Sets the provisioning level for the requested modules. Changing
the level for one module may require modifying the level of another
module. For example, changing one module to "dedicated" requires
setting all others to "none", or setting one module to "custom"
requires setting all other modules to "custom" or "none". Setting
the level of a module to "none" means that the module is not run.
Note: Beginning with BIG-IP_v11.4.0 if TMOS_MODULE_WAM,
specified, then TMOS_MODULE_AM will be provisioned internally
at the highest provisioning level listed requested or a custom
provisisioning level.
Gets the provisioning level for the requested modules.
Sets the ratios of CPU usage above the minimum levels which are
allocated to the requested modules. This value is only valid for
the "custom" provisioning level.
Gets the ratios of CPU usage above the minimum which are allocated
to the requested modules. This value is only meaningful for the
"custom" provisioning level.
Sets the ratios of disk space above the minimum which are allocated
to the requested modules. This value is only used for the "custom"
provisioning level.
Gets the ratios of disk space above the minimum which are allocated
to the requested modules. This value is only meaningful for the
"custom" provisioning level.
Sets the ratios of system memory above the minimum which are
allocated to the requested modules. This value is only valid for
the "custom" provisioning level.
Gets the ratios of system memory which are allocated to the
requested modules. This value is only meaningful for the "custom"
provisioning level.
Sets the description for a set of modules.
This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose.
Gets the descriptions for a set of modules.
Gets all provisionable modules
Gets all provisioned modules, i.e., all modules which have
resources to run on the system, i.e., whose provisioning level is
not "none".
Gets the version for this interface.
Sets the provisioning level for the requested modules. Changing
the level for one module may require modifying the level of another
module. For example, changing one module to "dedicated" requires
setting all others to "none", or setting one module to "custom"
requires setting all other modules to "custom" or "none". Setting
the level of a module to "none" means that the module is not run.
Note: Beginning with BIG-IP_v11.4.0 if TMOS_MODULE_WAM,
specified, then TMOS_MODULE_AM will be provisioned internally
at the highest provisioning level listed requested or a custom
provisisioning level.
Gets the provisioning level for the requested modules.
Sets the ratios of CPU usage above the minimum levels which are
allocated to the requested modules. This value is only valid for
the "custom" provisioning level.
Gets the ratios of CPU usage above the minimum which are allocated
to the requested modules. This value is only meaningful for the
"custom" provisioning level.
Sets the ratios of disk space above the minimum which are allocated
to the requested modules. This value is only used for the "custom"
provisioning level.
Gets the ratios of disk space above the minimum which are allocated
to the requested modules. This value is only meaningful for the
"custom" provisioning level.
Sets the ratios of system memory above the minimum which are
allocated to the requested modules. This value is only valid for
the "custom" provisioning level.
Gets the ratios of system memory which are allocated to the
requested modules. This value is only meaningful for the "custom"
provisioning level.
Sets the description for a set of modules.
This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose.
Gets the descriptions for a set of modules.
Gets all provisionable modules
Gets all provisioned modules, i.e., all modules which have
resources to run on the system, i.e., whose provisioning level is
not "none".
Gets the version for this interface.
The Provision interface manages the partitioning of system memory, disk
space, and CPU usage among the modules (e.g., LTM, GTM, WOM) licensed
to run on the system. The modules and the "host" system (everything
not dedicated to network traffic processing) are first assigned a
minimal set of resources, based on pre-determined values and the
available system memory. The remaining resources are distributed among
the modules, according to pre-determined rules, which can be modified
by values which can be set via this iControl interface. The
pre-defined module resource allocation handles a wide variety of
circumstances, so this allocation should only need to be changed for
unusual circumstances, such as turning modules on or off and large
network traffic or configurations.