* History.js HTML5 Support
* @author Benjamin Arthur Lupton
* @copyright 2010-2011 Benjamin Arthur Lupton
* @license New BSD License
(function(window, undefined) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialise
// History Object
window.History = window.History || {};
window._History = window._History || {};
// Localise Globals
console = window.console || undefined, // Prevent a JSLint complain
document = window.document, // Make sure we are using the correct document
_History = window._History, // Private History Object
History = window.History, // Public History Object
history = window.history; // Old History Object
// Check Existence of History.js
if (typeof History.initHtml5 !== 'undefined') {
throw new Error('History.js HTML5 Support has already been loaded...');
// Initialise
History.initHtml5 = function() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check Status
if (typeof History.Adapter === 'undefined') {
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debug Helpers
* History.options
* Configurable options
History.options = {
* History.options.hashChangeCheckerDelay
* How long should the interval be before hashchange checks
hashChangeCheckerDelay: 100,
* History.options.busyDelay
* How long should we wait between busy events
busyDelay: 250
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debug Helpers
* History.debug(message,...)
* Logs the passed arguments if debug enabled
History.debug = function() {
if ((History.debug.enable || false)) {
History.log.apply(History, arguments);
History.debug.enable = false;
* History.log(message,...)
* Logs the passed arguments
History.log = function() {
// Prepare
consoleExists = (typeof console !== 'undefined'),
textarea = document.getElementById('log'),
message = ("\n" + arguments[0] + "\n"),
// Write to Console
if (consoleExists) {
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
message = args.shift();
if (typeof console.debug !== 'undefined') {
console.debug.apply(console, [message,args]);
else {
console.log.apply(console, [message,args]);
// Write to log
for (i = 1,n = arguments.length; i < n; ++i) {
var arg = arguments[i];
if (typeof arg === 'object' && typeof JSON !== 'undefined') {
try {
arg = JSON.stringify(arg);
catch (Exception) {
// Recursive Object
message += "\n" + arg + "\n";
// Textarea
if (textarea) {
textarea.value += message + "\n-----\n";
textarea.scrollTop = textarea.scrollHeight - textarea.clientHeight;
// No Textarea, No Console
else if (!consoleExists) {
// Return true
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Emulated Status
* _History.getInternetExplorerMajorVersion()
* Get's the major version of Internet Explorer
* @return {integer}
* @license Public Domain
* @author Benjamin Arthur Lupton
* @author James Padolsey
_History.getInternetExplorerMajorVersion = function() {
var result = _History.getInternetExplorerMajorVersion.cached =
(typeof _History.getInternetExplorerMajorVersion.cached !== 'undefined')
? _History.getInternetExplorerMajorVersion.cached
: (function() {
var undef,
v = 3,
div = document.createElement('div'),
all = div.getElementsByTagName('i');
while (
div.innerHTML = '',
return v > 4 ? v : undef;
return result;
* _History.isInternetExplorer()
* Are we using Internet Explorer?
* @return {boolean}
* @license Public Domain
* @author Benjamin Arthur Lupton
_History.isInternetExplorer = function() {
var result = _History.isInternetExplorer.cached =
(typeof _History.isInternetExplorer.cached !== 'undefined')
? _History.isInternetExplorer.cached
: (_History.getInternetExplorerMajorVersion() !== 0)
return result;
* History.emulated
* Which features require emulating?
