class NiftyScaffoldGenerator < Rails::Generator::Base attr_accessor :name, :attributes, :controller_actions def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options = {}) super usage if @args.empty? @name = @args.first @controller_actions = [] @attributes = [] @args[1..-1].each do |arg| if arg == '!' options[:invert] = true elsif arg.include? ':' @attributes <<*arg.split(":")) else @controller_actions << arg @controller_actions << 'create' if arg == 'new' @controller_actions << 'update' if arg == 'edit' end end @controller_actions.uniq! @attributes.uniq! if options[:invert] || @controller_actions.empty? @controller_actions = all_actions - @controller_actions end if @attributes.empty? options[:skip_model] = true # default to skipping model if no attributes passed if model_exists? model_columns_for_attributes.each do |column| @attributes <<, column.type.to_s) end else @attributes <<'name', 'string') end end end def manifest record do |m| unless options[:skip_model] "app/models" m.template "model.rb", "app/models/#{singular_name}.rb" unless options[:skip_migration] m.migration_template "migration.rb", "db/migrate", :migration_file_name => "create_#{plural_name}" end if rspec? "spec/models" m.template "tests/#{test_framework}/model.rb", "spec/models/#{singular_name}_spec.rb" "spec/fixtures" m.template "fixtures.yml", "spec/fixtures/#{plural_name}.yml" else "test/unit" m.template "tests/#{test_framework}/model.rb", "test/unit/#{singular_name}_test.rb" "test/fixtures" m.template "fixtures.yml", "test/fixtures/#{plural_name}.yml" end end unless options[:skip_controller] "app/controllers" m.template "controller.rb", "app/controllers/#{plural_name}_controller.rb" "app/helpers" m.template "helper.rb", "app/helpers/#{plural_name}_helper.rb" "app/views/#{plural_name}" controller_actions.each do |action| if File.exist? source_path("views/#{view_language}/#{action}.html.#{view_language}") m.template "views/#{view_language}/#{action}.html.#{view_language}", "app/views/#{plural_name}/#{action}.html.#{view_language}" end end if form_partial? m.template "views/#{view_language}/_form.html.#{view_language}", "app/views/#{plural_name}/_form.html.#{view_language}" end m.template "views/#{view_language}/_items.html.#{view_language}", "app/views/#{plural_name}/_#{plural_name}.html.#{view_language}" m.template "views/#{view_language}/_item.html.#{view_language}", "app/views/#{plural_name}/_#{singular_name}.html.#{view_language}" m.route_resources plural_name if rspec? "spec/controllers" m.template "tests/#{test_framework}/controller.rb", "spec/controllers/#{plural_name}_controller_spec.rb" else "test/functional" m.template "tests/#{test_framework}/controller.rb", "test/functional/#{plural_name}_controller_test.rb" end end end end def form_partial? actions? :new, :edit end def all_actions %w[index show new create edit update destroy] end def action?(name) controller_actions.include? name.to_s end def actions?(*names) names.all? { |n| action? n.to_s } end def singular_name name.underscore end def plural_name name.underscore.pluralize end def class_name name.camelize end def plural_class_name plural_name.camelize end def controller_methods(dir_name) do |action| read_template("#{dir_name}/#{action}.rb") end.join(" \n").strip end def render_form if form_partial? if options[:haml] "= render :partial => 'form'" else "<%= render :partial => 'form' %>" end else read_template("views/#{view_language}/_form.html.#{view_language}") end end def item_path(suffix = 'path') if action? :show "@#{singular_name}" else "#{plural_name}_#{suffix}" end end def item_path_for_spec(suffix = 'path') if action? :show "#{singular_name}_#{suffix}(assigns[:#{singular_name}])" else "#{plural_name}_#{suffix}" end end def item_path_for_test(suffix = 'path') if action? :show "#{singular_name}_#{suffix}(assigns(:#{singular_name}))" else "#{plural_name}_#{suffix}" end end def model_columns_for_attributes class_name.constantize.columns.reject do |column| =~ /^(id|created_at|updated_at)$/ end end def rspec? test_framework == :rspec end protected def view_language options[:haml] ? 'haml' : 'erb' end def test_framework options[:test_framework] ||= default_test_framework end def default_test_framework File.exist?(destination_path("spec")) ? :rspec : :testunit end def add_options!(opt) opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Options:' opt.on("--skip-model", "Don't generate a model or migration file.") { |v| options[:skip_model] = v } opt.on("--skip-migration", "Don't generate migration file for model.") { |v| options[:skip_migration] = v } opt.on("--skip-timestamps", "Don't add timestamps to migration file.") { |v| options[:skip_timestamps] = v } opt.on("--skip-controller", "Don't generate controller, helper, or views.") { |v| options[:skip_controller] = v } opt.on("--invert", "Generate all controller actions except these mentioned.") { |v| options[:invert] = v } opt.on("--haml", "Generate HAML views instead of ERB.") { |v| options[:haml] = v } opt.on("--testunit", "Use test/unit for test files.") { options[:test_framework] = :testunit } opt.on("--rspec", "Use RSpec for test files.") { options[:test_framework] = :rspec } opt.on("--shoulda", "Use Shoulda for test files.") { options[:test_framework] = :shoulda } end # is there a better way to do this? Perhaps with const_defined? def model_exists? File.exist? destination_path("app/models/#{singular_name}.rb") end def read_template(relative_path), nil, '-').result(binding) end def banner <<-EOS Creates a controller and optional model given the name, actions, and attributes. USAGE: #{$0} #{} ModelName [controller_actions and model:attributes] [options] EOS end end