module ReactiveRecord class Collection def initialize(target_klass, owner = nil, association = nil, *vector) @owner = owner # can be nil if this is an outer most scope @association = association @target_klass = target_klass if owner and ! and vector.length <= 1 @collection = [] elsif vector.length > 0 @vector = vector elsif owner @vector = owner.backing_record.vector + [association.attribute] else @vector = [target_klass] end @scopes = {} end def dup_for_sync self.dup.instance_eval do @collection = @collection.dup if @collection @scopes = @scopes.dup self end end def all observed @dummy_collection.notify if @dummy_collection unless @collection @collection = [] if ids = ReactiveRecord::Base.fetch_from_db([*@vector, "*all"]) ids.each do |id| @collection << @target_klass.find_by(@target_klass.primary_key => id) end else @dummy_collection = ReactiveRecord::Base.load_from_db(nil, *@vector, "*all") @dummy_record = self[0] end end @collection end def [](index) observed if (@collection || all).length <= index and @dummy_collection (@collection.length..index).each do |i| new_dummy_record = ReactiveRecord::Base.new_from_vector(@target_klass, nil, *@vector, "*#{i}") new_dummy_record.backing_record.attributes[@association.inverse_of] = @owner if @association and @association.inverse_of @collection << new_dummy_record end end @collection[index] end def ==(other_collection) observed return !@collection unless other_collection.is_a? Collection other_collection.observed my_collection = (@collection || []).select { |target| target != @dummy_record } other_collection = (other_collection ? (other_collection.collection || []) : []).select { |target| target != other_collection.dummy_record } my_collection == other_collection end def apply_scope(scope, *args) # The value returned is another ReactiveRecordCollection with the scope added to the vector # no additional action is taken scope = [scope, *args] if args.count > 0 @scopes[scope] ||=, @owner, @association, *@vector, [scope]) end def count observed if @collection @collection.count elsif @count ||= ReactiveRecord::Base.fetch_from_db([*@vector, "*count"]) @count else ReactiveRecord::Base.load_from_db(nil, *@vector, "*count") @count = 1 end end alias_method :length, :count def proxy_association @association || self # returning self allows this to work with things like Model.all end def klass @target_klass end def <<(item) return delete(item) if item.destroyed? # pushing a destroyed item is the same as removing it backing_record = item.backing_record all << item unless all.include? item # does this use == if so we are okay... if backing_record and @owner and @association and inverse_of = @association.inverse_of and item.attributes[inverse_of] != @owner current_association = item.attributes[inverse_of] = false unless backing_record.data_loading? backing_record.update_attribute(inverse_of, @owner) current_association.attributes[@association.attribute].delete(item) if current_association and current_association.attributes[@association.attribute] @owner.backing_record.update_attribute(@association.attribute) # forces a check if association contents have changed from synced values end if and @dummy_record = @collection.delete(@dummy_record) @dummy_record = @collection.detect { |r| r.backing_record.vector.last =~ /^\*[0-9]+$/ } @dummy_collection = nil end notify_of_change self end [:first, :last].each do |method| define_method method do |*args| if args.count == 0 all.send(method) else apply_scope(method, *args) end end end def replace(new_array) # not tested if you do all[n] where n > 0... this will create additional dummy items, that this will not sync up. # probably just moving things around so the @dummy_collection and @dummy_record are updated AFTER the new items are pushed # should work. if @dummy_collection @dummy_collection.notify array = new_array.is_a?(Collection) ? new_array.collection : new_array @collection.each_with_index do |r, i| = new_array[i].id if array[i] and array[i].id and r.backing_record.vector.last =~ /^\*[0-9]+$/ end end @collection.dup.each { |item| delete(item) } if @collection # this line is a big nop I think @collection = [] if new_array.is_a? Collection @dummy_collection = new_array.dummy_collection @dummy_record = new_array.dummy_record new_array.collection.each { |item| self << item } if new_array.collection else @dummy_collection = @dummy_record = nil new_array.each { |item| self << item } end notify_of_change new_array end def delete(item) notify_of_change(if @owner and @association and inverse_of = @association.inverse_of if backing_record = item.backing_record and backing_record.attributes[inverse_of] == @owner # the if prevents double update if delete is being called from << (see << above) backing_record.update_attribute(inverse_of, nil) end all.delete(item).tap { @owner.backing_record.update_attribute(@association.attribute) } # forces a check if association contents have changed from synced values else all.delete(item) end) end def loading? all # need to force initialization at this point @dummy_collection.loading? end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if [].respond_to? method all.send(method, *args, &block) elsif @target_klass.respond_to?(method) or (args.count == 1 && method =~ /^find_by_/) apply_scope(method, *args) else super end end protected def dummy_record @dummy_record end def collection @collection end def dummy_collection @dummy_collection end def notify_of_change(value = nil) React::State.set_state(self, "collection", collection) unless ReactiveRecord::Base.data_loading? value end def observed React::State.get_state(self, "collection") unless ReactiveRecord::Base.data_loading? end end end