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new axs.utils.Color(a, c, b, 1) } return(b = a.match(/^rgba\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+), (\d+(\.\d+)?)\)/)) ? (d = parseInt(b[4], 10), a = parseInt(b[1], 10), c = parseInt(b[2], 10), b = parseInt(b[3], 10), new axs.utils.Color(a, c, b, d)) : null }; axs.utils.colorToString = function(a) { return"rgba(" + [,,, a.alpha].join() + ")" }; axs.utils.flattenColors = function(a, b) { var c = a.alpha; return new axs.utils.Color((1 - c) * + c *, (1 - c) * + c *, (1 - c) * + c *, 1) }; axs.utils.calculateLuminance = function(a) { var b = / 255, c = / 255; a = / 255; b = 0.03928 >= b ? b / 12.92 : Math.pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); c = 0.03928 >= c ? c / 12.92 : Math.pow((c + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); a = 0.03928 >= a ? a / 12.92 : Math.pow((a + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); return 0.2126 * b + 0.7152 * c + 0.0722 * a }; axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElement = function(a) { var b = window.getComputedStyle(a, null); return axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElementWithComputedStyle(b, a) }; axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElementWithComputedStyle = function(a, b) { if(!axs.utils.elementIsVisible(b)) { return null } var c = axs.utils.getBgColor(a, b); if(!c) { return null } var d = axs.utils.getFgColor(a, c); return!d ? null : axs.utils.calculateContrastRatio(d, c) }; axs.utils.isNativeTextElement = function(a) { var b = a.tagName.toLowerCase(); a = a.type ? a.type.toLowerCase() : ""; if("textarea" == b) { return!0 } if("input" != b) { return!1 } switch(a) { case "email": ; case "number": ; case "password": ; case "search": ; case "text": ; case "tel": ; case "url": ; case "": return!0; default: return!1 } }; axs.utils.isLowContrast = function(a, b) { return 3 > a || !axs.utils.isLargeFont(b) && 4.5 > a }; axs.utils.hasLabel = function(a) { var b = a.tagName.toLowerCase(), c = a.type ? a.type.toLowerCase() : ""; if(a.hasAttribute("aria-label") || a.hasAttribute("title") || "img" == b && a.hasAttribute("alt") || "input" == b && "image" == c && a.hasAttribute("alt") || "input" == b && ("submit" == c || "reset" == c) || a.hasAttribute("aria-labelledby") || axs.utils.isNativeTextElement(a) && a.hasAttribute("placeholder") || a.hasAttribute("id") && 0 < document.querySelectorAll("label[for=" + + "]").length) { return!0 } for(b = a.parentElement;b;) { if("label" == b.tagName.toLowerCase() && b.control == a) { return!0 } b = b.parentElement } return!1 }; axs.utils.isElementHidden = function(a) { if(!(a instanceof HTMLElement)) { return!1 } if(a.hasAttribute("chromevoxignoreariahidden")) { var b = !0 } var c = window.getComputedStyle(a, null); return"none" == c.display || "hidden" == c.visibility ? !0 : a.hasAttribute("aria-hidden") && "true" == a.getAttribute("aria-hidden").toLowerCase() ? !b : !1 }; axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden = function(a) { return axs.utils.isElementHidden(a) ? !0 : a.parentElement ? axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a.parentElement) : !1 }; axs.utils.getRole = function(a) { if(!a.hasAttribute("role")) { return!1 } a = a.getAttribute("role"); return axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[a] ? {name:a, details:axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[a], valid:!0} : {name:a, valid:!1} }; axs.utils.getAriaPropertyValue = function(a, b, c) { var d = a.replace(/^aria-/, ""), e = axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES[d], d = {name:a, rawValue:b}; if(!e) { return d.valid = !1, d.reason = '"' + a + '" is not a valid ARIA property', d } e = e.valueType; if(!e) { return d.valid = !1, d.reason = '"' + a + '" is not a valid ARIA property', d } switch(e) { case "idref": a = axs.utils.isValidIDRefValue(b, c), d.valid = a.valid, d.reason = a.reason, d.idref = a.idref; case "idref_list": a = b.split(/\s+/); d.valid = !0; for(b = 0;b < a.length;b++) { e = axs.utils.isValidIDRefValue(a[b], c), e.valid || (d.valid = !1), d.values ? d.values.push(e) : d.values = [e] } return d; case "integer": c = axs.utils.isValidNumber(b); if(!c.valid) { return d.valid = !1, d.reason = c.reason, d } Math.floor(c.value) != c.value ? (d.valid = !1, d.reason = "" + b + " is not a whole integer") : (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value); return d; case "number": c = axs.utils.isValidNumber(b), c.valid && (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value); case "string": return d.valid = !0, d.value = b, d; case "token": return c = axs.utils.isValidTokenValue(a, b.toLowerCase()), c.valid ? (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value) : (d.valid = !1, d.value = b, d.reason = c.reason), d; case "token_list": e = b.split(/\s+/); d.valid = !0; for(b = 0;b < e.length;b++) { c = axs.utils.isValidTokenValue(a, e[b].toLowerCase()), c.valid || (d.valid = !1, d.reason ? (d.reason = [d.reason], d.reason.push(c.reason)) : (d.reason = c.reason, d.possibleValues = c.possibleValues)), d.values ? d.values.push(c.value) : d.values = [c.value] } return d; case "tristate": return c = axs.utils.isPossibleValue(b.toLowerCase(), axs.constants.MIXED_VALUES, a), c.valid ? (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value) : (d.valid = !1, d.value = b, d.reason = c.reason), d; case "boolean": return c = axs.utils.isValidBoolean(b), c.valid ? (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value) : (d.valid = !1, d.value = b, d.reason = c.reason), d } d.valid = !1; d.reason = "Not a valid ARIA property"; return d }; axs.utils.isValidTokenValue = function(a, b) { var c = a.replace(/^aria-/, ""); return axs.utils.isPossibleValue(b, axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES[c].valuesSet, a) }; axs.utils.isPossibleValue = function(a, b, c) { return!b[a] ? {valid:!1, value:a, reason:'"' + a + '" is not a valid value for ' + c, possibleValues:Object.keys(b)} : {valid:!0, value:a} }; axs.utils.isValidBoolean = function(a) { try { var b = JSON.parse(a) }catch(c) { b = "" } return"boolean" != typeof b ? {valid:!1, value:a, reason:'"' + a + '" is not a true/false value'} : {valid:!0, value:b} }; axs.utils.isValidIDRefValue = function(a, b) { return!b.ownerDocument.getElementById(a) ? {valid:!1, idref:a, reason:'No element with ID "' + a + '"'} : {valid:!0, idref:a} }; axs.utils.isValidNumber = function(a) { var b = JSON.parse(a); return"number" != typeof b ? {valid:!1, value:a, reason:'"' + a + '" is not a number'} : {valid:!0, value:b} }; axs.utils.isElementImplicitlyFocusable = function(a) { return a instanceof HTMLAnchorElement || a instanceof HTMLAreaElement ? a.hasAttribute("href") : a instanceof HTMLInputElement || a instanceof HTMLSelectElement || a instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || a instanceof HTMLButtonElement || a instanceof HTMLIFrameElement ? !a.disabled : !1 }; axs.utils.values = function(a) { var b = [], c; for(c in a) { a.hasOwnProperty(c) && "function" != typeof a[c] && b.push(a[c]) } return b }; axs.utils.namedValues = function(a) { var b = {}, c; for(c in a) { a.hasOwnProperty(c) && "function" != typeof a[c] && (b[c] = a[c]) } return b }; axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText = function(a) { if(null == a || "HTML" == a.tagName) { return"html" } if("BODY" == a.tagName) { return"body" } if(a.hasAttribute) { if( { return"#" + } if(a.className) { for(var b = "", c = 0;c < a.classList.length;c++) { b += "." + a.classList[c] } var d = 0; if(a.parentNode) { for(c = 0;c < a.parentNode.children.length;c++) { var e = a.parentNode.children[c]; e.webkitMatchesSelector(b) && d++; if(e === a) { break } } }else { d = 1 } return 1 == d ? axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText(a.parentNode) + " > " + b : axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText(a.parentNode) + " > " + b + ":nth-of-type(" + d + ")" } if(a.parentNode) { b = a.parentNode.children; d = 1; for(c = 0;b[c] !