module Merb module Parse # ==== Parameters # query_string:: The query string. # delimiter:: The query string divider. Defaults to "&". # preserve_order:: Preserve order of args. Defaults to false. # # ==== Returns # Mash:: The parsed query string (Dictionary if preserve_order is set). # # ==== Examples # Merb::Parse.query("bar=nik&post[body]=heya") # # => { :bar => "nik", :post => { :body => "heya" } } # # @api plugin def self.query(query_string, delimiter = '&;', preserve_order = false) query = preserve_order ? : {} for pair in (query_string || '').split(/[#{delimiter}] */n) key, value = unescape(pair).split('=',2) next if key.nil? if key.include?('[') normalize_params(query, key, value) else query[key] = value end end preserve_order ? query : query.to_mash end NAME_REGEX = /Content-Disposition:.* name="?([^\";]*)"?/ni.freeze CONTENT_TYPE_REGEX = /Content-Type: (.*)\r\n/ni.freeze FILENAME_REGEX = /Content-Disposition:.* filename="?([^\";]*)"?/ni.freeze CRLF = "\r\n".freeze EOL = CRLF # ==== Parameters # request:: The raw request. # boundary:: The boundary string. # content_length:: The length of the content. # # ==== Raises # ControllerExceptions::MultiPartParseError:: Failed to parse request. # # ==== Returns # Hash:: The parsed request. # # @api plugin def self.multipart(request, boundary, content_length) boundary = "--#{boundary}" paramhsh = {} buf = "" input = request input.binmode if defined? input.binmode boundary_size = boundary.size + EOL.size bufsize = 16384 content_length -= boundary_size # status is boundary delimiter line status = return {} if status == nil || status.empty? raise ControllerExceptions::MultiPartParseError, "bad content body:\n'#{status}' should == '#{boundary + EOL}'" unless status == boundary + EOL # second argument to Regexp.quote is for KCODE rx = /(?:#{EOL})?#{Regexp.quote(boundary,'n')}(#{EOL}|--)/ loop { head = nil body = '' filename = content_type = name = nil read_size = 0 until head && buf =~ rx i = buf.index("\r\n\r\n") if( i == nil && read_size == 0 && content_length == 0 ) content_length = -1 break end if !head && i head = buf.slice!(0, i+2) # First \r\n buf.slice!(0, 2) # Second \r\n # String#[] with 2nd arg here is returning # a group from match data filename = head[FILENAME_REGEX, 1] content_type = head[CONTENT_TYPE_REGEX, 1] name = head[NAME_REGEX, 1] if filename && !filename.empty? body = body.binmode if defined? body.binmode end next end # Save the read body part. if head && (boundary_size+4 < buf.size) body << buf.slice!(0, buf.size - (boundary_size+4)) end read_size = bufsize < content_length ? bufsize : content_length if( read_size > 0 ) c = raise ControllerExceptions::MultiPartParseError, "bad content body" if c.nil? || c.empty? buf << c content_length -= c.size end end # Save the rest. if i = buf.index(rx) # correct value of i for some edge cases if (i > 2) && (j = buf.index(rx, i-2)) && (j < i) i = j end body << buf.slice!(0, i) buf.slice!(0, boundary_size+2) content_length = -1 if $1 == "--" end if filename && !filename.empty? body.rewind data = { :filename => File.basename(filename), :content_type => content_type, :tempfile => body, :size => File.size(body.path) } else data = body end paramhsh = normalize_params(paramhsh,name,data) break if buf.empty? || content_length == -1 } paramhsh end # ==== Parameters # value:: The value for the query string. # prefix<~to_s>:: The prefix to add to the query string keys. # # ==== Returns # String:: The query string. # # ==== Alternatives # If the value is a string, the prefix will be used as the key. # # ==== Examples # params_to_query_string(10, "page") # # => "page=10" # params_to_query_string({ :page => 10, :word => "ruby" }) # # => "page=10&word=ruby" # params_to_query_string({ :page => 10, :word => "ruby" }, "search") # # => "search[page]=10&search[word]=ruby" # params_to_query_string([ "ice-cream", "cake" ], "shopping_list") # # => "shopping_list[]=ice-cream&shopping_list[]=cake" # # @api plugin def self.params_to_query_string(value, prefix = nil) case value when Array { |v| params_to_query_string(v, "#{prefix}[]") } * "&" when Hash, Dictionary { |k, v| params_to_query_string(v, prefix ? "#{prefix}[#{escape(k)}]" : escape(k)) } * "&" else "#{prefix}=#{escape(value)}" end end # ==== Parameters # s:: String to URL escape. # # ==== returns # String:: The escaped string. # # @api public def self.escape(s) s.to_s.gsub(/([^ a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)/n) { '%'+$1.unpack('H2'*$1.size).join('%').upcase }.tr(' ', '+') end # ==== Parameter # s:: String to URL unescape. # # ==== returns # String:: The unescaped string. # # @api public def self.unescape(s)'+', ' ').gsub(/((?:%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+)/n){ [$1.delete('%')].pack('H*') } end private # Converts a query string snippet to a hash and adds it to existing # parameters. # # ==== Parameters # parms:: Parameters to add the normalized parameters to. # name:: The key of the parameter to normalize. # val:: The value of the parameter. # # ==== Returns # Hash:: Normalized parameters # # @api private def self.normalize_params(parms, name, val=nil) name =~ %r([\[\]]*([^\[\]]+)\]*) key = $1 || '' after = $' || '' if after == "" parms[key] = val elsif after == "[]" (parms[key] ||= []) << val elsif after =~ %r(^\[\]\[([^\[\]]+)\]$) child_key = $1 parms[key] ||= [] if parms[key].last.is_a?(Hash) && !parms[key].last.key?(child_key) parms[key].last.update(child_key => val) else parms[key] << { child_key => val } end else parms[key] ||= {} parms[key] = normalize_params(parms[key], after, val) end parms end end end