![Following the Plow](http://img.skitch.com/20091010-jd9m46i9g5u4fyyprkfe36p4q9.gif) Image courtesy of [Mother Earth News](http://www.motherearthnews.com/Modern-Homesteading/1974-05-01/Walking-Plow.aspx) PLOW Release 0.1.0 (October 13th 2009) ====================================== Copyright © 2009 Ryan Sobol. Licensed under the MIT license. Please see the {file:LICENSE} for more information. **Homepage**: [http://github.com/ryansobol/plow](http://github.com/ryansobol/plow) **Documentation**: [http://rdoc.info/projects/ryansobol/plow](http://rdoc.info/projects/ryansobol/plow) **Code Metrics**: [http://devver.net/caliper/project?repo=git%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fryansobol%2Fplow.git](http://devver.net/caliper/project?repo=git%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fryansobol%2Fplow.git) WHAT'S NEW? ----------- **v0.1.0** * Canonical 'plow' namespace reserved on [Gemcutter](http://gemcutter.org/gems/plow) and [Rubyforge](http://rubyforge.org/projects/plow/) I'm currently working at towards assembling a "complete software" package for you. Please stay tuned for the official launch of version 1.0.0. :D Please see {file:HISTORY} for the historical overview of the project. SYNOPSIS -------- Plows the fertile soil of your filesystem into neatly organized plots of web-site templates FEATURES -------- 1. Sharpens it's blade by ensuring that both a Linux system user account and it's home path exist 2. Penetrates the soil by forming the web-site root path within the user home 3. Seeds the web-site with an index page and web server log files 4. Fertilizes the web-site by installing a virtual host configuration into the web server REQUIREMENTS ------------ **Supported operating system + web server combinations** * Linux Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS (Hardy Heron) + Apache 2.2.8 **Required dependencies** * Ruby 1.9.1 **Optional automated specification dependencies** * RSpec 1.2.8 **Optional generated API documentation dependencies** * YARD * BlueCloth 2.0.5 INSTALLING ---------- Plow is distributed though the RubyGems ecosystem. Assuming you've already installed RubyGems, installing Plow is simple: sudo gem install plow LET ME BE CRYSTAL CLEAR. DO NOT INSTALL THIS PACKAGE TO ANY NON-ROOT USER'S GEM REPOSITORY. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. Please see {file:SECURITY} for a detailed explanation of this advisory. Note that Plow is RubyGems **compatible** while also simultaneously **decoupled** from it. Feel free to install Plow manually or use any Ruby package management system of your choice. USAGE ----- Usage: plow USER_NAME SITE_NAME [SITE_ALIAS ...] Arguments: USER_NAME Name of a Linux system account user (e.g. steve) SITE_NAME Name of the web-site (e.g. www.apple.com) SITE_ALIAS (Optional) List of alias names of the web-site (e.g. apple.com) Plow is bundled with two executables named `plow` and `plow1.9`. They are nearly identical, but with the following exception: * `plow` executes using the shell environment's `ruby` binary. (e.g. `#!/usr/bin/env ruby`) * `plow1.9` executes using the shell environment's `ruby1.9` binary. (e.g. `#!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9`) **Note:** If your Ruby 1.9 binary is something other than `ruby1.9` (i.e. like `ruby19`) then you'll need to create a shell alias similar to the following: alias ruby1.9="`which ruby19`" EXAMPLE ------- $ plow steve www.apple.com apple.com ... plow interation ... $ tree /home/steve/sites/ /home/steve/sites/ |-- README `-- www.apple.com |-- log | `-- apache2 | |-- access.log | `-- error.log `-- public `-- index.html 4 directories, 4 files $ ls -hal /home/steve/sites/www.apple.com/log/apache2/ total 196K drwxr-x--- 2 root steve 4.0K Sep 5 03:11 . drwxr-xr-x 3 steve steve 4.0K Sep 5 03:09 .. -rw-r----- 1 root steve 136K Sep 9 11:10 access.log -rw-r----- 1 root steve 48K Sep 9 09:06 error.log MOTIVATION ---------- There exists numerous software products for controlling and/or managing a unix-based operating systems and web servers. So, why did I decide to write yet another? With Plow, I needed to prove to myself that I have the necessary proficiency **to contribute free, open-source, and complete software for the benefit human-kind**. The terms "free" and "open-source" are common enough to be implicitly understood, or at least, [easily googled](http://www.google.com/searchq=free+open-source). But what of the term "complete software"? For me, complete software means four exclusive characteristics: * Usability enhanced through elegant user-interface combined with straight-forward documentation * Stability verified through automated test specifications * Performance demonstrated through benchmarks * Sustainability preserved through both human and computer readable code I have tirelessly worked to achieve a high standard in all four characteristics. As my peer, I am grateful of your input on improving this project in any of these areas. Please see the sections on REPORTING ISSUES and CONTRIBUTING for further information. REPORTING ISSUES ---------------- Is Plow not behaving like you expect it should? Please forgive me! Would you take a moment to shed light on my negligence over at the [Issue Tracker](http://github.com/ryansobol/plow/issues)? Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to help improve Plow. CONTRIBUTING ------------ Is Plow not behaving like you need? Open-source to the rescue! There is a plethora of documentation to bring you up to speed. The API documentation is generated, once the dependencies are met (please see the REQUIREMENTS section), by running the follow: $ rake yardoc Patches are always welcome and appreciated! To contribute your work back to the source, the process is straight-forward: * Fork the project -- may I suggest [Github](http://www.github.com)? * Make your feature addition or bug fix with specifications -- it's important that I don't break your hard work in a future version unintentionally. * Please do not casually alter files in the project root. (e.g. HISTORY, LICENSE, Rakefile, README.markdown, ROAD-MAP, SECURITY, VERSION, etc.) * Commit your changes and publish the change-set. * Send me a pull request. All specs must pass! Take a moment to get a feel for the style of coding, specifications, and in-line documentation. I apologize in advance for setting the standards so high. Please see {file:ROAD-MAP} to learn how to flow with the project.