As a content editor type person
In order to manage content
I should be able to manipulate it in various ways (eg. bold, add italics, set headers, colors, etc.)
Given I am on an editable page
And the editor won't prompt when leaving the page
# Scenario: A user can expect all this!
Scenario: A user can set and unset bold content
Given the content of the full region is simple content
And I make a selection
When I click on the bold editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
When I click on the bold editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
Scenario: A user can italicize content
Given the content of the full region is simple content
And I make a selection
When I click on the italicize editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
When I click on the italicize editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
Scenario: A user can overline content
Given the content of the full region is simple content
And I make a selection
When I click on the overline editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
# doesn't remove overlines
Scenario: A user can strikeout content
Given the content of the full region is simple content
And I make a selection
When I click on the strikethrough editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
When I click on the strikethrough editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
Scenario: A user can underline content
Given the content of the full region is simple content
And I make a selection
When I click on the underline editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
When I click on the underline editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
Scenario: A user can make content superscript
Given the content of the full region is simple content
And I make a selection
When I click on the superscript editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
When I click on the superscript editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
Scenario: A user can make content subscript
Given the content of the full region is simple content
And I make a selection
When I click on the subscript editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
When I click on the subscript editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "this is simple content"
Scenario: A user can justify content to the left, center, right, or fully justified
# firefox: this isn't possible on the first line due to a bug in gecko, so we have special content for it
Given the content of the full region has justifiable content
And I make a selection
When I click on the justify left editor button
Then the contents of the full region should be "
this is justifiablecontent" When I click on the indent editor button Then the contents of the full region should be "
" When I click on the outdent editor button Then the contents of the full region should be "this is justifiablecontent
this is justifiablecontent" When I click on the outdent editor button Then the contents of the full region should be "