History.emulated = {
pushState: !Boolean(window.history && window.history.pushState && window.history.replaceState)
* _History.isEmptyObject(obj)
* Checks to see if the Object is Empty
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {boolean}
_History.isEmptyObject = function(obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return false;
return true;
* _History.cloneObject(obj)
* Clones a object
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Object}
_History.cloneObject = function(obj) {
var hash,newObj;
if (obj) {
hash = JSON.stringify(obj);
newObj = JSON.parse(hash);
else {
newObj = {};
return newObj;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// State Object Helpers
* History.contractUrl(url)
* Ensures that we have a relative URL and not a absolute URL
* @param {string} url
* @return {string} url
History.contractUrl = function(url) {
// Prepare
url = History.expandUrl(url);
// Prepare for Base Domain
var baseDomain = document.location.protocol + '//' + (document.location.hostname || document.location.host);
if (document.location.port || false) {
baseDomain += ':' + document.location.port;
baseDomain += '/';
// Adjust for Base Domain
url = url.replace(baseDomain, '/');
// Return url
return url;
* History.expandUrl(url)
* Ensures that we have an absolute URL and not a relative URL
* @param {string} url
* @return {string} url
History.expandUrl = function(url) {
// Prepare
url = url || '';
// Test for Full URL
if (/[a-z]+\:\/\//.test(url)) {
// We have a Full URL
// Relative URL
else {
// Test for Base Page
if (url.length === 0 || url.substring(0, 1) === '?') {
// Fetch Base Page
var basePage = document.location.href.replace(/[#\?].*/, '');
// Adjust Page
url = basePage + url;
// No Base Page
else {
// Prepare for Base Element
baseElements = document.getElementsByTagName('base'),
baseElement = null,
baseHref = '';
// Test for Base Element
if (baseElements.length === 1) {
// Prepare for Base Element
baseElement = baseElements[0];
baseHref = baseElement.href;
if (baseHref[baseHref.length - 1] !== '/') baseHref += '/';
// Adjust for Base Element
url = baseHref + url.replace(/^\//, '');
// No Base Element
else {
// Test for Base URL
if (url.substring(0, 1) === '.') {
// Prepare for Base URL
var baseUrl = document.location.href.replace(/[#\?].*/, '').replace(/[^\/]+$/, '');
if (baseUrl[baseUrl.length - 1] !== '/') baseUrl += '/';
// Adjust for Base URL
url = baseUrl + url;
// No Base URL
else {
// Prepare for Base Domain
var baseDomain = document.location.protocol + '//' + (document.location.hostname || document.location.host);
if (document.location.port || false) {
baseDomain += ':' + document.location.port;
baseDomain += '/';
// Adjust for Base Domain
url = baseDomain + url.replace(/^\//, '');
// Return url
return url;
* History.expandState(State)
* Expands a State Object
* @param {object} State
* @return {object}
History.expandState = function(oldState) {
oldState = oldState || {};
var newState = {
'data': oldState.data || {},
'url': History.expandUrl(oldState.url || ''),
'title': oldState.title || ''
newState.data.title = newState.data.title || newState.title;
newState.data.url = newState.data.url || newState.url;
return newState;
* History.createStateObject(data,title,url)
* Creates a object based on the data, title and url state params
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} title
* @param {string} url
* @return {object}
History.createStateObject = function(data, title, url) {
// Hashify
var State = {
'data': data,
'title': title,
'url': url
// Expand the State
State = History.expandState(State);
// Return object
return State;
* History.expandHash(hash)
* Expands a Hash into a StateHash if applicable
* @param {string} hash
* @return {Object|null} State
History.expandHash = function(hash) {
// Prepare
var State = null;
try {
State = JSON.parse(hash);
catch (Exception) {
parts = /(.*)\/uid=([0-9]+)$/.exec(hash),
url = parts ? (parts[1] || hash) : hash,
uid = parts ? String(parts[2] || '') : '';
if (uid) {
State = _History.getStateByUid(uid) || null;
if (!State && /\//.test(hash)) {
// Is a URL
var expandedUrl = History.expandUrl(hash);
State = History.createStateObject(null, null, expandedUrl);
else {
// Non State Hash
// do nothing
// Expand
State = State ? History.expandState(State) : null;
// Return State
return State;
* History.contractState(State)
* Creates a Hash for the State Object
* @param {object} passedState
* @return {string} hash
History.contractState = function(passedState) {
// Check
if (!passedState) {
return null;
// Prepare
hash = null,
State = _History.cloneObject(passedState);
// Ensure State
if (State) {
// Clean
State.data = State.data || {};
delete State.data.title;
delete State.data.url;
// Handle
if (_History.isEmptyObject(State) && !State.title) {
hash = History.contractUrl(State.url);
else {
// Serialised Hash
hash = JSON.stringify(State);
// Has it been associated with a UID?
