module Hyperstack class InternalClassPolicy def initialize(regulated_klass) unless regulated_klass.is_a?(Class) # attempt to constantize the class in case eager_loading in production # has loaded the policy before the class. THis will insure that if # there is a class being regulated, it is loaded first. begin regulated_klass.constantize rescue NameError nil end end @regulated_klass = regulated_klass end attr_reader :regulated_klass EXPOSED_METHODS = [ :regulate_class_connection, :always_allow_connection, :regulate_instance_connections, :regulate_all_broadcasts, :regulate_broadcast, :regulate_dispatches_from, :always_dispatch_from, :allow_change, :allow_create, :allow_read, :allow_update, :allow_destroy ] def regulate_class_connection(*args, ®ulation) regulate(ClassConnectionRegulation, :class_connection, args, ®ulation) end def always_allow_connection(*args) regulate(ClassConnectionRegulation, nil, args) { true } end def regulate_instance_connections(*args, ®ulation) regulate(InstanceConnectionRegulation, :instance_connections, args, ®ulation) end def regulate_all_broadcasts(*args, ®ulation) regulate(ChannelBroadcastRegulation, :all_broadcasts, args, ®ulation) end def regulate_broadcast(*args, ®ulation) regulate(InstanceBroadcastRegulation, :broadcast, args, ®ulation) end def regulate_dispatches_from(*args, ®ulation) args.each do |klass| unless klass.respond_to? :dispatch_to raise 'you can only regulate_dispatches_from Operation classes' end klass._dispatch_to(self) { |sself| sself.regulated_klass if instance_eval(®ulation) } end end def always_dispatch_from(*args, ®ulation) regulate_dispatches_from(*args) { true } end CHANGE_POLICIES = [:create, :update, :destroy] def self.allow_policy(policy, method) define_method "allow_#{policy}" do |*args, ®ulation| process_args(policy, [], args, regulation) do |model| get_ar_model(model).class_eval { define_method("#{method}_permitted?", ®ulation) } end end end CHANGE_POLICIES.each { |policy| allow_policy policy, policy } allow_policy(:read, :view) def allow_change(*args, ®ulation) process_args('change', [:on], args, regulation) do |model, opts| model = get_ar_model(model) opts[:on] ||= CHANGE_POLICIES opts[:on].each do |policy| check_valid_on_option policy model.class_eval { define_method("#{policy}_permitted?", ®ulation) } end end end def self.ar_base_descendants_map_cache @ar_base_descendants_map_cache ||= end def get_ar_model(str) if str.is_a?(Class) unless str <= ActiveRecord::Base Hyperstack::InternalPolicy.raise_operation_access_violation(:non_ar_class, "#{str} is not a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base") end str else # we used to cache this here, but during eager loading the cache may get partially filled and never updated # so this guard will fail, now performance will be suckish, as this guard, required for security, takes some ms # def self.ar_base_descendants_map_cache # @ar_base_descendants_map_cache ||= # end # if Rails.env.production? && !Hyperstack::InternalClassPolicy.ar_base_descendants_map_cache.include?(str) if Rails.application.config.eager_load && ! # AR::Base.descendants is eager loaded in production -> this guard works. # In development it may be empty or partially filled -> this guard may fail. # Thus guarded here only in production. Hyperstack::InternalPolicy.raise_operation_access_violation(:non_ar_class, "#{str} is either not defined or is not a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base") end Object.const_get(str) end end def self.regulated_klasses @regulated_klasses ||= end def regulate(regulation_klass, policy, args, ®ulation) process_args(policy, regulation_klass.allowed_opts, args, regulation) do |regulated_klass, opts| self.class.regulated_klasses << regulated_klass.to_s regulation_klass.add_regulation regulated_klass, opts, ®ulation end end def process_args(policy, allowed_opts, args, regulation) raise "you must provide a block to the regulate_#{policy} method" unless regulation *args, opts = args if args.last.is_a? Hash opts ||= {} args = process_to_opt(allowed_opts, opts, args) args.each do |regulated_klass| yield regulated_klass, opts end end def process_to_opt(allowed_opts, opts, args) opts.each do |opt, value| unless opt == :to || allowed_opts.include?(opt) raise "Unknown ':#{opt} => #{value}' option in policy definition" end end if (to = opts[:to]) raise "option to: :#{to} is not recognized in allow_#{policy}" unless to == :all raise "option to: :all cannot be used with other classes" unless args.empty? [ActiveRecord::Base] elsif args.empty? [@regulated_klass] else args end end def check_valid_on_option(policy) unless CHANGE_POLICIES.include? policy valid_policies = CHANGE_POLICIES.collect { |s| ":{s}" }.to_sentence raise "only #{valid_policies} are allowed on the regulate_access :on option" end end end class Regulation class << self def add_regulation(klass, opts={}, ®ulation) klass = regulations[klass] klass.opts.merge! opts klass.regulations << regulation klass end def regulations @regulations ||= do |hash, klass| if klass.is_a? String hash[klass] = new(klass) elsif klass.is_a?