/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ // Provides control sap.m.DatePicker. sap.ui.define([ 'jquery.sap.global', 'sap/ui/Device', './InputBase', './DateTimeField', 'sap/ui/core/date/UniversalDate', './library', 'sap/ui/core/Control', 'sap/ui/core/library', 'sap/ui/core/InvisibleText', "./DatePickerRenderer", "sap/base/util/deepEqual", "sap/base/assert", "sap/base/Log", "sap/ui/core/IconPool", "sap/ui/core/Popup", "./InstanceManager", // jQuery Plugin "cursorPos" "sap/ui/dom/jquery/cursorPos" ], function( jQuery, Device, InputBase, DateTimeField, UniversalDate, library, Control, coreLibrary, InvisibleText, DatePickerRenderer, deepEqual, assert, Log, IconPool, Popup, InstanceManager ) { "use strict"; // shortcut for sap.ui.core.TextAlign var TextAlign = coreLibrary.TextAlign; // shortcut for sap.ui.core.CalendarType var CalendarType = coreLibrary.CalendarType; // lazy dependency to sap/ui/unified/Calendar var Calendar; /** * Constructor for a new DatePicker. * * @param {string} [sId] Id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given * @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control * * @class * Enables the users to select a localized date. * *


* * The DatePicker lets the users select a localized date using touch, * mouse, or keyboard input. It consists of two parts: the date input field and the * date picker. * * Note: The {@link sap.ui.unified.Calendar} is used internally only if the * DatePicker is opened (not used for the initial rendering). If the * sap.ui.unified library is not loaded before the * DatePicker is opened, it will be loaded upon opening. This could * lead to a waiting time when the DatePicker is opened for the * first time. To prevent this, apps using the DatePicker should also * load the sap.ui.unified library. * *


* * The user can enter a date by: * * * On app level, there are two options to provide a date for the * DatePicker - as a string to the value property or as * a JavaScript Date object to the dateValue property (only one of * these properties should be used at a time): * * * *


* * All formatting and parsing of dates from and to strings is done using the * {@link sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat}. If a date is entered by typing it into * the input field, it must fit to the used date format and locale. * * Supported format options are pattern-based on Unicode LDML Date Format notation. * See {@link http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Field_Symbol_Table} * * For example, if the valueFormat is "yyyy-MM-dd", * the displayFormat is "MMM d, y", and the used locale is English, a * valid value string is "2015-07-30", which leads to an output of "Jul 30, 2015". * * If no placeholder is set to the DatePicker, the used * displayFormat is displayed as a placeholder. If another placeholder * is needed, it must be set. * * Note: If the string does NOT match the displayFormat * (from user input) or the valueFormat (on app level), the * {@link sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat} makes an attempt to parse it based on the * locale settings. For more information, see the respective documentation in the * API Reference. * *

Responsive behavior

* * The DatePicker is smaller in compact mode and provides a * touch-friendly size in cozy mode. * * On mobile devices, one tap on the input field opens the DatePicker * in full screen. To close the window, the user can select a date (which triggers * the close event), or select Cancel. * * @extends sap.m.DateTimeField * @version 1.60.23 * * @constructor * @public * @since 1.22.0 * @alias sap.m.DatePicker * @see {@link fiori:https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/date-picker/ Date Picker} * @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel */ var DatePicker = DateTimeField.extend("sap.m.DatePicker", /** @lends sap.m.DatePicker.prototype */ { metadata : { library : "sap.m", properties : { /** * Displays date in this given type in input field. Default value is taken from locale settings. * Accepted are values of sap.ui.core.CalendarType or an empty string. If no type is set, the default type of the * configuration is used. * Note: If data binding on value property with type sap.ui.model.type.Date is used, this property will be ignored. * @since 1.28.6 */ displayFormatType : {type : "string", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : ""}, /** * If set, the days in the calendar popup are also displayed in this calendar type * If not set, the dates are only displayed in the primary calendar type * @since 1.34.1 */ secondaryCalendarType : {type : "sap.ui.core.CalendarType", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : null}, /** * Minimum date that can be shown and selected in the DatePicker. This must be a JavaScript date object. * * Note: If the minDate is set to be after the maxDate, * the maxDate and the minDate are switched before rendering. * @since 1.38.0 */ minDate : {type : "object", group : "Misc", defaultValue : null}, /** * Maximum date that can be shown and selected in the DatePicker. This must be a JavaScript date object. * * Note: If the maxDate is set to be before the minDate, * the maxDate and the minDate are switched before rendering. * @since 1.38.0 */ maxDate : {type : "object", group : "Misc", defaultValue : null} }, aggregations : { /** * Date Range with type to visualize special days in the Calendar. * If one day is assigned to more than one Type, only the first one will be used. * * To set a single date (instead of a range), set only the startDate property of the sap.ui.unified.DateRange class. * * Note: Since 1.48 you could set a non-working day via the sap.ui.unified.CalendarDayType.NonWorking * enum type just as any other special date type using sap.ui.unified.DateRangeType. * * @since 1.38.5 */ specialDates : {type : "sap.ui.core.Element", multiple : true, singularName : "specialDate"} }, associations: { /** * Association to the CalendarLegend explaining the colors of the specialDates. * * Note The legend does not have to be rendered but must exist, and all required types must be assigned. * @since 1.38.5 */ legend: { type: "sap.ui.core.Control", multiple: false} }, events : { /** * Fired when navigating in Calendar popup. * @since 1.46.0 */ navigate : { parameters : { /** * Date range containing the start and end date displayed in the Calendar popup. */ dateRange : {type : "sap.ui.unified.DateRange"} } } }, designtime: "sap/m/designtime/DatePicker.designtime" }}); /** * The date is displayed in the input field using this format. By default, the medium format of the used locale is used. * * Supported format options are pattern-based on Unicode LDML Date Format notation. {@link http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Field_Symbol_Table} * Note: If you use data binding on the value property with type sap.ui.model.type.Date this property will be ignored. * The format defined in the binding will be used. * * @returns {string} the value of property displayFormat * @public * @name sap.m.DatePicker#getDisplayFormat * @function */ /** * The date string expected and returned in the value property uses this format. By default the short format of the used locale is used. * * * Supported format options are pattern-based on Unicode LDML Date Format notation. {@link http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Field_Symbol_Table} * * For example, if the date string represents an ABAP DATS type, the format should be "yyyyMMdd". * * Note: If data binding on value property with type sap.ui.model.type.Date is used, this property will be ignored. * The format defined in the binding will be used. * * @returns {string} the value of property valueFormat * @public * @name sap.m.DatePicker#getValueFormat * @function */ /** * The date as JavaScript Date object. This is independent from any formatter. * * Note: If this property is used, the value property should not be changed from the caller. * * @returns {object} the value of property dateValue * @public * @name sap.m.DatePicker#getDateValue * @function */ DatePicker.prototype.init = function() { DateTimeField.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); this._bIntervalSelection = false; this._bOnlyCalendar = true; this._bValid = true; this._oMinDate = new Date(1, 0, 1); // set the date to minimum possible for that day this._oMinDate.setFullYear(1); // otherwise year 1 will be converted to year 1901 this._oMaxDate = new Date(9999, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999); // set the date for the maximum possible for that day var oIcon = this.addEndIcon({ id: this.getId() + "-icon", src: this.getIconSrc(), noTabStop: true, title: "" }); // idicates whether the picker is still open this._bShouldClosePicker = false; oIcon.addEventDelegate({ onmousedown: function (oEvent) { // as the popup closes automatically on blur - we need to remember its state this._bShouldClosePicker = !!this.isOpen(); } }, this); oIcon.attachPress(function () { this.toggleOpen(this._bShouldClosePicker); }, this); }; /** * Checks if the picker is open * @returns {boolean} * @protected */ DatePicker.prototype.isOpen = function () { return this._oPopup && this._oPopup.isOpen(); }; DatePicker.prototype.toggleOpen = function (bOpened) { if (this.getEditable() && this.getEnabled()) { if (bOpened) { _cancel.call(this); } else { _open.call(this); } } }; DatePicker.prototype.getIconSrc = function () { return IconPool.getIconURI("appointment-2"); }; DatePicker.prototype.exit = function() { InputBase.prototype.exit.apply(this, arguments); if (this._oPopup) { if (this._oPopup.isOpen()) { this._oPopup.close(); } delete this._oPopup; } if (this._oCalendar) { this._oCalendar.destroy(); delete this._oCalendar; } if (this._iInvalidateCalendar) { clearTimeout(this._iInvalidateCalendar); } this._sUsedDisplayPattern = undefined; this._sUsedDisplayCalendarType = undefined; this._oDisplayFormat = undefined; this._sUsedValuePattern = undefined; this._sUsedValueCalendarType = undefined; this._oValueFormat = undefined; }; DatePicker.prototype.invalidate = function(oOrigin) { if (!oOrigin || oOrigin != this._oCalendar) { // Calendar is only invalidated by DatePicker itself -> so don't invalidate DatePicker Control.prototype.invalidate.apply(this, arguments); // Invalidate calendar with a delayed call so it could have updated specialDates aggregation from DatePicker this._iInvalidateCalendar = setTimeout(_invalidateCalendar.bind(this), 0); } }; DatePicker.prototype.onBeforeRendering = function() { DateTimeField.prototype.onBeforeRendering.apply(this, arguments); this._checkMinMaxDate(); var oValueHelpIcon = this._getValueHelpIcon(); if (oValueHelpIcon) { oValueHelpIcon.setProperty("visible", this.getEditable(), true); } }; /** * Defines the width of the DatePicker. Default value is 100% * * @param {string} sWidth new value for width * @returns {sap.m.DatePicker} this to allow method chaining * @public */ DatePicker.prototype.setWidth = function(sWidth) { return InputBase.prototype.setWidth.call(this, sWidth || "100%"); }; DatePicker.prototype.getWidth = function(sWidth) { return this.getProperty("width") || "100%"; }; DatePicker.prototype.applyFocusInfo = function(oFocusInfo) { this._bFocusNoPopup = true; InputBase.prototype.applyFocusInfo.apply(this, arguments); }; DatePicker.prototype.onfocusin = function(oEvent) { if (!jQuery(oEvent.target).hasClass("sapUiIcon")) { InputBase.prototype.onfocusin.apply(this, arguments); } this._bFocusNoPopup = undefined; }; DatePicker.prototype.onsapshow = function(oEvent) { this.toggleOpen(this.isOpen()); oEvent.preventDefault(); // otherwise IE opens the address bar history }; // ALT-UP and ALT-DOWN should behave the same DatePicker.prototype.onsaphide = DatePicker.prototype.onsapshow; DatePicker.prototype.onsappageup = function(oEvent){ //increase by one day _increaseDate.call(this, 1, "day"); oEvent.preventDefault(); // do not move cursor }; DatePicker.prototype.onsappageupmodifiers = function(oEvent){ if (!oEvent.ctrlKey && oEvent.shiftKey) { // increase by one month _increaseDate.call(this, 1, "month"); } else { // increase by one year _increaseDate.call(this, 1, "year"); } oEvent.preventDefault(); // do not move cursor }; DatePicker.prototype.onsappagedown = function(oEvent){ //decrease by one day _increaseDate.call(this, -1, "day"); oEvent.preventDefault(); // do not move cursor }; DatePicker.prototype.onsappagedownmodifiers = function(oEvent){ if (!oEvent.ctrlKey && oEvent.shiftKey) { // decrease by one month _increaseDate.call(this, -1, "month"); } else { // decrease by one year _increaseDate.call(this, -1, "year"); } oEvent.preventDefault(); // do not move cursor }; DatePicker.prototype.onkeypress = function(oEvent){ // the keypress event should be fired only when a character key is pressed, // unfortunately some browsers fire the keypress event for control keys as well. if (!oEvent.charCode || oEvent.metaKey || oEvent.ctrlKey) { return; } var oFormatter = this._getFormatter(true); var sChar = String.fromCharCode(oEvent.charCode); if (sChar && oFormatter.sAllowedCharacters && oFormatter.sAllowedCharacters.indexOf(sChar) < 0) { oEvent.preventDefault(); } }; /** * Getter for property value. * * Returns a date as a string in the format defined in property valueFormat. * * Note: The value is always expected and updated in Gregorian calendar format. (If data binding is used the format of the binding is used.) * * If this property is used, the dateValue property should not be changed from the caller. * * @returns {string} the value of property value * @public * @name sap.m.DatePicker#getValue * @function */ /** * Setter for property value. * * Expects a date as a string in the format defined in property valueFormat. * * Note: The value is always expected and updated in Gregorian calendar format. (If data binding is used the format of the binding is used.) * * If this property is used, the dateValue property should not be changed from the caller. * * If Data binding using a