module Katello # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class ContentViewVersion < Katello::Model include Authorization::ContentViewVersion include ForemanTasks::Concerns::ActionSubject include Katello::Concerns::SearchByRepositoryName define_model_callbacks :promote, :only => [:before, :after] audited :associations => [:repositories, :environments] before_destroy :validate_destroyable! belongs_to :content_view, :class_name => "Katello::ContentView", :inverse_of => :content_view_versions has_many :content_view_environments, :class_name => "Katello::ContentViewEnvironment", :dependent => :destroy has_many :environments, :through => :content_view_environments, :class_name => "Katello::KTEnvironment", :inverse_of => :content_view_versions, :after_remove => :remove_environment has_many :history, :class_name => "Katello::ContentViewHistory", :inverse_of => :content_view_version, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :katello_content_view_version_id has_many :triggered_histories, :class_name => "Katello::ContentViewHistory", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :triggered_by, :foreign_key => :triggered_by_id has_many :export_histories, :class_name => "::Katello::ContentViewVersionExportHistory", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :content_view_version, :foreign_key => :content_view_version_id has_many :import_histories, :class_name => "::Katello::ContentViewVersionImportHistory", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :content_view_version, :foreign_key => :content_view_version_id has_many :repositories, :class_name => "::Katello::Repository", :dependent => :destroy has_one :task_status, :class_name => "Katello::TaskStatus", :as => :task_owner, :dependent => :destroy has_many :content_view_components, :class_name => "Katello::ContentViewComponent", :inverse_of => :content_view_version, :dependent => :destroy has_many :composite_content_views, :through => :content_view_components, :source => :composite_content_view has_many :content_view_version_components, :inverse_of => :composite_version, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :composite_version_id, :class_name => "Katello::ContentViewVersionComponent" has_many :components, :through => :content_view_version_components, :source => :component_version, :class_name => "Katello::ContentViewVersion", :inverse_of => :composites has_many :content_view_version_composites, :inverse_of => :component_version, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :component_version_id, :class_name => "Katello::ContentViewVersionComponent" has_many :composites, :through => :content_view_version_composites, :source => :composite_version, :class_name => "Katello::ContentViewVersion", :inverse_of => :components has_many :published_in_composite_content_views, through: :composites, source: :content_view delegate :default, :default?, to: :content_view validates_lengths_from_database validates :minor, :uniqueness => {:scope => [:content_view_id, :major], :message => N_(", must be unique to major and version id version.")} validates :minor, numericality: true scope :default_view, -> { joins(:content_view).where("#{Katello::ContentView.table_name}.default" => true) } scope :non_default_view, -> { joins(:content_view).where("#{Katello::ContentView.table_name}.default" => false) } scope :with_organization_id, ->(organization_id) do joins(:content_view).where("#{Katello::ContentView.table_name}.organization_id" => organization_id) end scope :triggered_by, ->(content_view_version_id) do sql = Katello::ContentViewHistory.where(:triggered_by_id => content_view_version_id).select(:katello_content_view_version_id).to_sql where("#{Katello::ContentViewVersion.table_name}.id in (#{sql})") end scope :with_repositories, ->(repositories) do joins(:repositories).includes(:content_view).merge(repositories).distinct end scoped_search :on => :content_view_id, :only_explicit => true, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER scoped_search :on => :major, :rename => :version, :complete_value => true, :ext_method => :find_by_version serialize :content_counts def self.find_by_version(_key, operator, value) conditions = "" if ['>', '<', '=', '<=', '>=', "<>", "!=", 'IN', 'NOT IN'].include?