(Class) && hash[] else hash[] end end end def wrap_policy(policy, regulation) begin policy_klass = regulation.binding.receiver rescue raise "Could not determine the class when regulating. This is probably caused by doing something like &:send_all" end wrapped_policy =, nil) wrapped_policy.hyperstack_internal_policy_object = policy wrapped_policy end def allowed_opts [] end end attr_reader :klass def opts @opts ||= {} end def regulations @regulations ||= [] end def regulate_for(acting_user) do |y| regulations.each do |regulation| y << acting_user.instance_eval(®ulation) end end end def auto_connect_disabled? opts.has_key?(:auto_connect) && !opts[:auto_connect] end def initialize(klass) @klass = klass end end class ClassConnectionRegulation < Regulation def self.add_regulation(klass, opts={}, ®ulation) actual_klass = if klass.is_a?(Class) klass else begin klass.constantize rescue NameError nil end end if actual_klass && actual_klass.respond_to?(:dispatch_to) begin actual_klass.dispatch_to(actual_klass) rescue NoMethodError # this is the case for ClassPolicy where the instance method :dispatch_to has been deleted. nil end end super end def connectable?(acting_user) regulate_for(acting_user).all? unless regulations.empty? rescue nil end def self.connect(channel, acting_user) raise "connection failed" unless regulations[channel].connectable?(acting_user) end def self.connections_for(acting_user, auto_connections_only) regulations.collect do |channel, regulation| next if auto_connections_only && regulation.auto_connect_disabled? next if !regulation.connectable?(acting_user) channel end.compact end def self.allowed_opts [:auto_connect] end end class InstanceConnectionRegulation < Regulation def connectable_to(acting_user, auto_connections_only) return [] if auto_connections_only && auto_connect_disabled? regulate_for(acting_user).entries.compact.flatten(1) rescue [] end def self.connect(instance, acting_user) unless regulations[instance].connectable_to(acting_user, false).include? instance raise "connection failed" end end def self.connections_for(acting_user, auto_connections_only) regulations.collect do |_channel, regulation| # the following was bizarelly passing true for auto_connections_only???? regulation.connectable_to(acting_user, auto_connections_only).collect do |obj| if false && auto_connections_only # false added to try to get channel instances to connect??? [,] else InternalPolicy.channel_to_string obj end end end.flatten(1) end def self.allowed_opts [:auto_connect] end end class ChannelBroadcastRegulation < Regulation class << self def add_regulation(channel, opts={}, ®ulation) regulations_to_channels[regulation] << super end def broadcast(policy) regulations_to_channels.each do |regulation, channels| wrapped_policy = wrap_policy(policy, regulation) channels.each do |channel| wrapped_policy policy.send_unassigned_sets_to channel.klass end end end def regulations_to_channels @regulations_to_channels ||= { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } end end end class InstanceBroadcastRegulation < Regulation def self.broadcast(instance, policy) regulations[instance].regulations.each do |regulation| instance.instance_exec wrap_policy(policy, regulation), ®ulation end if policy.has_unassigned_sets? raise "#{} instance broadcast policy not sent to any channel" end end end module AutoConnect def self.channels(session, acting_user) channels = ClassConnectionRegulation.connections_for(acting_user, true) + InstanceConnectionRegulation.connections_for(acting_user, true) channels << "Hyperstack::Session-#{session.split('-').last}" if Hyperstack.connect_session && session channels.uniq.each { |channel|, session) } end end class InternalPolicy EXPOSED_METHODS = [:send_all, :send_all_but, :send_only, :obj] def send_all end def send_all_but(*execeptions), exclude: execeptions) end def send_only(*white_list), white_list: white_list) end def obj @obj end def self.raise_operation_access_violation(message, details) raise, details) end def self.regulate_connection(acting_user, channel_string) channel = channel_string.split("-") if channel.length > 1 id = channel[1..-1].join("-") unless Hyperstack::InternalClassPolicy.regulated_klasses.include?