require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[example_helper]) describe RunCodeRun do describe "activate" do it "defaults to help if no command" do RunCodeRun::Commands.expects(:help) RunCodeRun.activate([]) end end describe "invoke" do it "calls public method on in commands module" do RunCodeRun::Commands.expects(:open) RunCodeRun.invoke("open") end it "calls public method commands module with args" do RunCodeRun::Commands.expects(:open).with("foo", "baz") RunCodeRun.invoke("open", "foo", "baz") end it "fails fast if public method does not exist" do RunCodeRun.stubs(:ui).returns(stub_everything) lambda { RunCodeRun.invoke("good_day_good_sir") }.should raise_error(SystemExit) #, /The command 'good_day_good_sir' does not exist/) end end describe "guess owner" do it "should grab owner for private repos" do output = "" RunCodeRun.stubs(:run).returns(output) RunCodeRun.guess_owner.should == "relevance" end it "should grab owner for public repos" do output = "git://" RunCodeRun.stubs(:run).returns(output) RunCodeRun.guess_owner.should == "runcoderun" end it "should fail fast when it can't determine owner" do output = "/src/some/local/path" RunCodeRun.stubs(:run).returns(output) lambda { RunCodeRun.guess_owner.should == "runcoderun" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, %r{/src/some/local/path} ) end end end