module FixUpdateCounters def fix_updated_counters self.changes.each {|key, value| # key should match /master_files_id/ or /bibls_id/ # value should be an array ['old value', 'new value'] if key =~ /_id/ changed_class = key.sub(/_id/, '') # Get real class of changed attribute, so work both with namespaced/normal models klass = self.association(changed_class.to_sym).klass # Try to get counter cache from association options begin counter_name = self.association(changed_class.to_sym).options[:counter_cache] rescue # Namespaced model return a slash, split it. unless (counter_name = "#{"/")[1]}_count".to_sym) counter_name = "#{}_count".to_sym end end klass.decrement_counter(counter_name, value[0]) unless value[0] == nil klass.increment_counter(counter_name, value[1]) unless value[1] == nil end } end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, FixUpdateCounters) class Ecm::Downloads::Download < ActiveRecord::Base # db settings self.table_name = 'ecm_downloads_downloads' # acts as list acts_as_list :scope => :ecm_downloads_download_category # associations belongs_to :ecm_downloads_download_category, :class_name => Ecm::Downloads::DownloadCategory, :counter_cache => :ecm_downloads_downloads_count # attibutes attr_accessible :asset, :description, :ecm_downloads_download_category_id, :locale, :name # callbacks after_update :fix_updated_counters before_update :fix_updated_position, :if => { |d| !position.blank? && d.ecm_downloads_download_category_id_changed? } # friendly id extend FriendlyId friendly_id :name, :use => :slugged # paperclip has_attached_file :asset # validations validates :ecm_downloads_download_category, :presence => true validates :locale, :inclusion => { :in => }, :unless => { |c| c.locale.blank? } validates :name, :presence => true validates_attachment_presence :asset # public methods # def heading_name # locale_prefix = (locale.blank?) ? "" : "[#{locale}] " # "#{locale_prefix}#{name}" # end def to_s name end # private methods private def fix_updated_position Rails.logger.debug "Fixing positions for #{self.to_s} (Moving to last)" add_to_list_bottom end end