=begin ## Usage examples: Given an example template /path/to/template.erb that contains: a: <%= @a %> ### Variables at initialization erb = RenderMePretty::Erb.new("/path/to/template.erb", a: 1) erb.render Result: a: 1 ### Variables at render time erb = RenderMePretty::Erb.new("/path/to/template.erb") erb.render(a: 2) Result: a: 2 ### Variables at both initialization and render time: erb = RenderMePretty::Erb.new("/path/to/template.erb", a: 3) erb.render(a: "override", a: 4) Result: a: 4 Variables at render time will override variables at initialization time. ## Context Scope If you want to use your own context object, pass it as a variable. The context variable is specially treated as a context object. Example: person = Person.new # must implement get_binding erb = RenderMePretty::Erb.new("/path/to/template.erb") erb.render(context: person, a: 2) The context will be `person`. So person methods and instance variables will be available in the ERB templates. =end require 'tilt' require 'tilt/erb' module RenderMePretty class Erb autoload :BaseHandler, 'render_me_pretty/erb/base_handler' autoload :SyntaxErrorHandler, "render_me_pretty/erb/syntax_error_handler" autoload :MainErrorHandler, "render_me_pretty/erb/main_error_handler" def initialize(path, variables={}) @path = path @init_vars = variables @context = variables.delete(:context) @layout_path = variables.delete(:layout) end # Usage: # # render(context, a: 1, b: 2) # render(a: 1, b: 2) # render def render(*args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) render_vars = args.pop @init_vars = @init_vars.merge(render_vars) end context = args[0] context ||= @context || Object.new context = context.clone # so we dont stomp the original object # override context's instance variables with init and render vars. @init_vars.each do |key, value| context.instance_variable_set('@' + key.to_s, value) end # https://github.com/gotar/dry-view/commit/39e3f96625bf90da2e51fb1fd437f18cedb9ae8c tilt_options = {trim: '-', default_encoding: "utf-8"} if @layout_path layout = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new(@layout_path, tilt_options) else # trim mode: https://searchcode.com/codesearch/view/77362792/ template = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new(@path, tilt_options) end begin if @layout_path layout.render(context) do Tilt::ERBTemplate.new(@path, tilt_options).render(context) end else template.render(context) end rescue Exception => e if e.class == SystemExit # allow exit to happen normally raise else handle_exception(e) end end end # Handles Tilt error in prettier manner. # # When there's a syntax error Tilt does not include the line nubmer of the # error in the backtrace it is instead included in the e.message itself. # # When for other errors the line_number is included in the backtrace. # # Refer to specs and uncomment puts out to see the different types of errors. def handle_exception(e) # puts "*" * 30 # puts e.class.to_s.color(:cyan) # puts e.message.color(:cyan) # puts e.backtrace # puts "*" * 30 handler = e.is_a?(SyntaxError) ? SyntaxErrorHandler.new(e, @path, @layout_path) : MainErrorHandler.new(e, @path, @layout_path) io = handler.handle print_result(io) end def print_result(io) if ENV['TEST'] io.string else puts io.string exit 1 end end # Method produces a filtered original stack trace that can be appended to # the pretty backtrace output. # # It parses the original backtrace that looks something like this: # # (erb):380:in `get_binding' # /Users/tung/.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/lib/ruby/2.5.0/erb.rb:885:in `eval' # /Users/tung/.rbenv/versions/2.5.0/lib/ruby/2.5.0/erb.rb:885:in `result' # /Users/tung/src/tongueroo/lono/vendor/render_me_pretty/lib/render_me_pretty/erb.rb:67:in `render' # /Users/tung/src/tongueroo/lono/vendor/render_me_pretty/lib/render_me_pretty.rb:11:in `result' # /Users/tung/src/tongueroo/lono/lib/lono/template/template.rb:32:in `build' # /Users/tung/src/tongueroo/lono/lib/lono/template/dsl.rb:82:in `block in build_templates' # /Users/tung/src/tongueroo/lono/lib/lono/template/dsl.rb:81:in `each' def backtrace_lines(e) full = ENV['FULL_BACKTRACE'] if full lines = e.backtrace else lines = e.backtrace # This filtering business makes is hiding useful info. # Think it was needed for ERB but Tilt provides a better stack trace. # Commenting out for now. # filter out internal lines # removal_index = lines.find_index { |l| l =~ %r[lib/render_me_pretty] } # lines = lines[removal_index..-1] # remove leading lines above the lib/ # render_me_pretty lines by keeping lines past the removal index # lines.reject! { |l| l =~ %r[lib/render_me_pretty] } # now filter out # render_me_pretty lines lines = lines[0..7] # keep 8 lines end lines[0] = lines[0].color(:red) # header lines.unshift "\nOriginal backtrace#{full ? '' : ' (last 8 lines)'}:" # footer lines << "\nRe-run with FULL_BACKTRACE=1 to see all lines" lines.join("\n") end end end