end rescue; end end def rename field_old, field_new existing_fields = @table_name.to_s.classify.constantize.new.attributes.keys.map(&:to_sym) if existing_fields.index(field_old.to_sym) && ! existing_fields.index(field_new.to_sym) DB.rename_column(@table_name, field_old, field_new) puts " * renamed #{@table_name}.#{field_old} to #{@table_name}.#{field_new}" puts ' * please run auto migration again' exit end end def method_missing type, *args name = args[0] opts = args[1] || {} if [:string, :integer, :text, :boolean, :datetime, :date, :jsonb].index(type) @fields[name] = [type, opts] elsif [:decimal].index(type) opts[:precision] ||= 8 opts[:scale] ||= 2 @fields[name] = [:decimal, opts] elsif type == :timestamps opts[:null] ||= false @fields[:created_at] = [:datetime, opts] @fields[:created_by] = [:integer, opts] @fields[:updated_at] = [:datetime, opts] @fields[:updated_by] = [:integer, opts] elsif type == :polymorphic @fields["#{name}_id".to_sym] = [:integer, opts.merge(index: true) ] @fields["#{name}_type".to_sym] = [:string, opts.merge(limit: 100, index: "#{name}_id")] else puts "Unknown #{type.to_s.red}" end end end require './config/schema.rb'