.row .col-xs-4 %ul.breadcrumb %li %a= link_to 'Sequence', webui_sequences_mailings_path %li.active = @sequence.title .col-xs-8 %ul.nav.nav-secondary.pull-right %li = link_to new_webui_sequence_mailing_path(:sequence_id => @sequence) do %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-plus New mailing %li - if @sequence.enabled? %strong.text-success Enabled = link_to toggle_webui_sequence_path do %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-off Disable - else %strong.text-warning Disabled %span.divider = link_to toggle_webui_sequence_path do %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-repeat Enable %li = link_to edit_webui_sequence_path do %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-pencil Edit %li = link_to webui_sequence_path, :method => :delete, :confirm => 'Are you sure?' do %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-trash Delete .row .col-xs-12 %h2.border= @sequence.title .box - unless @sequence.enabled? .alert This sequence %strong will not be delivered because it is disabled. %dl.dl-horizontal %dt Name: %dd= @sequence.name %dt Start: %dd= @sequence.start ? "#{@sequence.start_text} #{Time.zone}" : "none" %dt Start variable: %dd= @sequence.start_var && !@sequence.start_var.empty? ? @sequence.start_var : "none" %dt Autosubscribe: %dd - if @sequence.autosubscribe? %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-ok - else %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-remove %dt Subscription group: %dd - if @sequence.subscription_group = @sequence.subscription_group - else %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-minus %dt Subscription override: %dd - if @sequence.override_subscription? %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-ok - else %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-remove %dt Token action %dd= @sequence.token_action .row .col-xs-12 %h2.border Context .box %dl.dl-horizontal %dt Name: %dd= @sequence.context.name %dt Model name: %dd= @context.model %dt Context attributes: %dd = context_attributes_link(:context => @sequence.context ? @sequence.context.name : "") .row .col-xs-12 %h2.border Entities = form_tag({}, :remote => true, :method => :get, :class => 'smart_listing_controls form-inline pull-right', :data => {:smart_listing => "sequence_entities"}) do .filter.input-append.filter-search = text_field_tag :filter, '', :class => "search", :placeholder => "Type filter here ", :autocomplete => "off" %button.btn.disabled{:type => "submit"} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-search %p List of all %strong= @context.model entities in the scope = smart_listing_for(:sequence_entities) do |smart_listing| = smart_listing.render_list .row .col-xs-12 .row .col-xs-10 %h2.border Mailings .col-xs-2 %ul.nav.nav-secondary.no-margin.pull-right %li = link_to new_webui_sequence_mailing_path(:sequence_id => @sequence) do %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-plus Add mailing .col-xs-12 = smart_listing_for(:sequence_mailings) do |smart_listing| = smart_listing.render_list