# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'json' module TencentCloud module Goosefs module V20220519 class Client < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractClient def initialize(credential, region, profile = nil) api_version = '2022-05-19' api_endpoint = 'goosefs.tencentcloudapi.com' sdk_version = 'GOOSEFS_' + File.read(File.expand_path('../VERSION', __dir__)).strip super(credential, region, api_version, api_endpoint, sdk_version, profile) end # 创建数据流通任务,包括从将文件系统的数据上传到存储桶下, 以及从存储桶下载到文件系统里。 # @param request: Request instance for CreateDataRepositoryTask. # @type request: :class:`Tencentcloud::goosefs::V20220519::CreateDataRepositoryTaskRequest` # @rtype: :class:`Tencentcloud::goosefs::V20220519::CreateDataRepositoryTaskResponse` def CreateDataRepositoryTask(request) body = send_request('CreateDataRepositoryTask', request.serialize) response = JSON.parse(body) if response['Response'].key?('Error') == false model = CreateDataRepositoryTaskResponse.new model.deserialize(response['Response']) model else code = response['Response']['Error']['Code'] message = response['Response']['Error']['Message'] reqid = response['Response']['RequestId'] raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(code, message, reqid) end rescue TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException => e raise e rescue StandardError => e raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(nil, e.inspect) end # 获取数据流通任务实时状态,用作客户端控制 # @param request: Request instance for DescribeDataRepositoryTaskStatus. # @type request: :class:`Tencentcloud::goosefs::V20220519::DescribeDataRepositoryTaskStatusRequest` # @rtype: :class:`Tencentcloud::goosefs::V20220519::DescribeDataRepositoryTaskStatusResponse` def DescribeDataRepositoryTaskStatus(request) body = send_request('DescribeDataRepositoryTaskStatus', request.serialize) response = JSON.parse(body) if response['Response'].key?('Error') == false model = DescribeDataRepositoryTaskStatusResponse.new model.deserialize(response['Response']) model else code = response['Response']['Error']['Code'] message = response['Response']['Error']['Message'] reqid = response['Response']['RequestId'] raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(code, message, reqid) end rescue TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException => e raise e rescue StandardError => e raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(nil, e.inspect) end end end end end