var uid;
if (typeof _History.hashesToUids[hash] !== 'undefined') {
uid = _History.hashesToUids[hash];
else {
while (true) {
uid = String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
if (typeof _History.uidsToStates[uid] === 'undefined') {
// Associate UID with Hash
_History.hashesToUids[hash] = uid;
_History.uidsToStates[uid] = State;
// Simplified Hash
hash = History.contractUrl(State.url) + '/uid=' + uid;
// Return hash
return hash;
* _History.uidsToStates
* UIDs to States
_History.uidsToStates = {};
* _History.hashesToUids
* Serialised States to UIDs
_History.hashesToUids = {};
* _History.getStateByUid(uid)
* Get a state by it's UID
* @param {string} uid
_History.getStateByUid = function(uid) {
uid = String(uid);
var State = _History.uidsToStates[uid] || undefined;
return State;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// State Storage
* _History.statesByUrl
* Store the states indexed by their URLs
_History.statesByUrl = {};
* _History.duplicateStateUrls
* Which urls have duplicate states (indexed by url)
_History.duplicateStateUrls = {};
* _History.statesByHash
* Store the states indexed by their Hashes
_History.statesByHash = {};
* _History.savedStates
* Store the states in an array
_History.savedStates = [];
* History.getState()
* Get an object containing the data, title and url of the current state
* @return {Object} State
History.getState = function() {
return _History.getStateByIndex();
* History.getStateHash()
* Get the hash of the current state
* @return {string} hash
History.getStateHash = function() {
return History.contractState(History.getState());
* _History.getStateByUrl
* Get a state by it's url
* @param {string} stateUrl
_History.getStateByUrl = function(stateUrl) {
var State = _History.statesByUrl[stateUrl] || undefined;
return State;
* _History.getStateByHash
* Get a state by it's hash
* @param {string} stateHash
_History.getStateByHash = function(stateHash) {
var State = _History.statesByHash[stateHash] || undefined;
return State;
* _History.storeState
* Store a State
* @param {object} State
* @return {boolean} true
_History.storeState = function(newState) {
// Prepare
newStateHash = History.contractState(newState),
oldState = _History.getStateByUrl(newState.url);
// Check for Conflict
if (typeof oldState !== 'undefined') {
// Compare Hashes
var oldStateHash = History.contractState(oldState);
if (oldStateHash !== newStateHash) {
// We have a conflict
_History.duplicateStateUrls[newState.url] = true;
// Store the State
_History.statesByUrl[newState.url] = _History.statesByHash[newStateHash] = newState;
// Return true
return true;
* _History.isLastState(newState)
* Tests to see if the state is the last state
* @param {Object} newState
* @return {boolean} isLast
_History.isLastState = function(newState) {
// Prepare
newStateHash = History.contractState(newState),
oldStateHash = History.getStateHash();
// Check
var isLast = _History.savedStates.length && newStateHash === oldStateHash;
// Return isLast
return isLast;
* _History.saveState
* Push a State
* @param {Object} newState
* @return {boolean} changed
_History.saveState = function(newState) {
// Check Hash
if (_History.isLastState(newState)) {
return false;
// Push the State
// Return true
return true;
* _History.getStateByIndex()
* Gets a state by the index
* @param {integer} index
* @return {Object}
_History.getStateByIndex = function(index) {
// Prepare
var State = null;
// Handle
if (typeof index === 'undefined') {
// Get the last inserted
State = _History.savedStates[_History.savedStates.length - 1];
else if (index < 0) {
// Get from the end
State = _History.savedStates[_History.savedStates.length + index];
else {
// Get from the beginning
State = _History.savedStates[index];
// Return State
return State;
* _History.stateUrlExists
* Checks if the State Url Exists
* @param {string} stateUrl
* @return {boolean} exists