(operator) && value.to_f >= 0 major, minor = value.split(".") case when /[<>]/ =~ operator minor ||= 0 query = where("major #{operator} :major OR (major = :major AND minor #{operator} :minor)", :major => major, :minor => minor) when minor.nil? query = where("major #{operator} (:major)", :major => major) else query = where("major #{operator} (:major) and minor #{operator} (:minor)", :major => major, :minor => minor) end _, conditions = query.to_sql.split("WHERE") end { :conditions => conditions } end def self.component_of(versions) joins(:content_view_version_composites).where("#{Katello::ContentViewVersionComponent.table_name}.composite_version_id" => versions) end def self.with_library_repo(repo) joins(:repositories).where("#{Katello::Repository.table_name}.library_instance_id" => repo) end def self.for_version(version) major, minor = version.to_s.split('.') minor ||= 0 query = where(:major => major, :minor => minor) query end def to_s name end def ansible_collections AnsibleCollection.in_repositories(archived_repos) end delegate :organization, to: :content_view def active_history { |history| history.task.try(:pending) } end def last_event self.history.order(:created_at).last end def env_promote_date(env) Katello::ContentViewEnvironment.where(:environment_id =>, :content_view_version_id => end def name "#{content_view} #{version}" end def description history.publish.first.try(:notes) end def default_content_view? default? end def latest? content_view.latest_version_id == end def in_composite? composite_content_views.any? end def published_in_composite? content_view_version_composites.any? end def in_environment? environments.any? end def available_releases Katello::RootRepository.where(:id => end def next_incremental_version "#{major}.#{minor + 1}" end def version "#{major}.#{minor}" end def repos(env) self.repositories.in_environment(env) end def archived_repos self.default? ? self.repositories : self.repos(nil) end def non_archive_repos self.repositories.non_archived end def library_repos archived_repos.includes(:library_instance).map(&:library_instance) end def products(env = nil) if env repos(env).map(&:product).uniq(&:id) else end end def repos_ordered_by_product(env) # The repository model has a default scope that orders repositories by name; # however, for content views, it is desirable to order the repositories # based on the name of the product the repository is part of. Repository.send(:with_exclusive_scope) do self.repositories.joins(:product).in_environment(env).order("#{Katello::Product.table_name}.name asc") end end def get_repo_clone(env, repo) lib_id = repo.library_instance_id || self.repos(env).where("#{Katello::Repository.table_name}.library_instance_id" => lib_id) end def self.in_environment(env) joins(:content_view_environments).where("#{Katello::ContentViewEnvironment.table_name}.environment_id" => env) end def removable? if environments.blank? content_view.promotable_or_removable? else content_view.promotable_or_removable? && KTEnvironment.where(:id => environments).any_promotable? end end def deletable?(from_env) ::Host.in_content_view_environment(self.content_view, from_env).empty? || self.content_view.versions.in_environment(from_env).count > 1 end def promotable?(target_envs) target_envs = Array.wrap(target_envs) all_environments = target_envs + environments target_envs.all? do |environment| all_environments.include?(environment.prior) || environments.empty? && environment == organization.library end end def components_needing_errata(errata) component_repos = Repository.where(:content_view_version_id => self.components) library_repos = Repository.where(:id => component_repos.pluck(:library_instance_id)).with_errata(errata) component_repos -= component_repos.with_errata(errata) #find component repos without the errata { |repo| library_repos.include?(repo.library_instance) }.map(&:content_view_version).uniq end def packages Rpm.in_repositories(archived_repos) end def library_packages Rpm.in_repositories(library_repos) end def available_packages # The simple/obvious solution is: # library_packages.where.not(:id => packages) # However, when the list of exclusions is large, the SQL "NOT IN" clause # is extremely inefficient, and it is much better to use a # "LEFT OUTER JOIN" with a subquery. # ActiveRecord .joins() only supports subqueries by supplying raw SQL. We # use .to_sql to avoid hard-coding raw SQL for self.packages, although # .to_sql may also be somewhat brittle. For example, see: # library_packages.joins( "LEFT OUTER JOIN (#{'id').to_sql}) AS exclude_rpms ON " \ ' =' ).where(' IS NULL') end def srpms Katello::Srpm.in_repositories(self.repositories) end def module_streams ModuleStream.in_repositories(archived_repos) end