#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright 2014 Dan Shultz and contributors. # Multichannel support added in 2015 by Rob Wilson # # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # # In order to use this plugin, you must first configure an incoming webhook # integration in slack. You can create the required webhook by visiting # https://{your team}.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook # # After you configure your webhook, you'll need the webhook URL from the integration. # # Multi-channel support: # # Default channels and compulsory channels can be set in the handler config: # # { "handlers": { # "slack": { # "channels" { # "default": [ "#no-team-alerts" ], # "compulsory": [ "#all-alerts" ], # } # }, # ..., # } # } # # Alerts are always sent to the compulsory channel(s). # # Alerts are sent to default channels if no channels are configured # in the client config or check config. # # If channels are defined on the client, they will override the defaults: # # { "client":{ # "name": "Appserver" # "slack" { # "channels" [ "#appserver-team-alerts" ] # }, # ..., # } # } # # If channels are defined on a check, they will override anything defined on # the client or the defaults: # # { "checks": { # "check_my_db": { # "handlers": [ "default", "slack" ], # "slack" { # "channels" [ "#db-team-alerts" ] # }, # ..., # } # } # } # # Custom Field support added: # # Adding custom_field to handler will add a field to message with that fields content, if that field doesn't exist it will be ignored. # # "slack" { # "channels" [ "#db-team-alerts" ], # "custom_field" [ # "field_name", # "field_name_2" # ] # } # # On your check.json # # { # "checks": { # "check_disk_usage": { # "command": " ~/check-disk-usage.rb -w 90 -c 95", # "field_name": "https://someurl.somewhere", # "field_name_2: "something_you_want_added" require 'sensu-handler' require 'json' require 'erubis' class Slack < Sensu::Handler option :json_config, description: 'Configuration name', short: '-j JSONCONFIG', long: '--json JSONCONFIG', default: 'slack' def payload_template get_setting('payload_template') end def message_template get_setting('template') || get_setting('message_template') end def slack_icon_url get_setting('icon_url') end def slack_icon_emoji get_setting('icon_emoji') end def slack_proxy_addr get_setting('proxy_addr') end def slack_proxy_port get_setting('proxy_port') end def slack_message_prefix get_setting('message_prefix') end def slack_bot_name get_setting('bot_name') end def slack_surround get_setting('surround') end def webhook_urls get_setting('webhook_urls') end def default_channels return get_setting('channels')['default'] rescue return [] end def compulsory_channels return get_setting('channels')['compulsory'] rescue return false end def check_configured_channels return @event['check']['slack']['channels'] rescue return false end def client_configured_channels return @event['client']['slack']['channels'] rescue return false end def custom_field get_setting('custom_field') end def compile_channel_list channels = [] if check_configured_channels channels = check_configured_channels puts "using check configured channels: #{channels.join('.').chomp(',')}" elsif client_configured_channels channels = client_configured_channels puts "using client configured channels: #{channels.join('.').chomp(',')}" else channels = default_channels puts "using check default channels: #{default_channels.join(',').chomp(',')}" end if compulsory_channels channels |= compulsory_channels puts "adding compulsory channels: #{compulsory_channels.join(',').chomp(',')}" end puts "target channels: #{channels.join(',').chomp(',')}" channels end def slack_channels @channels ||= compile_channel_list end def markdown_enabled get_setting('markdown_enabled') || true end def incident_key @event['client']['name'] + '/' + @event['check']['name'] end def get_setting(name) settings[config[:json_config]][name] end def build_notice "#{@event['check']['status'].to_s.rjust(3)} | #{incident_key}: #{@event['check']['output'].strip}" end def handle unless slack_channels.is_a?(Array) puts 'no channels found' return end notice = build_notice slack_channels.each do |channel| if payload_template.nil? notice = @event['notification'] || build_description post_data(notice, channel) else post_data(render_payload_template(channel), channel) end end end def render_payload_template(channel) return unless payload_template && File.readable?(payload_template) template = File.read(payload_template) eruby = Erubis::Eruby.new(template) eruby.result(binding) end def build_description template = if message_template && File.readable?(message_template) File.read(message_template) else '''<%= [ @event["check"]["output"].gsub(\'"\', \'\\"\'), @event["client"]["address"], @event["client"]["subscriptions"].join(",") ].join(" : ") %> ''' end eruby = Erubis::Eruby.new(template) eruby.result(binding) end def post_data(notice, channel) slack_webhook_url = webhook_urls[channel] uri = URI(slack_webhook_url) http = if defined?(slack_proxy_addr).nil? Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) else Net::HTTP::Proxy(slack_proxy_addr, slack_proxy_port).new(uri.host, uri.port) end http.use_ssl = true begin req = Net::HTTP::Post.new("#{uri.path}?#{uri.query}") if payload_template.nil? text = slack_surround ? slack_surround + notice + slack_surround : notice req.body = payload(text, channel).to_json else req.body = notice end puts "request: #{req}" response = http.request(req) puts "response: #{response}" verify_response(response) rescue => error puts "error making http request: #{error}" end end def verify_response(response) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess true else raise response.error! end end def payload(notice, channel) client_fields = [] unless custom_field.nil? custom_field.each do |field| is_short = true unless @event['client'].key?(field) && @event['client'][field].length > 50 field_title = field unless @event['check'][field].nil? client_fields << { title: field_title, value: @event['check'][field], short: is_short } end end { icon_url: slack_icon_url ? slack_icon_url : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sensu/sensu-logo/master/sensu1_flat%20white%20bg_png.png', attachments: [{ title: "#{@event['client']['address']} - #{translate_status}", text: [slack_message_prefix, notice].compact.join(' '), color: color, fields: client_fields }] }.tap do |payload| payload[:channel] = channel payload[:username] = slack_bot_name if slack_bot_name payload[:icon_emoji] = slack_icon_emoji if slack_icon_emoji payload[:attachments][0][:mrkdwn_in] = %w(text) if markdown_enabled end end def color color = { 0 => '#36a64f', 1 => '#FFCC00', 2 => '#FF0000', 3 => '#6600CC' } color.fetch(check_status.to_i) end def check_status @event['check']['status'] end def translate_status status = { 0 => :OK, 1 => :WARNING, 2 => :CRITICAL, 3 => :UNKNOWN } status[check_status.to_i] end end