_History.stateUrlExists = function(stateUrl) {
// Prepare
var exists = typeof _History.statesByUrl[stateUrl] !== 'undefined';
// Return exists
return exists;
* _History.urlDuplicateExists
* Check if the url has multiple states associated to it
* @param {string} stateUrl
* @return {boolean} exists
_History.urlDuplicateExists = function(stateUrl) {
var exists = typeof _History.duplicateStateUrls[stateUrl] !== 'undefined';
return exists;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hash Helpers
* History.getHash()
* Gets the current document hash
* @return {string}
History.getHash = function() {
var hash = _History.unescapeHash(document.location.hash);
return hash;
* _History.unescapeHash()
* Normalise and Unescape a Hash
* @return {string}
_History.unescapeHash = function(hash) {
var result = _History.normalizeHash(hash);
// Unescape hash
if (/[\%]/.test(result)) {
result = unescape(result);
// Return result
return result;
* _History.normalizeHash()
* Normalise a hash across browsers
* @return {string}
_History.normalizeHash = function(hash) {
var result = hash.replace(/[^#]*#/, '').replace(/#.*/, '');
// Return result
return result;
* History.setHash(hash)
* Sets the document hash
* @param {string} hash
* @return {string}
History.setHash = function(hash, queue) {
// Handle Queueing
if (queue !== false && History.busy()) {
// Wait + Push to Queue
History.debug('History.setHash: we must wait', arguments);
scope: History,
callback: History.setHash,
args: arguments,
queue: queue
return false;
// Prepare
var adjustedHash = _History.escapeHash(hash);
// Log hash
History.debug('History.setHash', this, arguments, 'hash:', hash, 'adjustedHash:', adjustedHash, 'oldHash:', document.location.hash);
// Make Busy + Continue
// Apply hash
document.location.hash = adjustedHash;
// Return hash
return hash;
* _History.escape()
* Normalise and Escape a Hash
* @return {string}
_History.escapeHash = function(hash) {
var result = _History.normalizeHash(hash);
// Escape hash
if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\-\_\%\.]/.test(result)) {
result = escape(result);
// Return result
return result;
* History.extractHashFromUrl(url)
* Extracts the Hash from a URL
* @param {string} url
* @return {string} url
History.extractHashFromUrl = function(url) {
// Extract the hash
var hash = String(url)
.replace(/([^#]*)#?([^#]*)#?(.*)/, '$2')
// Unescape hash
hash = _History.unescapeHash(hash);
// Return hash
return hash;
* History.isTraditionalAnchor(url)
* Checks to see if the url is a traditional anchor
* @param {string} url
* @return {boolean}
History.isTraditionalAnchor = function(url) {
hash = History.extractHashFromUrl(url),
el = document.getElementById(hash),
isTraditionalAnchor = typeof el !== 'undefined';
// Return isTraditionalAnchor
return isTraditionalAnchor;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Queueing
* History.queues
* The list of queues to use
* First In, First Out
History.queues = [];
* History.busy(value)
* @param {boolean} value [optional]
* @return {boolean} busy
History.busy = function(value) {
History.debug('History.busy: called: changing [' + (History.busy.flag || false) + '] to [' + (value || false) + ']', History.queues);
// Apply
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
History.busy.flag = value;
// Default
else if (typeof History.busy.flag === 'undefined') {
History.busy.flag = false;
// Queue
if (!History.busy.flag) {
// Execute the next item in the queue
var fireNext = function() {
if (History.busy.flag) return;
for (var i = History.queues.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var queue = History.queues[i];
if (queue.length === 0) continue;
var item = queue.shift();
History.debug('History.busy: firing', item);
History.busy.timeout = setTimeout(fireNext, History.options.busyDelay);
History.busy.timeout = setTimeout(fireNext, History.options.busyDelay);
