require 'wukong'
module Wukong
# Wukong-Hadoop is a plugin for Wukong that lets you develop, test,
# and run map/reduce type workflows both locally and in the context
# of a Hadoop cluster.
# It comes with a binary program called wu-hadoop which
# lets you execute Ruby files containing Wukong processors as well
# as built-in Wukong widgets.
module Hadoop
include Plugin
# Configure the given settings object for use with Wukong::Hadoop.
# Will only add settings if the `program_name` is `wu-hadoop`.
# @param [Configliere::Param] settings the settings to configure
# @param [String] program_name the name of the currently executing program
def self.configure settings, program_name
return unless program_name == 'wu-hadoop'
# Hadoop Options
settings.define :hadoop_runner, wukong_hadoop: true, description: 'Path to hadoop executable. Use this for non-standard hadoop installations.'
settings.define :hadoop_streaming_jar, wukong_hadoop: true, description: 'Path to hadoop streaming jar. Use this for non-standard hadoop installations.'
# Translate simplified args to their hairy hadoop equivalents
settings.define :io_sort_mb, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'io.sort.mb'
settings.define :io_sort_record_percent, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'io.sort.record.percent'
settings.define :job_name, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: ''
settings.define :key_field_separator, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'map.output.key.field.separator'
settings.define :map_speculative, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: ''
settings.define :reduce_speculative, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution'
settings.define :map_tasks, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: ''
settings.define :max_maps_per_cluster, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.max.maps.per.cluster'
settings.define :max_maps_per_node, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.max.maps.per.node'
settings.define :max_node_map_tasks, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: ''
settings.define :max_node_reduce_tasks, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum'
settings.define :max_record_length, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.linerecordreader.maxlength'
settings.define :max_reduces_per_cluster, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.max.reduces.per.cluster'
settings.define :max_reduces_per_node, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.max.reduces.per.node'
settings.define :max_tracker_failures, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.max.tracker.failures'
settings.define :max_map_attempts, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: ''
settings.define :max_reduce_attempts, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.reduce.max.attempts'
settings.define :min_split_size, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.min.split.size'
settings.define :output_field_separator, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: ''
settings.define :partition_fields, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'num.key.fields.for.partition'
settings.define :reduce_tasks, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.reduce.tasks'
settings.define :respect_exit_status, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: ''
settings.define :reuse_jvms, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks'
settings.define :sort_fields, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: ''
settings.define :timeout, wukong_hadoop: true, jobconf: true, description: 'mapred.task.timeout'
settings.define :noempty, wukong_hadoop: true, description: "Don't create zero-byte reduce files"
settings.define :split_on_xml_tag, wukong_hadoop: true, description: "Parse XML document by specifying the tag name: 'anything found between and will be treated as one record for map tasks'"
settings.define :input_format, wukong_hadoop: true, description: 'Fully qualified Java class name defining an alternative InputFormat.'
settings.define :output_format, wukong_hadoop: true, description: 'Fully qualified Java class name defining an alternative OutputFormat.'
settings.define :java_opts, wukong_hadoop: true, description: 'Additional Java options to be passed to hadoop streaming.', :type => Array, :default => []
settings.define :files, wukong_hadoop: true, description: "Comma-separated list of files (or globs) to be copied to the MapReduce cluster (-files).", :type => Array, :default => []
settings.define :jars, wukong_hadoop: true, description: "Comma-separated list of jars (or globs) to include on the Hadoop CLASSPATH (-libjars).", :type => Array, :default => []
settings.define :archives, wukong_hadoop: true, description: "Comma-separated list of archives to be unarchived on each worker (-archives).", :type => Array, :default => []
# Options given on the command-line
settings.define :mode, description: "Run in either 'hadoop' or 'local' mode", wukong_hadoop: true, :default => 'hadoop'
settings.define :map_command, description: "Shell command to run as mapper, in place of a constructed wu-local command", wukong_hadoop: true
settings.define :reduce_command, description: "Shell command to run as reducer, in place of a constructed wu-local command", wukong_hadoop: true
settings.define :sort_command, description: "Shell command to run as sorter (only in `local' mode)", wukong_hadoop: true, :default => 'sort'
settings.define :command_prefix, description: "Prefix to insert before all Wukong commands", wukong_hadoop: true
settings.define :mapper, description: "Name of processor to use as a mapper", wukong_hadoop: true
settings.define :reducer, description: "Name of processor to use as a reducer", wukong_hadoop: true
settings.define :gemfile, description: "Specify an alternative Gemfile to execute this wukong script with", wukong_hadoop: true
settings.define :dry_run, description: "Echo the command that will be run, but don't run it", wukong_hadoop: true, :type => :boolean, :default => false
settings.define :rm, description: "Recursively remove the destination directory.", wukong_hadoop: true, :type => :boolean, :default => false
settings.define :input, description: "Comma-separated list of input paths", wukong_hadoop: true
settings.define :output, description: "Output path.", wukong_hadoop: true
# Boots the Wukong::Hadoop plugin.
# @param [Configliere::Param] settings the settings to boot from
# @param [String] root the root directory to boot in
def self.boot settings, root
require 'wukong-hadoop/runner'
require 'wukong-hadoop/extensions'