== a;) { b[c].tagName == a.tagName && d++, c++ } c = ""; "BODY" != a.parentNode.tagName && (c = axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText(a.parentNode) + " > "); return 1 == d ? c + a.tagName : c + a.tagName + ":nth-of-type(" + d + ")" } }else { if(a.selectorText) { return a.selectorText } } return"" }; axs.AuditRule = function(a) { for(var b = !0, c = [], d = 0;d < axs.AuditRule.requiredFields.length;d++) { var e = axs.AuditRule.requiredFields[d]; e in a || (b = !1, c.push(e)) } if(!b) { throw"Invalid spec; the following fields were not specified: " + c.join(", ") + "\n" + JSON.stringify(a); } =; this.severity = a.severity; this.relevantNodesSelector_ = a.relevantNodesSelector; this.test_ = a.test; this.code = a.code; this.heading = a.heading || ""; this.url = a.url || ""; this.requiresConsoleAPI = !!a.opt_requiresConsoleAPI }; axs.AuditRule.requiredFields = ["name", "severity", "relevantNodesSelector", "test", "code"]; axs.AuditRule.NOT_APPLICABLE = {result:axs.constants.AuditResult.NA}; axs.AuditRule.prototype.addNode = function(a, b) { a.push(b) }; = function(a, b) { function c(a) { for(var b = 0;b < d.length;b++) { if(a.webkitMatchesSelector(d[b])) { return!0 } } return!1 } var d = a || [], e = this.relevantNodesSelector_(b || document), f = []; if(e instanceof XPathResult) { if(e.resultType == XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE) { if(!e.snapshotLength) { return axs.AuditRule.NOT_APPLICABLE } for(var g = 0;g < e.snapshotLength;g++) { var h = e.snapshotItem(g); this.test_(h) && !c(h) && this.addNode(f, h) } }else { return console.warn("Unknown XPath result type", e), null } }else { if(!e.length) { return{result:axs.constants.AuditResult.NA} } for(g = 0;g < e.length;g++) { h = e[g], this.test_(h) && !c(h) && this.addNode(f, h) } } return{result:f.length ? axs.constants.AuditResult.FAIL : axs.constants.AuditResult.PASS, elements:f} }; axs.AuditRule.specs = {}; axs.AuditRules = {}; axs.AuditRules.getRule = function(a) { if(!axs.AuditRules.rules) { axs.AuditRules.rules = {}; for(var b in axs.AuditRule.specs) { var c = axs.AuditRule.specs[b], d = new axs.AuditRule(c); axs.AuditRules.rules[] = d } } return axs.AuditRules.rules[a] }; axs.AuditResults = function() { this.errors_ = []; this.warnings_ = [] }; axs.AuditResults.prototype.addError = function(a) { "" != a && this.errors_.push(a) }; axs.AuditResults.prototype.addWarning = function(a) { "" != a && this.warnings_.push(a) }; axs.AuditResults.prototype.numErrors = function() { return this.errors_.length }; axs.AuditResults.prototype.numWarnings = function() { return this.warnings_.length }; axs.AuditResults.prototype.getErrors = function() { return this.errors_ }; axs.AuditResults.prototype.getWarnings = function() { return this.warnings_ }; axs.AuditResults.prototype.toString = function() { for(var a = "", b = 0;b < this.errors_.length;b++) { 0 == b && (a += "\nErrors:\n"); var c = this.errors_[b], a = a + (c + "\n\n") } for(b = 0;b < this.warnings_.length;b++) { 0 == b && (a += "\nWarnings:\n"), c = this.warnings_[b], a += c + "\n\n" } return a }; axs.Audit = {}; axs.AuditConfiguration = function() { this.rules_ = {}; this.auditRulesToIgnore = this.auditRulesToRun = this.scope = null; this.withConsoleApi = !1 }; axs.AuditConfiguration.prototype = {ignoreSelectors:function(a, b) { a in this.rules_ || (this.rules_[a] = {}); "ignore" in this.rules_[a] || (this.rules_[a].ignore = []);[a].ignore, b) }, getIgnoreSelectors:function(a) { return a in this.rules_ && "ignore" in this.rules_[a] ? this.rules_[a].ignore : [] }}; = function(a) { a = a || new axs.AuditConfiguration; var b = a.withConsoleApi, c = [], d; d = a.auditRulesToRun && 0 < a.auditRulesToRun.length ? a.auditRulesToRun : Object.keys(axs.AuditRule.specs); if(a.auditRulesToIgnore) { for(var e = 0;e < a.auditRulesToIgnore.length;e++) { var f = a.auditRulesToIgnore[e]; 0 > d.indexOf(f) || d.splice(d.indexOf(f), 1) } } for(e = 0;e < d.length;e++) { if((f = axs.AuditRules.getRule(d[e])) && !f.disabled && (b || !f.requiresConsoleAPI)) { var g = [], h = a.getIgnoreSelectors(; (0 < h.length || a.scope) && g.push(h); a.scope && g.push(a.scope); g =, g); g.rule = axs.utils.namedValues(f); c.push(g) } } return c }; axs.Audit.auditResults = function(a) { for(var b = new axs.AuditResults, c = 0;c < a.length;c++) { var d = a[c]; d.result == axs.constants.AuditResult.FAIL && (d.rule.severity == axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE ? b.addError(axs.Audit.accessibilityErrorMessage(d)) : b.addWarning(axs.Audit.accessibilityErrorMessage(d))) } return b }; axs.Audit.createReport = function(a, b) { var c; c = "*** Begin accessibility audit results ***\nAn accessibility audit found " + axs.Audit.auditResults(a).toString(); b && (c += "\nFor more information, please see ", c += b); return c += "\n*** End accessibility audit results ***" }; axs.Audit.accessibilityErrorMessage = function(a) { for(var b = a.rule.severity == axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE ? "Error: " : "Warning: ", b = b + (a.rule.code + " (" + a.rule.heading + ") failed on the following " + (1 == a.elements.length ? "element" : "elements")), b = 1 == a.elements.length ? b + ":" : b + (" (1 - " + Math.min(5, a.elements.length) + " of " + a.elements.length + "):"), c = Math.min(a.elements.length, 5), d = 0;d < c;d++) { var e = a.elements[d], b = b + "\n"; try { b += axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText(e) }catch(f) { b += " tagName:" + e.tagName, b += " id:" + } } "" != a.rule.url && (b += "\nSee " + a.rule.url + " for more information."); return b }; axs.AuditRule.specs.audioWithoutControls = {name:"audioWithoutControls", heading:"Audio elements should have controls", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a.querySelectorAll("audio[autoplay]") }, test:function(a) { return!a.querySelectorAll("[controls]").length && 3 < a.duration }, code:"AX_AUDIO_01"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.badAriaAttributeValue = {name:"badAriaAttributeValue", heading:"ARIA state and property values must be valid", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { var b = "", c; for(c in axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES) { b += "[aria-" + c + "]," } b = b.substring(0, b.length - 1); return a.querySelectorAll(b) }, test:function(a) { for(var b in axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES) { var c = "aria-" + b; if(a.hasAttribute(c)) { var d = a.getAttribute(c); if(!axs.utils.getAriaPropertyValue(c, d, a).valid) { return!0 } } } return!1 }, code:"AX_ARIA_04"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.badAriaRole = {name:"badAriaRole", heading:"Elements with ARIA roles must use a valid, non-abstract ARIA role", url:",_non-abstr", severity:axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a.querySelectorAll("[role]") }, test:function(a) { return!axs.utils.getRole(a).valid }, code:"AX_ARIA_01"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.controlsWithoutLabel = {name:"controlsWithoutLabel", heading:"Controls and media elements should have labels", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a.querySelectorAll('input:not([type="hidden"]):not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), video:not([disabled])') }, test:function(a) { return axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a) || "button" == a.tagName.toLowerCase() && a.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length ? !1 : !axs.utils.hasLabel(a) ? !0 : !1 }, code:"AX_TEXT_01", ruleName:"Controls and media elements should have labels"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.focusableElementNotVisibleAndNotAriaHidden = {name:"focusableElementNotVisibleAndNotAriaHidden", heading:"These elements are focusable but either invisible or obscured by another element", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a.querySelectorAll(axs.utils.FOCUSABLE_ELEMENTS_SELECTOR) }, test:function(a) { return axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a) ? !1 : !axs.utils.elementIsVisible(a) }, code:"AX_FOCUS_01"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.imagesWithoutAltText = {name:"imagesWithoutAltText", heading:"Images should have an alt attribute", url:",_unless_they_hav", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { a = a.querySelectorAll("img"); for(var b = [], c = 0;c < a.length;c++) { var d = a[c]; axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(d) || b.push(d) } return b }, test:function(a) { return!a.hasAttribute("alt") && "presentation" != a.getAttribute("role") }, code:"AX_TEXT_02"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.linkWithUnclearPurpose = {name:"linkWithUnclearPurpose", heading:"The purpose of each link should be clear from the link text", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a.querySelectorAll("a") }, test:function(a) { return/^\s*click\s*here\s*[^a-z]?$/i.test(a.textContent) }, code:"AX_TITLE_01"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.lowContrastElements = {name:"lowContrastElements", heading:"Text elements should have a reasonable contrast ratio", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return document.evaluate('/html/body//text()[normalize-space(.)!=""]/parent::*[name()!="script"]', a, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) }, test:function(a) { var b = window.getComputedStyle(a, null); return(a = axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElementWithComputedStyle(b, a)) && axs.utils.isLowContrast(a, b) }, code:"AX_COLOR_01"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.nonExistentAriaLabelledbyElement = {name:"nonExistentAriaLabelledbyElement", heading:"aria-labelledby attributes should refer to an element which exists in the DOM", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a.querySelectorAll("[aria-labelledby]") }, test:function(a) { a = a.getAttribute("aria-labelledby").split(/\s+/); for(var b = 0;b < a.length;b++) { if(!document.getElementById(a[b])) { return!0 } } return!1 }, code:"AX_ARIA_02"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.pageWithoutTitle = {name:"pageWithoutTitle", heading:"Web pages have titles that describe topic or purpose", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a }, test:function(a) { a = a.querySelector("head"); if(!a) { return!0 } a = a.querySelector("title"); return!a.length || !a[0].textContent }, code:"AX_TITLE_01"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.requiredAriaAttributeMissing = {name:"requiredAriaAttributeMissing", heading:"Elements with ARIA roles must have all required attributes for that role", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a.querySelectorAll("[role]") }, test:function(a) { var b = axs.utils.getRole(a); if(!b.valid) { return!1 } var b = b.details.requiredPropertiesSet, c; for(c in b) { b = c.replace(/^aria-/, ""); if("defaultValue" in axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES[b]) { return!1 } if(!a.hasAttribute(c)) { return!0 } } }, code:"AX_ARIA_03"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.unfocusableElementsWithOnClick = {name:"unfocusableElementsWithOnClick", heading:"Elements with onclick handlers must be focusable", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, opt_requiresConsoleAPI:!0, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { a = a.querySelectorAll("*"); for(var b = [], c = 0;c < a.length;c++) { var d = a[c]; d instanceof HTMLBodyElement || axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(d) || "click" in getEventListeners(d) && b.push(d) } return b }, test:function(a) { return!a.hasAttribute("tabindex") && !axs.utils.isElementImplicitlyFocusable(a) }, code:"AX_FOCUS_02"}; axs.AuditRule.specs.videoWithoutCaptions = {name:"videoWithoutCaptions", heading:"Video elements should use elements to provide captions", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantNodesSelector:function(a) { return a.querySelectorAll("video") }, test:function(a) { return!a.querySelectorAll("track[kind=captions]").length }, code:"AX_VIDEO_01"};