// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global test Q$ */ // TODO: IMPROVE CODE QUALITY. This code was put together quickly in order to // test the SproutCore framework. It does not match up to the project's // normal documentation, design and coding standards. Do not rely on this // code as an example of how to build your own applications. /** @class Generates a pane that will display vertically stacked views for testing. You can use this class in test mode to easily create a palette with views configured in different ways. # Example var pane = SC.ControlTestPane.design() .add('basic', SC.CheckboxView.design({ title: "Hello World" })) .add('disabled', SC.CheckboxView.design({ title: "Hello World", isEnabled: NO })); module("CheckboxView UI", pane); test("basic", function() { var view = pane.view('basic'); ok(view.get('isEnabled'), 'should be enabled'); }); @extends SC.Pane @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.ControlTestPane = SC.Pane.extend( /** @scope SC.ControlTestPane.prototype */ { classNames: ['sc-control-test-pane'], layout: { right: 20, width: 350, top: 65, bottom: 5 }, /** The starting top location for the first row. This will increment as views are added to the pane. @type Number @default 0 */ top: 0, /** The default height of each row. This will be used for a view unless you manually specify a height in the view's layout. @type Number @default 20 */ height: 20, /** The default padding added to the edges and between each row. @type Number @default 4 */ padding: 4, /** Retrieves the test sample view that was added with the passed key name. @param {String} keyName the key used to register the view. @returns {SC.View} view instance */ view: function(keyName) { var idx = this._views[keyName]; if (!idx) throw new Error("SC.ControlTestPane does not have a view named %@".fmt(keyName)); return this.childViews[idx].childViews[0]; }, /** @private */ init: function() { sc_super(); if (!this._views) this._views = {}; this.append(); // auto-add to screen // Also adjust unit test results to make space // use setTimeout to avoid screwing with the RunLoop which we might be // testing. var l = this.get('layout'), w = l.right + l.width; setTimeout(function() { if (!Q$) return ; // nothing to do Q$('.core-test > .detail').css('marginRight', w); }, 100); } }); /** Adds a test view to the control pane design. The passed label will be used as the key which you can use to find the view layer. You can either pass a view that is already designed or pass an array of attributes that will be used to create a design on the view. @param {String} label the view key name @param {SC.View} view a view class or view design @param {Hash} attrs optional attrs to use when designing the view @returns {SC.ControlTestPane} receiver */ SC.ControlTestPane.add = function(label, view, attrs) { if (attrs === undefined) attrs = {}; if (!view.isDesign) view = view.design(attrs); // compute layout. var padding = this.prototype.padding, height = this.prototype.height; var top = this.prototype.top + padding*2, layout; var labelHeight =14; if (top === padding*2) top = padding; // reduce padding @ top // if the passed in view has a layout property and the layout has an // explicit, numerical height, then use that instead. if (view.prototype.layout && (typeof view.prototype.layout.height === SC.T_NUMBER)) height = view.prototype.layout.height; this.prototype.top = top + height+labelHeight+(padding*2); // make room // calculate labelView and add it layout = { left: padding, width: 150, top: top, height: 20 }; var labelView = SC.LabelView.design({ value: label + ':', layout: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, height: labelHeight }, // TODO: textAlign: SC.ALIGN_RIGHT, // TODO: fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT }); // wrap label in parent view in order to center text vertically labelView = SC.View.design().layout(layout).childView(labelView); this.childView(labelView); // now layout view itself... var wrapper = SC.View.design({ classNames: ['wrapper'], layout: { left: padding, top: top+labelHeight+padding, right: padding, height: height }, childViews: [view] }); var idx = this.prototype.childViews.length ; this.childView(wrapper); var views = this.prototype._views; if (!views) views = this.prototype._views = {}; views[label] = idx ; return this; }; /** Returns a standard setup/teardown object for use by the module() method. */ SC.ControlTestPane.standardSetup = function() { var pane = this ; return { setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane._pane = pane.create(); SC.RunLoop.end(); }, teardown: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); if (pane._pane) pane._pane.destroy(); SC.RunLoop.end(); pane._pane = null ; } } ; }; /** Convenience method. Returns the view with the given name on the current pane instance if there is one. @param {String} keyName the key used to register the view. @returns {SC.View} view instance */ SC.ControlTestPane.view = function(viewKey) { var pane = this._pane || this._showPane ; if (!pane) throw new Error("view() cannot be called on a class"); return pane.view(viewKey); }; /** Registers a final test that will instantiate the control test pane and display it. This allows the developer to interact with the controls once the test has completed. */ SC.ControlTestPane.show = function() { var pane = this ; test("show control test pane", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane._showPane = pane.create(); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); }; /** Makes the test pane the key pane, so that key handling methods can be properly tested. */ SC.ControlTestPane.becomeKeyPane = function () { var pane = this._pane || this._showPane; if (pane) { SC.run(function () { pane.becomeKeyPane(); }); } };