sap.ui.model.type.Date is used, please set the formatOption stricktParsing to true. * This prevents unwanted automatic corrections of wrong input. * * @param {string} sValue The new value of the input. * @return {sap.m.DatePicker} this to allow method chaining * @public * @name sap.m.DatePicker#setValue * @function */ DatePicker.prototype._getValueHelpIcon = function () { var oValueHelpIcon = this.getAggregation("_endIcon"); return oValueHelpIcon && oValueHelpIcon[0]; }; DatePicker.prototype._dateValidation = function (oDate) { this._bValid = true; if (oDate && (oDate.getTime() < this._oMinDate.getTime() || oDate.getTime() > this._oMaxDate.getTime())) { this._bValid = false; assert(this._bValid, "Date must be in valid range"); } this.setProperty("dateValue", oDate); return oDate; }; DatePicker.prototype.setMinDate = function(oDate) { if (this._isValidDate(oDate)) { throw new Error("Date must be a JavaScript date object; " + this); } if (deepEqual(this.getMinDate(), oDate)) { return this; } if (oDate) { var iYear = oDate.getFullYear(); if (iYear < 1 || iYear > 9999) { throw new Error("Date must be between 0001-01-01 and 9999-12-31; " + this); } this._oMinDate = new Date(oDate.getTime()); var oDateValue = this.getDateValue(); if (oDateValue && oDateValue.getTime() < oDate.getTime()) { Log.warning("DateValue not in valid date range", this); } } else { this._oMinDate = new Date(1, 0, 1); this._oMinDate.setFullYear(1); // otherwise year 1 will be converted to year 1901 } // re-render because order of parameter changes not clear -> check onBeforeRendering this.setProperty("minDate", oDate); if (this._oCalendar) { this._oCalendar.setMinDate(oDate); } this._oMinDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);//clear the time part return this; }; DatePicker.prototype.setMaxDate = function(oDate) { if (this._isValidDate(oDate)) { throw new Error("Date must be a JavaScript date object; " + this); } if (deepEqual(this.getMaxDate(), oDate)) { return this; } if (oDate) { var iYear = oDate.getFullYear(); if (iYear < 1 || iYear > 9999) { throw new Error("Date must be between 0001-01-01 and 9999-12-31; " + this); } this._oMaxDate = new Date(oDate.getTime()); var oDateValue = this.getDateValue(); if (oDateValue && oDateValue.getTime() > oDate.getTime()) { Log.warning("DateValue not in valid date", this); } } else { this._oMaxDate = new Date(9999, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999); } // re-render because order of parameter changes not clear -> check onBeforeRendering this.setProperty("maxDate", oDate); if (this._oCalendar) { this._oCalendar.setMaxDate(oDate); } this._oMaxDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);//set to max possible hours for this day return this; }; DatePicker.prototype._checkMinMaxDate = function () { if (this._oMinDate.getTime() > this._oMaxDate.getTime()) { Log.warning("minDate > MaxDate -> dates switched", this); var oMaxDate = new Date(this._oMinDate.getTime()); var oMinDate = new Date(this._oMaxDate.getTime()); this._oMinDate = new Date(oMinDate.getTime()); this._oMaxDate = new Date(oMaxDate.getTime()); this.setProperty("minDate", oMinDate, true); this.setProperty("maxDate", oMaxDate, true); if (this._oCalendar) { this._oCalendar.setMinDate(oMinDate); this._oCalendar.setMaxDate(oMaxDate); } } var oDateValue = this.getDateValue(); if (oDateValue && (oDateValue.getTime() < this._oMinDate.getTime() || oDateValue.getTime() > this._oMaxDate.getTime())) { Log.error("dateValue " + oDateValue.toString() + "(value=" + this.getValue() + ") does not match " + "min/max date range(" + this._oMinDate.toString() + " - " + this._oMaxDate.toString() + "). App. " + "developers should take care to maintain dateValue/value accordingly.", this); } }; DatePicker.prototype.getDisplayFormatType = function () { return this.getProperty("displayFormatType"); }; DatePicker.prototype._handleDateValidation = function (oDate) { this._bValid = true; if (!oDate || oDate.getTime() < this._oMinDate.getTime() || oDate.getTime() > this._oMaxDate.getTime()) { this._bValid = false; Log.warning("Value can not be converted to a valid date", this); } this.setProperty("dateValue", oDate); }; DatePicker.prototype.setDisplayFormatType = function(sDisplayFormatType) { if (sDisplayFormatType) { var bFound = false; for ( var sType in CalendarType) { if (sType == sDisplayFormatType) { bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) { throw new Error(sDisplayFormatType + " is not a valid calendar type" + this); } } this.setProperty("displayFormatType", sDisplayFormatType, true); // no rerendering // reuse update from format function this.setDisplayFormat(this.getDisplayFormat()); return