module Zypper module Onlinesearch class ::String def black; "\033[30m#{self}\033[0m" end def red; "\033[31m#{self}\033[0m" end def green; "\033[32m#{self}\033[0m" end def yellow; "\033[33m#{self}\033[0m" end def blue; "\033[34m#{self}\033[0m" end def magenta; "\033[35m#{self}\033[0m" end def cyan; "\033[36m#{self}\033[0m" end def gray; "\033[37m#{self}\033[0m" end def bg_black; "\033[40m#{self}\0330m" end def bg_red; "\033[41m#{self}\033[0m" end def bg_green; "\033[42m#{self}\033[0m" end def bg_brown; "\033[43m#{self}\033[0m" end def bg_blue; "\033[44m#{self}\033[0m" end def bg_magenta; "\033[45m#{self}\033[0m" end def bg_cyan; "\033[46m#{self}\033[0m" end def bg_gray; "\033[47m#{self}\033[0m" end def bold; "\033[1m#{self}\033[22m" end def reverse_color; "\033[7m#{self}\033[27m" end def cr; "\r#{self}" end def clean; "\e[K#{self}" end def new_line; "\n#{self}" end def none; self end end class ::Float def to_human conv = { 1024=>'B', 1024*1024=>'KB', 1024*1024*1024=>'MB', 1024*1024*1024*1024=>'GB', 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024=>'TB', 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024=>'PB', 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024=>'EB' } conv.keys.sort.each { |mult| next if self >= mult suffix=conv[mult] return "%.2f %s" % [ self / (mult / 1024), suffix ] } end end class ::Array def max_column(field) self.max_by { |x| x[field].to_s.length }[field].to_s.length end end class ::StandardError def error_code 1 end end class Messages def self.error(e) if e.class == String puts ' [E] ' + e else STDERR.puts 'Error! ' + e.message end end end class QueryStringTooShort < StandardError def initialize(query) super "The query string '#{query}' is too short, be sure to use more than 3 characters." end def error_code 2 end end class TooManyRedirections < StandardError def initialize(url) super "#{url} generates too many redirections!" end end class InvalidEngine < StandardError def initialize(engine) super "#{engine} is not a valid engine!" end def error_code 4 end end class MissingItemNumber < StandardError def initialize super 'No item number has been provided!' end end class EmptyCache < StandardError def initialize super 'The cache folder is already empty!' end end class NoConnection < StandardError def initialize super 'Internet connection has some trouble' end def error_code 6 end end class Interruption < StandardError def initialize super 'Ok ok... Exiting!' end end Signal.trap('INT') { raise Interruption } Signal.trap('TERM') { raise Interruption } end end