# Wikipedia API Client [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/wikipedia-client.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/wikipedia-client) [![Build Status](https://github.com/kenpratt/wikipedia-client/workflows/Test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/kenpratt/wikipedia-client/actions?query=workflow%3ATest) Allows you to get wikipedia content through their API. This uses the alpha API, not the deprecated query.php API type. Wikipedia API reference: Adopted from: ## Installation ``` gem install wikipedia-client ``` ## Usage ```ruby require 'wikipedia' page = Wikipedia.find( 'Getting Things Done' ) #=> # page.title #=> 'Getting Things Done' page.fullurl #=> 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done' page.text #=> 'Getting Things Done is a time-management method...' page.content #=> all the wiki markup appears here... page.summary #=> only the wiki summary appears here... page.categories #=> [..., "Category:Self-help books", ...] page.links #=> [..., "Business", "Cult following", ...] page.extlinks # => [..., "http://www.example.com/", ...] page.images #=> ["File:Getting Things Done.jpg", ...] page.image_urls #=> ["http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e1/Getting_Things_Done.jpg"] page.image_thumburls #=> ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/e1/Getting_Things_Done.jpg/200px-Getting_Things_Done.jpg"] # or with custom width argument: page.image_thumburls(100) #=> ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/e1/Getting_Things_Done.jpg/100px-Getting_Things_Done.jpg"] page.image_descriptionurls #=> ["http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Getting_Things_Done.jpg"] page.main_image_url #=> "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e1/Getting_Things_Done.jpg" page.coordinates #=> [48.853, 2.3498, "", "earth"] page.templates #=> [..., "Template:About", ...] page.langlinks #=> {..., "de"=>"Getting Things Done", "eo"=>"Igi aferojn finitaj", "zh"=>"尽管去做", ...} ``` ## Configuration ### Global This is by default configured like this: ```ruby Wikipedia.configure { domain 'en.wikipedia.org' path 'w/api.php' } ``` ### Local If you need to query multiple wikis indiviual clients with individual configurations can be used: ```ruby config_en = Wikipedia::Configuration.new(domain: 'en.wikipedia.org') config_de = Wikipedia::Configuration.new(domain: 'de.wikipedia.org') client_en = Wikipedia::Client.new(config_en) client_de = Wikipedia::Client.new(config_de) client_en.find( 'Getting Things Done' ) client_de.find( 'Buch' ) ``` ## Advanced See the API spec at . If you need data that is not already present, you can override parameters. For example, to retrieve only the page info: ```ruby page = Wikipedia.find( 'Getting Things Done', :prop => "info" ) page.title #=> "Getting Things Done" page.raw_data #=> {"query"=>{"pages"=>{"959928"=>{"pageid"=>959928, "ns"=>0, "title"=>"Getting Things Done", "touched"=>"2010-03-10T00:04:09Z", "lastrevid"=>348481810, "counter"=>0, "length"=>7891}}}} ``` ## Contributing ### Getting the code, and running the tests ``` git clone git@github.com:kenpratt/wikipedia-client.git cd wikipedia-client bundle install bundle exec rspec ``` ### Pushing a new release of the Gem 1. Edit `lib/wikipedia/version.rb`, changing `VERSION`. 2. Test that the current branch will work as a gem, by testing in an external directory: 3. Make a test directory. 4. Add a `Gemfile` with: ``` source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'wikipedia-client', :path => '/path/to/local/wikipedia-client' ``` 5. And a `test.rb` file with: ``` require 'wikipedia' page = Wikipedia.find('Ruby') puts page.title ``` 6. And then run `bundle install && bundle exec ruby test.rb` 7. Build the gem: `bundle exec gem build wikipedia-client.gemspec`. 8. Commit the changes: `git commit -a -m 'Version bump to 1.4.0' && git tag v1.4.0 && git push && git push --tag` 9. Publish the result to RubyGems: `bundle exec gem push wikipedia-client-1.4.0.gem`. 10. Test the released gem in an external directory: 11. Make a test directory. 12. Add a `Gemfile` with: ``` source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'wikipedia-client' ``` 13. And a `test.rb` file with: ``` require 'wikipedia' page = Wikipedia.find('Ruby') puts page.title ``` 14. And then run `bundle install && bundle exec ruby test.rb` ## Thanks! Copyright (c) 2008 Cyril David, released under the MIT license Adopted by Ken Pratt (ken@kenpratt.net) in 2010/03 Thanks to all the [Contributors](https://github.com/kenpratt/wikipedia-client/graphs/contributors).