this; }; DatePicker.prototype.setSecondaryCalendarType = function(sCalendarType){ this._bSecondaryCalendarTypeSet = true; // as property can not be empty but we use it only if set this.setProperty("secondaryCalendarType", sCalendarType, true); if (this._oCalendar) { this._oCalendar.setSecondaryCalendarType(sCalendarType); } return this; }; /** * Adds some specialDate to the aggregation specialDates. * * @since 1.38.5 * @param {sap.ui.unified.DateTypeRange} oSpecialDate the specialDate to add; if empty, nothing is added * @return {sap.m.DatePicker} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining * @public */ DatePicker.prototype.addSpecialDate = function(oSpecialDate){ _checkSpecialDate.call(this, oSpecialDate); this.addAggregation("specialDates", oSpecialDate, true); _invalidateCalendar.call(this); return this; }; /** * Inserts a specialDate to the aggregation specialDates. * * @since 1.38.5 * @param {sap.ui.unified.DateTypeRange} oSpecialDate the specialDate to insert; if empty, nothing is inserted * @param {int} iIndex the 0-based index the specialDate should be inserted at; * for a negative value of iIndex, the specialDate is inserted at position 0; * for a value greater than the current size of the aggregation, the specialDate is inserted at the last position * @return {sap.m.DatePicker} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining * @public */ DatePicker.prototype.insertSpecialDate = function(oSpecialDate, iIndex){ _checkSpecialDate.call(this, oSpecialDate); this.insertAggregation("specialDates", oSpecialDate, iIndex, true); _invalidateCalendar.call(this); return this; }; /** * Removes a specialDate from the aggregation specialDates. * * @since 1.38.5 * @param {sap.ui.unified.DateTypeRange} oSpecialDate The specialDate to remove or its index or id * @return {sap.ui.unified.DateTypeRange} The removed specialDate or null * @public */ DatePicker.prototype.removeSpecialDate = function(oSpecialDate){ var oRemoved = this.removeAggregation("specialDates", oSpecialDate, true); _invalidateCalendar.call(this); return oRemoved; }; DatePicker.prototype.removeAllSpecialDates = function(){ var aRemoved = this.removeAllAggregation("specialDates", true); _invalidateCalendar.call(this); return aRemoved; }; DatePicker.prototype.destroySpecialDates = function(){ this.destroyAggregation("specialDates", true); _invalidateCalendar.call(this); return this; }; /** * Sets the associated legend. * * @since 1.38.5 * @param {sap.ui.core.ID | sap.ui.unified.CalendarLegend} oLegend ID of an element which becomes the new target of this legend association; * alternatively, an element instance may be given * @return {sap.m.DatePicker} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining * @public */ DatePicker.prototype.setLegend = function(oLegend){ this.setAssociation("legend", oLegend, true); var sId = this.getLegend(); if (sId) { var CalendarLegend = sap.ui.require("sap/ui/unified/CalendarLegend"); oLegend = sap.ui.getCore().byId(sId); if (oLegend && !(typeof CalendarLegend == "function" && oLegend instanceof CalendarLegend)) { throw new Error(oLegend + " is not an sap.ui.unified.CalendarLegend. " + this); } } if (this._oCalendar) { this._oCalendar.setLegend(sId); } return this; }; DatePicker.prototype.onChange = function(oEvent) { // don't call InputBase onChange because this calls setValue what would trigger a new formatting // check the control is editable or not if (!this.getEditable() || !this.getEnabled()) { return; } // set date before fire change event var sValue = this._$input.val(); var sOldValue = this._formatValue(this.getDateValue()); if (sValue == sOldValue && this._bValid) { // only needed if value really changed return; } var oDate; this._bValid = true; if (sValue != "") { oDate = this._parseValue(sValue, true); if (!oDate || oDate.getTime() < this._oMinDate.getTime() || oDate.getTime() > this._oMaxDate.getTime()) { this._bValid = false; oDate = undefined; }else { // check if Formatter changed the value (it correct some wrong inputs or known patterns) sValue = this._formatValue(oDate); } } if (this.getDomRef() && (this._$input.val() !== sValue)) { this._$input.val(sValue); this._curpos = this._$input.cursorPos(); } if (oDate) {//user input is parsed successfully and the date fits to the min/max range // get the value in valueFormat sValue = this._formatValue(oDate, true); } // compare with the old known value if (this._lastValue !== sValue || (oDate && this.getDateValue() && oDate.getFullYear() !