(channel[0]) Hyperstack::InternalPolicy.raise_operation_access_violation(:not_a_channel, "#{channel[0]} is not regulated channel class") end object = Object.const_get(channel[0]).find(id) InstanceConnectionRegulation.connect(object, acting_user) else ClassConnectionRegulation.connect(channel[0], acting_user) end end def self.regulate_broadcast(model, &block) internal_policy = model, model.attribute_names, ) ChannelBroadcastRegulation.broadcast(internal_policy) InstanceBroadcastRegulation.broadcast(model, internal_policy) internal_policy.broadcast &block end def initialize(obj, attribute_names, available_channels = :all) @obj = obj @attribute_names = @unassigned_send_sets = [] @channel_sets = { |hash, key| hash[key] = @attribute_names } @available_channels = available_channels end def channel_available?(channel) return false unless channel @available_channels == :all || @available_channels.include?(channel_to_string(channel)) end def id @id ||= "#{self.object_id}-#{}" end def has_unassigned_sets? !@unassigned_send_sets.empty? end def send_unassigned_sets_to(channel) if channel_available?(channel) && has_unassigned_sets? @channel_sets[channel] = @unassigned_send_sets.inject(@channel_sets[channel]) do |set, send_set| send_set.merge(set) end end @unassigned_send_sets = [] end def add_unassigned_send_set(send_set) @unassigned_send_sets << send_set end def send_set_to(send_set, channels) channels.flatten(1).each do |channel| merge_set(send_set, channel) if channel_available? channel @unassigned_send_sets.delete(send_set) end end def merge_set(send_set, channel) return unless channel channel = if channel.is_a?(Class) && @channel_sets[channel] = send_set.merge(@channel_sets[channel]) end def channel_list @channel_sets.collect { |channel, _value| channel_to_string channel } end def self.channel_to_string(channel) if channel.is_a?(Class) && elsif channel.is_a? String channel else "#{}-#{}" end end def channel_to_string(channel) self.class.channel_to_string(channel) end def filter(h, attribute_set) r = {} h.each do |key, value| r[key.to_sym] = value if attribute_set.member?(key.to_sym) || (key.to_sym == :id) end unless attribute_set.empty? #model_id = h[:id] || h["id"] #r[:id] = model_id if model_id && !attribute_set.empty? r end def send_message(header, channel, attribute_set, &block) record = filter(@obj.react_serializer, attribute_set) previous_changes = filter(@obj.previous_changes, attribute_set) return if record.empty? && previous_changes.empty? message = header.merge( channel: channel_to_string(channel), record: record, previous_changes: previous_changes ) yield message end def broadcast(&block) klass = @obj.class header = {broadcast_id: id, channels: channel_list, klass:} @channel_sets.each do |channel, attribute_set| send_message header, channel, attribute_set, &block end end end class SendSet def to(*channels) @policy.send_set_to(self, channels) end def initialize(policy, exclude: nil, white_list: nil) @policy = policy @policy.add_unassigned_send_set(self) @excluded = &:to_sym if exclude @white_list = &:to_sym if white_list end def merge(set) set = set.difference(@excluded) if @excluded set = set.intersection(@white_list) if @white_list set end end module ClassPolicyMethods def hyperstack_internal_policy_object @hyperstack_internal_policy_object ||= || self) end InternalClassPolicy::EXPOSED_METHODS.each do |policy_method| define_method policy_method do |*klasses, &block| hyperstack_internal_policy_object.send policy_method, *klasses, &block end unless respond_to? policy_method end end module PolicyMethods def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend ClassPolicyMethods end end attr_accessor :hyperstack_internal_policy_object InternalPolicy::EXPOSED_METHODS.each do |method| define_method method do |*args, &block| hyperstack_internal_policy_object.send method, *args, &block end unless respond_to? method end define_method :initialize do |*args| end unless instance_methods(false).include?(:initialize) end module PolicyAutoLoader def self.load(name, value) const_get("#{name}Policy") if name && !name.end_with?("Policy".freeze) && value.is_a?(Class) rescue Exception => e raise e if e.is_a?(LoadError) && e.message =~ /Unable to autoload constant #{name}Policy/ end end end class Module alias pre_hyperstack_const_set const_set def const_set(name, value) pre_hyperstack_const_set(name, value).tap do Hyperstack::PolicyAutoLoader.load(name, value) end end end class Class alias pre_hyperstack_inherited inherited def inherited(child_class) pre_hyperstack_inherited(child_class).tap do Hyperstack::PolicyAutoLoader.load(, child_class) end end Hyperstack::ClassPolicyMethods.instance_methods.each do |method| define_method method do |*args, &block| if name.end_with?("Policy".freeze) @hyperstack_internal_policy_object =$/,"")) include Hyperstack::PolicyMethods send method, *args, &block else class << self Hyperstack::ClassPolicyMethods.instance_methods.each do |method| undef_method method end end method_missing(method, *args, &block) end end unless respond_to? method end end