# ============================ # ============================ ARRAYS # ============================ describe "array! :include?" do it "returns true if array contains element." do BOX.array!([:a]).include?(:a) .should.be == true end it "returns false if array does not contain element" do BOX.array!([:a]).include?(:b) .should.be == false end end # === describe Ask :includes describe "array! :exclude?" do it "returns true if array excludes element." do BOX.array!([:a]).exclude?(:b) .should.be == true end it "returns false if array does contains element" do BOX.array!([:a]).exclude?(:a) .should.be == false end end # === describe Ask :exclude describe "array! symbols?" do it 'returns true if all elements are symbols' do BOX.array!([:a, :b]).symbols? .should.be == true end end # === describe array! symbols? # # describe "Ask :excludes" do # # behaves_like 'Ask' # # it "returns true if string excludes a Regexp matcher" do # Checked::Ask.new(" :a ") { |a| # a.< :excludes?, / :b / # }.true?.should.be == true # end # # it 'returns false if string includes a Regexp matcher' do # Checked::Ask.new(" :a ") { |a| # a.< :excludes?, / :a / # }.true?.should.be == false # end # # end # === describe Ask :excludes # ============================ # ============================ STRINGS # ============================ describe "string! :include?" do it "returns true if string contains regexp." do BOX.string!(": a").include?(/: a/) .should.be == true end it "returns false if string does not element" do BOX.string!(" :a ").include?(/ :b /) .should.be == false end end # === describe Ask :includes describe "string! :exclude?" do it "returns true if string excludes regexp." do BOX.string!(": a").exclude?(/: b/) .should.be == true end it "returns false if string does not excludes element" do BOX.string!(" :a ").exclude?(/ :a /) .should.be == false end end # === describe Ask :excludes describe "ask empty?" do it "returns true if string is :empty? after applying :strip" do BOX.string!(" \n ").empty?.should.be === true end it "returns false if string is not :empty? after applying :strip" do BOX.string!(" n ").empty?.should.be === false end end # === describe Ask Strings # ============================ # ============================ VARS # ============================ describe "var! :respond_to?" do it 'returns true if it responds to methods' do BOX.var!( [] ).respond_to?(:[], :to_s, :pop) .should == true end it 'returns false if it does not to at least one method' do BOX.var!( [] ).respond_to?(:[], :to_s, :keys) .should == false end it 'returns false if arg list is empty' do BOX.var!( [] ).respond_to? .should == false end end # === describe var! :respond_to?