require 'spec_helper' require 'link_checker' describe LinkChecker do describe "scans a file path and" do before(:all) do @site_path = 'spec/test-site/public/' end it "finds all of the HTML files in the target path." do files = => @site_path).html_file_paths files.size.should == 4 end it "finds all of the external links in an HTML file." do links = LinkChecker.external_link_uri_strings( open('spec/test-site/public/blog/2012/10/07/some-good-links/index.html')) links.size.should == 4 end it "finds all of the external links in a string." do links = LinkChecker.external_link_uri_strings( open('spec/test-site/public/blog/2012/10/07/some-good-links/index.html').read) links.size.should == 4 end end describe "checks links and" do before(:all) do @good_uri = URI('') FakeWeb.register_uri(:any, @good_uri.to_s, :body => "Yay it worked.") @bad_uri = URI('') FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, @bad_uri.to_s, :body => "File not found", :status => ["404", "Missing"]) @redirect_uri = URI('') end it "declares good links to be good." do LinkChecker.check_uri(@good_uri).class.should be LinkChecker::Good end it "declares bad links to be bad." do LinkChecker.check_uri(@bad_uri).class.should be LinkChecker::Error end describe "follows redirects to the destination and" do it "declares good redirect targets to be good." do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, @redirect_uri.to_s, :location => @good_uri.to_s, :status => ["302", "Moved"]) result = LinkChecker.check_uri(@redirect_uri) result.class.should be LinkChecker::Redirect result.final_destination_uri_string.should == @good_uri.to_s end it "declares bad redirect targets to be bad." do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, @redirect_uri.to_s, :location => @bad_uri.to_s, :status => ["302", "Moved"]) result = LinkChecker.check_uri(@redirect_uri) result.class.should be LinkChecker::Error end end end describe "scans a file path and prints output" do before(:each) do LinkChecker.any_instance.stub(:html_file_paths) { ['spec/test-site/public/blog/2012/10/07/some-good-links/index.html'] } LinkChecker.stub(:external_link_uri_strings).and_return( (1..20).map{|i| "http://something-#{i}.com" } ) end it "prints green when the links are good." do LinkChecker.stub(:check_uri) do sleep 0.5 # Make LinkChecker#wait_to_spawn_thread wait a little. => '') end $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked\: .*\.html/).once $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked 20 links in 1 HTML file and found no errors/) :target => @site_path, # This is to make sure that the entire LinkChecker#wait_to_spawn_thread gets hit during testing. :options => { :max_threads => 1 } ).check_uris.should == 0 # Return value: good end it "prints red when the links are bad." do LinkChecker.stub(:check_uri) do :uri_string => '', :error => 'No.' ) end $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Problem\: .*\.html/).once $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Link\: http/).exactly(20).times $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Response/).exactly(20).times $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked 20 links in 1 HTML file and found 20 errors/) => @site_path).check_uris.should == 1 # Return value: error end it "prints yellow warnings when the links redirect." do LinkChecker.stub(:check_uri) do :uri_string => '', :final_desination => '' ) end $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked\: .*\.html/).once $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Warning/).exactly(20).times $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Redirected/).exactly(20).times $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked 20 links in 1 HTML file and found no errors/) => @site_path).check_uris.should == 0 # Return value: good end it "prints errors when there are warnings with the --warnings_are_errors option." do LinkChecker.stub(:check_uri) do :uri_string => '', :final_destination_uri_string => '' ) end $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Problem\: .*\.html/).once $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Link/).exactly(20).times $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Redirected/).exactly(20).times $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked 20 links in 1 HTML file and found 20 errors/) :target => @site_path, :options => { :warnings_are_errors => true } ).check_uris.should == 1 # Return value: error end it "does not print warnings when the links redirect with the --no-warnings option." do LinkChecker.stub(:check_uri) do :uri_string => '', :final_destination_uri_string => '' ) end $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked\: .*\.html/).once $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Warning/).exactly(20).times $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Redirected/).exactly(20).times $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked 20 links in 1 HTML file and found no errors/) => @site_path).check_uris.should == 0 # Return value: good end end describe "prints output for invalid links and" do it "declares them to be bad." do LinkChecker.stub(:external_link_uri_strings).and_return( ['hQQp://!!!.com', 'hOOp://???.com']) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Problem\: .*\.html/).once $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Link/).twice $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Response/).twice thread = => @site_path).check_page('', 'source.html') thread.join end end it "crawls a web site." do FakeWeb.register_uri(:any, '', :body => "Yay it worked.") LinkChecker.stub(:external_link_uri_strings).and_return(['']) LinkChecker.stub(:check_uri) do => '') end $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked\: http/).once $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Checked 1 link in 1 HTML file and found no errors/) => '').check_uris end describe "produces useful return codes when" do it "the target file does not exist." do Find.stub(:find).and_raise('test')) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Error/i).once => 'does-not-exist').check_uris end it "the target file does not exist." do FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/Error/i).once => '').check_uris end end end