== this.getDateValue().getFullYear())) { // remember the last value on change this._lastValue = sValue; this.setProperty("value", sValue, true); // no rerendering var sNewValue = this.getValue(); // in databinding a formatter could change the value (including dateValue) directly if (this._bValid && sValue == sNewValue) { this.setProperty("dateValue", oDate, true); // no rerendering } sValue = sNewValue; if (this.isOpen()) { if (this._bValid) { oDate = this.getDateValue(); // as in databinding a formatter could change the date } this._oCalendar.focusDate(oDate); var oStartDate = this._oDateRange.getStartDate(); if ((!oStartDate && oDate) || (oStartDate && oDate && oStartDate.getTime() != oDate.getTime())) { this._oDateRange.setStartDate(new Date(oDate.getTime())); } else if (oStartDate && !oDate) { this._oDateRange.setStartDate(undefined); } } this.fireChangeEvent(sValue, {valid: this._bValid}); } }; // overwrite _getInputValue to do the conversion there DatePicker.prototype._getInputValue = function(sValue) { sValue = (typeof sValue == "undefined") ? this._$input.val() : sValue.toString(); var oDate = this._parseValue(sValue, true); sValue = this._formatValue(oDate, true); return sValue; }; // overwrite _getInputValue to do the output conversion DatePicker.prototype.updateDomValue = function(sValue) { if (this.isActive() && (this._$input.val() !== sValue)) { // dom value updated other than value property this._bCheckDomValue = true; sValue = (typeof sValue == "undefined") ? this._$input.val() : sValue.toString(); this._curpos = this._$input.cursorPos(); var oDate = this._parseValue(sValue, true); sValue = this._formatValue(oDate); // update the DOM value when necessary // otherwise cursor can goto end of text unnecessarily this._$input.val(sValue); this._$input.cursorPos(this._curpos); } return this; }; DatePicker.prototype._storeInputSelection = function (oInput) { if ((Device.browser.msie || Device.browser.edge) && !Device.support.touch) { //For IE & Edge, any selection of the underlying input must be removed before opening the picker popup, //otherwise the input will receive focus via TAB during the picker is opened. The selection is restored back //when the popup is closed this._oInputSelBeforePopupOpen = { iStart: oInput.selectionStart, iEnd: oInput.selectionEnd }; oInput.selectionStart = 0; oInput.selectionEnd = 0; } }; DatePicker.prototype._restoreInputSelection = function (oInput) { if ((Device.browser.msie || Device.browser.edge) && !Device.support.touch) { //The selection is restored back due to issue with IE & Edge. See _handleBeforeOpen oInput.selectionStart = this._oInputSelBeforePopupOpen.iStart; oInput.selectionEnd = this._oInputSelBeforePopupOpen.iEnd; } }; function _open(){ this._createPopup(); this._createPopupContent(); // set displayFormatType as PrimaryCalendarType // not only one because it depends on DataBinding var sCalendarType; var oBinding = this.getBinding("value"); if (oBinding && oBinding.oType && oBinding.oType.oOutputFormat) { sCalendarType = oBinding.oType.oOutputFormat.oFormatOptions.calendarType; } else if (oBinding && oBinding.oType && oBinding.oType.oFormat) { sCalendarType = oBinding.oType.oFormat.oFormatOptions.calendarType; } if (!sCalendarType) { sCalendarType = this.getDisplayFormatType(); } if (sCalendarType) { this._oCalendar.setPrimaryCalendarType(sCalendarType); } var sValue = this._bValid ? this._formatValue(this.getDateValue()) : this.getValue(); if (sValue != this._$input.val()) { this.onChange(); // to check manually typed in text } this._fillDateRange(); this._openPopup(); // Fire navigate event when the calendar popup opens this.fireNavigate({ dateRange: this._getVisibleDatesRange(this._oCalendar) }); } // to be overwritten by DateTimePicker DatePicker.prototype._createPopup = function(){ if (!this._oPopup) { this._oPopup = new Popup(); this._oPopup.setAutoClose(true); this._oPopup.setDurations(0, 0); // no animations this._oPopup.attachOpened(_handleOpened, this); this._oPopup.attachClosed(_handleClosed, this); } }; // to be overwritten by DateTimePicker DatePicker.prototype._openPopup = function(){ if (!this._oPopup) { return; } this._storeInputSelection(this._$input.get(0)); this._oPopup.setAutoCloseAreas([this.getDomRef()]); var eDock = Popup.Dock; var sAt; if (this.getTextAlign() == TextAlign.End) { sAt = eDock.EndBottom + "-4"; // as m.Input has some padding around this._oPopup.open(0, eDock.EndTop, sAt, this, null, "fit", true); }else { sAt = eDock.BeginBottom + "-4"; // as m.Input has some padding around this._oPopup.open(0, eDock.BeginTop, sAt, this, null, "fit", true); } }; /** * Creates a DateRange with the first and the last visible days in the calendar popup. * @param {sap.ui.unified.Calendar} oCalendar the calendar whose DatesRange is wanted * @returns {sap.ui.unified.DateRange} the DateRange of the visible dates * @private */ DatePicker.prototype._getVisibleDatesRange = function (oCalendar) { var aVisibleDays = oCalendar._getVisibleDays(); // Convert to local JavaScript Date return new sap.ui.unified.DateRange({ startDate: aVisibleDays[0].toLocalJSDate(), // First visible date endDate: aVisibleDays[aVisibleDays.length - 1].toLocalJSDate() // Last visible date }); }; // to be overwritten by DateTimePicker DatePicker.prototype._createPopupContent = function(){ if (!this._oCalendar) { if ( !Calendar ) { sap.ui.getCore().loadLibrary("sap.ui.unified"); Calendar = sap.ui.requireSync("sap/ui/unified/Calendar"); } this._oCalendar = new Calendar(this.getId() + "-cal", { intervalSelection: this._bIntervalSelection, minDate: this.getMinDate(), maxDate: this.getMaxDate(), legend: this.getLegend(), startDateChange: function () { this.fireNavigate({ dateRange: this._getVisibleDatesRange(this._oCalendar) }); }.bind(this) }); this._oDateRange = new sap.ui.unified.DateRange(); this._oCalendar.addSelectedDate(this._oDateRange); if (this.$().closest(".sapUiSizeCompact").length > 0) { this._oCalendar.addStyleClass("sapUiSizeCompact"); } if (this._bSecondaryCalendarTypeSet) { this._oCalendar.setSecondaryCalendarType(this.getSecondaryCalendarType()); } if (this._bOnlyCalendar) { this._oCalendar.attachSelect(this._selectDate, this); this._oCalendar.attachCancel(_cancel, this); this._oCalendar.attachEvent("_renderMonth", _resizeCalendar, this); this._oCalendar.setPopupMode(true); this._oCalendar.setParent(this, undefined, true); // don't invalidate DatePicker this._oPopup.setContent(this._oCalendar); } } }; DatePicker.prototype._fillDateRange = function(){ var oDate = this.getDateValue(); if (oDate && oDate.getTime() >= this._oMinDate.getTime() && oDate.getTime() <= this._oMaxDate.getTime()) { this._oCalendar.focusDate(new Date(oDate.getTime())); if (!this._oDateRange.getStartDate() || this._oDateRange.getStartDate().getTime() != oDate.getTime()) { this._oDateRange.setStartDate(new Date(oDate.getTime())); } } else { var oInitialFocusedDateValue = this.getInitialFocusedDateValue(); var oFocusDate = oInitialFocusedDateValue ? oInitialFocusedDateValue : new Date(); var iMaxTimeMillis = this._oMaxDate.getTime(); if (oFocusDate.getTime() < this._oMinDate.getTime() || oFocusDate.getTime() > iMaxTimeMillis) { oFocusDate = this._oMinDate; } this._oCalendar.focusDate(oFocusDate); if (this._oDateRange.getStartDate()) { this._oDateRange.setStartDate(undefined); } } }; /** * @see sap.ui.core.Control#getAccessibilityInfo * @returns {Object} Current accessibility state of the control. * @protected */ DatePicker.prototype.getAccessibilityInfo = function() { var oRenderer = this.getRenderer(); var oInfo = InputBase.prototype.getAccessibilityInfo.apply(this, arguments); var sValue = this.getValue() || ""; if (this._bValid) { var oDate = this.getDateValue(); if (oDate) { sValue = this._formatValue(oDate); } } oInfo.type = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.m").getText("ACC_CTR_TYPE_DATEINPUT"); oInfo.description = [sValue, oRenderer.getLabelledByAnnouncement(this), oRenderer.getDescribedByAnnouncement(this)].join(" ").trim(); return oInfo; }; DatePicker.prototype._selectDate = function(oEvent){ var oDateOld = this.getDateValue(); var oDate = this._getSelectedDate(); var sValue = ""; // do not use this.onChange() because output pattern will change date (e.g. only last 2 number of year -> 1966 -> 2066 ) if (!deepEqual(oDate, oDateOld)) { this.setDateValue(new Date(oDate.getTime())); // compare Dates because value can be the same if only 2 digits for year sValue = this.getValue(); this.fireChangeEvent(sValue, {valid: true}); if (this.getDomRef() && (Device.system.desktop || !Device.support.touch)) { // as control could be destroyed during update binding this._curpos = this._$input.val().length; this._$input.cursorPos(this._curpos); } }else if (!this._bValid){ // wrong input before open calendar sValue = this._formatValue(oDate); if (sValue != this._$input.val()) { this._bValid = true; if (this.getDomRef()) { // as control could be destroyed during update binding this._$input.val(sValue); this._lastValue = sValue; } // we have to format the value with the existing format // before setting it and firing the change event sValue = this._formatValue(oDate, true); this.setProperty("value", sValue, true); // no rerendering this.fireChangeEvent(sValue, {valid: true}); } } else if (Device.system.desktop || !Device.support.touch) { this.focus(); } // close popup and focus input after change event to allow application to reset value state or similar things this._oPopup.close(); }; DatePicker.prototype._getSelectedDate = function(){ var