// Return
return History.busy.flag;
* History.fireQueueItem(item)
* Fire a Queue Item
* @param {Object} item
* @return {Mixed} result
History.fireQueueItem = function(item) {
return item.callback.apply(item.scope || History, item.args || []);
* History.pushQueue(callback,args)
* Add an item to the queue
* @param {Object} item [scope,callback,args,queue]
History.pushQueue = function(item) {
History.debug('History.pushQueue: called', arguments);
// Prepare the queue
History.queues[item.queue || 0] = History.queues[item.queue || 0] || [];
// Add to the queue
History.queues[item.queue || 0].push(item);
// End pushQueue closure
return true;
* History.queue (item,queue), (func,queue), (func), (item)
* Either firs the item now if not busy, or adds it to the queue
History.queue = function(item, queue) {
// Prepare
if (typeof item === 'function') {
item = {
callback: item
if (typeof queue !== 'undefined') {
item.queue = queue;
// Handle
if (History.busy()) {
} else {
// End queue closure
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// State Aliases
* History.back(queue)
* Send the browser history back one item
* @param {Integer} queue [optional]
History.back = function(queue) {
History.debug('History.back: called', arguments);
// Handle Queueing
if (queue !== false && History.busy()) {
// Wait + Push to Queue
History.debug('History.back: we must wait', arguments);
scope: History,
callback: History.back,
args: arguments,
queue: queue
return false;
// Make Busy + Continue
// Fix a bug in IE6,IE7
if (History.emulated.hashChange && _History.isInternetExplorer()) {
// Prepare
var currentHash = History.getHash();
// Apply Check
setTimeout(function() {
var newHash = History.getHash();
if (newHash === currentHash) {
// No change occurred, try again
History.debug('History.back: trying again');
return History.back(false);
return true;
}, History.options.hashChangeCheckerDelay * 5);
// Go back
// End back closure
return true;
* History.forward(queue)
* Send the browser history forward one item
* @param {Integer} queue [optional]
History.forward = function(queue) {
History.debug('History.forward: called', arguments);
// Handle Queueing
if (queue !== false && History.busy()) {
// Wait + Push to Queue
History.debug('History.forward: we must wait', arguments);
scope: History,
callback: History.forward,
args: arguments,
queue: queue
return false;
// Make Busy + Continue
// Fix a bug in IE6,IE7
if (History.emulated.hashChange && _History.isInternetExplorer()) {
// Prepare
var currentHash = History.getHash();
// Apply Check
setTimeout(function() {
var newHash = History.getHash();
if (newHash === currentHash) {
// No change occurred, try again
History.debug('History.forward: trying again');
return History.forward(false);
return true;
}, History.options.hashChangeCheckerDelay * 5);
// Go forward
// End forward closure
return true;
* History.go(index,queue)
* Send the browser history back or forward index times
* @param {Integer} queue [optional]
History.go = function(index, queue) {
History.debug('History.go: called', arguments);
// Handle
if (index > 0) {
// Forward
for (var i = 1; i <= index; ++i) {
else if (index < 0) {
// Backward
for (var i = -1; i >= index; --i) {
else {
throw new Error('History.go: History.go requires a positive or negative integer passed.');
// End go closure
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// HTML5 State Support
if (!History.emulated.pushState) {
* Use native HTML5 History API Implementation
* _History.onPopState(event,extra)
* Refresh the Current State
_History.onPopState = function(event) {
History.debug('_History.onPopState', this, arguments);
// Check for a Hash, and handle apporiatly
var currentHash = unescape(History.getHash());
if (currentHash) {
// Expand Hash
var currentState = History.expandHash(currentHash);
if (currentState) {
// We were able to parse it, it must be a State!