def docker_tags # Don't count tags from non-archived repos; this causes count errors ::Katello::DockerMetaTag.where(:id => RepositoryDockerMetaTag.where(:repository_id => repositories.archived.docker_type).select(:docker_meta_tag_id)) end def debs Katello::Deb.in_repositories(self.repositories.archived) end def library_debs Katello::Deb.in_repositories(library_repos) end def available_debs library_packages.where.not(:id => debs) end def errata(errata_type = nil) errata = Erratum.in_repositories(archived_repos) errata = errata.of_type(errata_type) if errata_type errata end def library_errata Erratum.in_repositories(library_repos) end def available_errata # The simple/obvious solution is: # library_errata.where.not(:id => errata) # However, when the list of exclusions is large, the SQL "NOT IN" clause # is extremely inefficient, and it is much better to use a # "LEFT OUTER JOIN" with a subquery. # ActiveRecord .joins() only supports subqueries by supplying raw SQL. We # use .to_sql to avoid hard-coding raw SQL for self.errata, although # .to_sql may also be somewhat brittle. For example, see: # library_errata.joins( "LEFT OUTER JOIN (#{'id').to_sql}) AS exclude_errata ON " \ ' =' ).where(' IS NULL') end def file_units FileUnit.in_repositories(archived_repos) end def docker_manifests DockerManifest.in_repositories(archived_repos) end def docker_manifest_lists DockerManifestList.in_repositories(archived_repos) end def package_groups PackageGroup.in_repositories(archived_repos) end def update_content_counts! self.content_counts = {} RepositoryTypeManager.indexable_content_types.each do |content_type| if content_type&.model_class::CONTENT_TYPE == DockerTag::CONTENT_TYPE content_counts[DockerTag::CONTENT_TYPE] = docker_tags.count elsif content_type&.model_class::CONTENT_TYPE == GenericContentUnit::CONTENT_TYPE content_counts[content_type.content_type] = content_type&.model_class&.in_repositories(self.repositories.archived)&.where(:content_type => content_type.content_type)&.count else content_counts[content_type&.model_class::CONTENT_TYPE] = content_type&.model_class&.in_repositories(self.repositories.archived)&.count end end save! end def repository_type_counts_map counts = {} Katello::RepositoryTypeManager.enabled_repository_types.keys.each do |repo_type| counts["#{repo_type}_repository_count"] = archived_repos.with_type(repo_type).count end counts end def content_counts_map # if its empty, calculate it on demand update_content_counts! if content_counts.blank? counts = Hash[ { |key, value| ["#{key}_count", value] }] counts.merge("module_stream_count" => counts["modulemd_count"], "package_count" => counts["rpm_count"]) end def check_ready_to_promote!(to_env) fail _("Default content view versions cannot be promoted") if default? content_view.check_composite_action_allowed!(to_env) content_view.check_docker_repository_names!(to_env) end def validate_destroyable!(skip_environment_check = false) unless organization.being_deleted? if !skip_environment_check && in_environment? fail _("Cannot delete version while it is in environments: %s") %",") end if in_composite? fail _("Cannot delete version while it is in use by composite content views: %s") %",") end if published_in_composite? list = do |version| "#{} Version #{version.version}" end fail _("Cannot delete version while it is in use by composite content views: %s") % list.join(",") end end true end def importable_repositories if default? repositories.exportable else archived_repos.exportable end end def before_promote_hooks run_callbacks :sync do logger.debug "custom hook before_promote on #{name} will be executed if defined." true end end def after_promote_hooks run_callbacks :sync do logger.debug "custom hook after_promote on #{name} will be executed if defined." true end end def rabl_path "katello/api/v2/#{self.class.to_s.demodulize.tableize}/show" end private def remove_environment(env) content_view.remove_environment(env) unless content_view.content_view_versions.in_environment(env).count > 1 end def related_resources [self.content_view] end apipie :class, desc: "A class representing #{model_name.human} object" do name 'Content View Version' refs 'ContentViewVersion' sections only: %w[all additional] prop_group :katello_basic_props, Katello::Model, meta: { friendly_name: 'Content View Version' } property :version, String, desc: 'Returns version of this content view' end class Jail < ::Safemode::Jail allow :name, :label, :version end end end