% content_for :javascript do %>
$(function() {
* the element
var $ui = $('#form_filter');
var $ui_really = $('#ul_filter');
* on focus and on click display the dropdown,
* and change the arrow image
/*$ui.find('.sb_down').bind('focus click',function()*/
* on mouse leave hide the dropdown,
* and change the arrow image
* selecting all checkboxes
<% end %>
<%= form_tag "/activities/documents", :method => :post ,:id=> 'form_filter', :class => "tie_form",:remote=> true do %>
<%= check_box_tag 'types', 'Documents', false, :class => 'accept_tos',:onchange=>'$(\'#form_filter\').submit();'%>
<%= check_box_tag 'types', 'Audio', false, :class => 'accept_tos',:onchange=>'$(\'#form_filter\').submit();'%>
<%= check_box_tag 'types', 'Event', false, :class => 'accept_tos',:onchange=>'$(\'#form_filter\').submit();'%>
<%= check_box_tag 'types', 'Picture', false, :class => 'accept_tos',:onchange=>'$(\'#form_filter\').submit();'%>
<%= check_box_tag 'types', 'Post', false, :class => 'accept_tos',:onchange=>'$(\'#form_filter\').submit();'%>
<%= check_box_tag 'types', 'Video', false, :class => 'accept_tos',:onchange=>'$(\'#form_filter\').submit();'%>
<% end %>