module ProMotion module ScreenNavigation def open_screen(screen, args = {}) # Apply properties to instance screen = setup_screen_for_open(screen, args) ensure_wrapper_controller_in_place(screen, args) screen.send(:on_load) if screen.respond_to?(:on_load) animated = args[:animated] || true if args[:in_detail] && self.split_screen self.split_screen.detail_screen = screen elsif args[:in_master] && self.split_screen self.split_screen.master_screen = screen elsif args[:close_all] open_root_screen screen elsif args[:modal] present_modal_view_controller screen, animated elsif args[:in_tab] && self.tab_bar present_view_controller_in_tab_bar_controller screen, args[:in_tab] elsif self.navigation_controller push_view_controller screen else open_root_screen screen.pm_main_controller end end alias :open :open_screen def open_root_screen(screen) app_delegate.open_root_screen(screen) end def app_delegate UIApplication.sharedApplication.delegate end def close_screen(args = {}) args ||= {} args[:animated] ||= true if self.is_modal? close_modal_screen args elsif self.navigation_controller close_nav_screen args send_on_return(args) # TODO: this would be better implemented in a callback or view_did_disappear. else PM.logger.warn "Tried to close #{self.to_s}; however, this screen isn't modal or in a nav bar." end end alias :close :close_screen def send_on_return(args = {}) if self.parent_screen && self.parent_screen.respond_to?(:on_return) if args self.parent_screen.send(:on_return, args) else self.parent_screen.send(:on_return) end end end def open_view_controller(screen) PM.logger.deprecated "Use `open_root_screen` instead of the more ambiguous `open_view_controller`." open_root_screen screen end def push_view_controller(vc, nav_controller=nil) unless self.navigation_controller PM.logger.error "You need a nav_bar if you are going to push #{vc.to_s} onto it." end nav_controller ||= self.navigation_controller vc.first_screen = false if vc.respond_to?(:first_screen=) nav_controller.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) end protected def setup_screen_for_open(screen, args={}) # Instantiate screen if given a class screen = if screen.respond_to?(:new) # Set parent, title & modal properties screen.parent_screen = self if screen.respond_to?("parent_screen=") screen.title = args[:title] if args[:title] && screen.respond_to?("title=") screen.modal = args[:modal] if args[:modal] && screen.respond_to?("modal=") # Hide bottom bar? screen.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = args[:hide_tab_bar] == true # Wrap in a PM::NavigationController? screen.add_nav_bar if args[:nav_bar] && screen.respond_to?(:add_nav_bar) # Return modified screen instance screen end def ensure_wrapper_controller_in_place(screen, args={}) unless args[:close_all] || args[:modal] screen.navigation_controller ||= self.navigation_controller if screen.respond_to?("navigation_controller=") screen.tab_bar ||= self.tab_bar if screen.respond_to?("tab_bar=") end end def present_modal_view_controller(screen, animated) self.presentModalViewController(screen.pm_main_controller, animated:animated) end def present_view_controller_in_tab_bar_controller(screen, tab_name) vc = open_tab tab_name if vc if vc.is_a?(UINavigationController) screen.navigation_controller = vc if screen.respond_to?("navigation_controller=") push_view_controller(screen, vc) else # TODO: This should probably open the vc, shouldn't it? # This isn't well tested and needs to work better. self.tab_bar.selectedIndex = vc.tabBarItem.tag end else PM.logger.error "No tab bar item '#{tab_name}'" end end def close_modal_screen(args={}) args[:animated] ||= true self.parent_screen.dismissViewControllerAnimated(args[:animated], completion: lambda { send_on_return(args) }) end def close_nav_screen(args={}) args[:animated] ||= true if args[:to_screen] && args[:to_screen].is_a?(UIViewController) self.parent_screen = args[:to_screen] self.navigation_controller.popToViewController(args[:to_screen], animated: args[:animated]) else self.navigation_controller.popViewControllerAnimated(args[:animated]) end end end end