aSelectedDates = this._oCalendar.getSelectedDates(); var oDate; if (aSelectedDates.length > 0) { oDate = aSelectedDates[0].getStartDate(); } return oDate; }; function _cancel(oEvent) { if (this.isOpen()) { this._oPopup.close(); if ((Device.system.desktop || !Device.support.touch)) { this.focus(); } } } function _increaseDate(iNumber, sUnit) { var oOldDate = this.getDateValue(); var iCurpos = this._$input.cursorPos(); if (oOldDate && this.getEditable() && this.getEnabled()) { // use UniversalDate to calculate new date based on used calendar var sCalendarType; var oBinding = this.getBinding("value"); if (oBinding && oBinding.oType && oBinding.oType.oOutputFormat) { sCalendarType = oBinding.oType.oOutputFormat.oFormatOptions.calendarType; } else if (oBinding && oBinding.oType && oBinding.oType.oFormat) { sCalendarType = oBinding.oType.oFormat.oFormatOptions.calendarType; } if (!sCalendarType) { sCalendarType = this.getDisplayFormatType(); } var oDate = UniversalDate.getInstance(new Date(oOldDate.getTime()), sCalendarType); oOldDate = UniversalDate.getInstance(new Date(oOldDate.getTime()), sCalendarType); switch (sUnit) { case "day": oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + iNumber); break; case "month": oDate.setMonth(oDate.getMonth() + iNumber); var iMonth = (oOldDate.getMonth() + iNumber) % 12; if (iMonth < 0) { iMonth = 12 + iMonth; } while (oDate.getMonth() != iMonth) { // day don't exist in this month (e.g. 31th) oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() - 1); } break; case "year": oDate.setFullYear(oDate.getFullYear() + iNumber); while (oDate.getMonth() != oOldDate.getMonth()) { // day don't exist in this month (February 29th) oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() - 1); } break; default: break; } if (oDate.getTime() < this._oMinDate.getTime()) { oDate = new UniversalDate(this._oMinDate.getTime()); }else if (oDate.getTime() > this._oMaxDate.getTime()){ oDate = new UniversalDate(this._oMaxDate.getTime()); } if (!deepEqual(this.getDateValue(), oDate.getJSDate())) { this.setDateValue(new Date(oDate.getTime())); this._curpos = iCurpos; this._$input.cursorPos(this._curpos); var sValue = this.getValue(); this.fireChangeEvent(sValue, {valid: true}); } } } function _handleOpened(oEvent) { this.addStyleClass(InputBase.ICON_PRESSED_CSS_CLASS); this._renderedDays = this._oCalendar.$("-Month0-days").find(".sapUiCalItem").length; this.$("inner").attr("aria-owns", this.getId() + "-cal"); this.$("inner").attr("aria-expanded", true); this.$("cal").attr("aria-labelledby", InvisibleText.getStaticId("sap.m", "DATEPICKER_TYPE")); InstanceManager.addPopoverInstance(this._oPopup); } function _handleClosed(oEvent) { this.removeStyleClass(InputBase.ICON_PRESSED_CSS_CLASS); this.$("inner").attr("aria-expanded", false); this._restoreInputSelection(this._$input.get(0)); InstanceManager.removePopoverInstance(this._oPopup); } function _resizeCalendar(oEvent){ var iDays = oEvent.getParameter("days"); if (iDays > this._renderedDays) { // calendar gets larger, so it could move out of the page -> reposition this._renderedDays = iDays; this._oPopup._applyPosition(this._oPopup._oLastPosition); } } function _checkSpecialDate(oSpecialDate) { var DateTypeRange = sap.ui.require("sap/ui/unified/DateTypeRange"); if (oSpecialDate && !(DateTypeRange && oSpecialDate instanceof DateTypeRange)) { throw new Error(oSpecialDate + "is not valid for aggregation \"specialDates\" of " + this); } } function _invalidateCalendar() { if (this.isOpen()) { // calendar is displayed -> update it immediately this._oCalendar._bDateRangeChanged = true; this._oCalendar.invalidate(); } } /** * Fired when the input operation has finished and the value has changed. * * Note: Fired only when a new date is selected. If you change the month or year from the picker but not * select a new date from the newly selected month/year, the value of the sap.m.DatePicker won't be * updated and no change event will be fired. * * @name sap.m.DatePicker#change * @event * @param {sap.ui.base.Event} oControlEvent * @param {sap.ui.base.EventProvider} oControlEvent.getSource * @param {object} oControlEvent.getParameters * @param {string} oControlEvent.getParameters.value The new value of the sap.m.DatePicker as specified by valueFormat. * @param {boolean} oControlEvent.getParameters.valid Indicator for a valid date. * @public */ /** * Fire event change to attached listeners. * * Expects following event parameters: * * * @param {Map} [mArguments] the arguments to pass along with the event. * @return {sap.m.DatePicker} this to allow method chaining * @protected * @name sap.m.DatePicker#fireChange * @function */ return DatePicker; });