require "query_helper/invalid_query_error" require "query_helper/column_map" class QueryHelper class SqlParser attr_accessor :sql def initialize(sql) update(sql) end def update(sql) @sql = sql remove_comments() white_out() end def remove_comments # Remove SQL inline comments (/* */) and line comments (--) @sql = @sql.gsub(/\/\*(.*?)\*\//, '').gsub(/--(.*)$/, '') @sql.squish! end def white_out # Replace everything between () and '' and "" # This will allow us to ignore subqueries, common table expressions, # regex, custom strings, etc. when determining injection points # and performing other manipulations @white_out_sql = @sql.dup while @white_out_sql.scan(/\"[^""]*\"|\'[^'']*\'|\([^()]*\)/).length > 0 do @white_out_sql.scan(/\"[^""]*\"|\'[^'']*\'|\([^()]*\)/).each { |s| @white_out_sql.gsub!(s,s.gsub(/./, '*')) } end end def select_index(position=:start) regex = /( |^)[Ss][Ee][Ll][Ee][Cc][Tt] / # space or new line at beginning of select find_index(regex, position) end def from_index(position=:start) regex = / [Ff][Rr][Oo][Mm] / find_index(regex, position) end def where_index(position=:start) regex = / [Ww][Hh][Ee][Rr][Ee] / find_index(regex, position) end def group_by_index(position=:start) regex = / [Gg][Rr][Oo][Uu][Pp] [Bb][Yy] / find_index(regex, position) end def having_index(position=:start) regex = / [Hh][Aa][Vv][Ii][Nn][Gg] / find_index(regex, position) end def order_by_index(position=:start) regex = / [Oo][Rr][Dd][Ee][Rr] [Bb][Yy] / find_index(regex, position) end def limit_index(position=:start) regex = / [Ll][Ii][Mm][Ii][Tt] / find_index(regex, position) end def select_included? !select_index.nil? end def from_included? !from_index.nil? end def where_included? !where_index.nil? end def group_by_included? !group_by_index.nil? end def having_included? !having_index.nil? end def order_by_included? !order_by_index.nil? end def limit_included? !limit_index.nil? end def insert_select_index from_index() || where_index() || group_by_index() || order_by_index() || limit_index() || @sql.length end def insert_join_index where_index() || group_by_index() || order_by_index() || limit_index() || @sql.length end def insert_where_index group_by_index() || order_by_index() || limit_index() || @sql.length end def insert_having_index # raise"Cannot calculate insert_having_index because the query has no group by clause") unless group_by_included? order_by_index() || limit_index() || @sql.length end def insert_order_by_index # raise"This query already includes an order by clause") if order_by_included? limit_index() || @sql.length end def insert_limit_index # raise"This query already includes a limit clause") if limit_included? @sql.length end def select_clause @sql[select_index()..insert_select_index()].strip if select_included? end def from_clause @sql[from_index()..insert_join_index()].strip if from_included? end def where_clause @sql[where_index()..insert_where_index()].strip if where_included? end # def group_by_clause # @sql[group_by_index()..insert_group_by_index()] if group_by_included? # end def having_clause @sql[having_index()..insert_having_index()].strip if having_included? end def order_by_clause @sql[order_by_index()..insert_order_by_index()].strip if order_by_included? end def limit_clause @sql[limit_index()..insert_limit_index()].strip if limit_included? end def find_aliases # Determine alias expression combos. White out sql used in case there # are any custom strings or subqueries in the select clause white_out_selects = @white_out_sql[select_index(:end)..from_index()] selects = @sql[select_index(:end)..from_index()] comma_split_points ={|char, i| i if char == ','}.compact comma_split_points.unshift(-1) # We need the first select clause to start out with a 'split' column_maps = white_out_selects.split(",") do |x,i| sql_alias = x.squish.split(" as ")[1] || x.squish.split(" AS ")[1] || x.squish.split(".")[1] # look for custom defined aliases or table.column notation # sql_alias = nil unless /^[a-zA-Z_]+$/.match?(sql_alias) # only allow aliases with letters and underscores sql_expression = if x.split(" as ")[1] expression_length = x.split(" as ")[0].length selects[comma_split_points[i] + 1, expression_length] elsif x.squish.split(" AS ")[1] expression_length = x.split(" AS ")[0].length selects[comma_split_points[i] + 1, expression_length] elsif x.squish.split(".")[1] selects[comma_split_points[i] + 1, x.length] end alias_name: sql_alias, sql_expression: sql_expression.squish, aggregate: /(array_agg|avg|bit_and|bit_or|bool_and|bool_or|count|every|json_agg|jsonb_agg|json_object_agg|jsonb_object_agg|max|min|string_agg|sum|xmlagg)\((.*)\)/.match?(sql_expression) ) if sql_alias end column_maps.compact end private def find_index(regex, position=:start) start_position = @white_out_sql.rindex(regex) return position == :start ? start_position : start_position + @white_out_sql[regex].size() end end end