// Let's forward to replaceState
History.debug('_History.onPopState: state anchor', currentHash, currentState);
History.replaceState(currentState.data, currentState.tite, currentState.url, false);
else {
// Traditional Anchor
History.debug('_History.onPopState: traditional anchor', currentHash);
History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'anchorchange');
// We don't care for hashes
return false;
// Prepare
currentStateHashExits = null,
stateData = {},
stateTitle = null,
stateUrl = null,
newState = null;
// Prepare
event = event || {};
if (typeof event.state === 'undefined') {
// jQuery
if (typeof event.originalEvent !== 'undefined' && typeof event.originalEvent.state !== 'undefined') {
event.state = event.originalEvent.state;
// MooTools
else if (typeof event.event !== 'undefined' && typeof event.event.state !== 'undefined') {
event.state = event.event.state;
// Fetch Data
if (event.state === null) {
// Vanilla: State has no data (new state, not pushed)
stateData = event.state;
else if (typeof event.state !== 'undefined') {
// Vanilla: Back/forward button was used
// Using Chrome Fix
newStateUrl = History.expandUrl(document.location.href),
oldState = _History.getStateByUrl(newStateUrl),
duplicateExists = _History.urlDuplicateExists(newStateUrl);
// Does oldState Exist?
if (typeof oldState !== 'undefined' && !duplicateExists) {
stateData = oldState.data;
else {
stateData = event.state;
// Use the way that should work
// stateData = event.state;
else {
// Vanilla: A new state was pushed, and popstate was called manually
// Get State object from the last state
newStateUrl = History.expandUrl(document.location.href),
oldState = _History.getStateByUrl(newStateUrl);
// Check if the URLs match
if (oldState && newStateUrl == oldState.url) {
stateData = oldState.data;
else {
throw new Error('Unknown state');
// Resolve newState
stateData = (typeof stateData !== 'object' || stateData === null) ? {} : stateData;
stateTitle = stateData.title || '',
stateUrl = stateData.url || document.location.href,
newState = History.createStateObject(stateData, stateTitle, stateUrl);
// Check if we are the same state
if (_History.isLastState(newState)) {
// There has been no change (just the page's hash has finally propagated)
History.debug('_History.onPopState: no change', newState, _History.savedStates);
return false;
// Log
'newState:', newState,
'oldState:', _History.getStateByUrl(History.expandUrl(document.location.href)),
'duplicateExists:', _History.urlDuplicateExists(History.expandUrl(document.location.href))
// Store the State
// Force update of the title
if (newState.title) {
document.title = newState.title
// Fire Our Event
History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'statechange');
// Return true
return true;
History.Adapter.bind(window, 'popstate', _History.onPopState);
* History.pushState(data,title,url)
* Add a new State to the history object, become it, and trigger onpopstate
* We have to trigger for HTML4 compatibility
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} title
* @param {string} url
* @return {true}
History.pushState = function(data, title, url, queue) {
// Check the State
if (History.extractHashFromUrl(url)) {
throw new Error('History.js does not support states with fragement-identifiers (hashes/anchors).');
// Handle Queueing
if (queue !== false && History.busy()) {
// Wait + Push to Queue
History.debug('History.pushState: we must wait', arguments);
scope: History,
callback: History.pushState,
args: arguments,
queue: queue
return false;
// Make Busy + Continue
// Create the newState
var newState = History.createStateObject(data, title, url);
// Store the newState
// Push the newState
history.pushState(newState.data, newState.title, newState.url);
// Fire HTML5 Event
History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'popstate');
// End pushState closure
return true;
* History.replaceState(data,title,url)
* Replace the State and trigger onpopstate
* We have to trigger for HTML4 compatibility
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} title
* @param {string} url
* @return {true}
History.replaceState = function(data, title, url, queue) {
// Check the State
if (History.extractHashFromUrl(url)) {
throw new Error('History.js does not support states with fragement-identifiers (hashes/anchors).');
// Handle Queueing
if (queue !== false && History.busy()) {
// Wait + Push to Queue
History.debug('History.replaceState: we must wait', arguments);
scope: History,
callback: History.replaceState,
args: arguments,
queue: queue
return false;
// Make Busy + Continue
// Create the newState
var newState = History.createStateObject(data, title, url);
// Store the newState
// Push the newState
history.replaceState(newState.data, newState.title, newState.url);
// Fire HTML5 Event
History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'popstate');
// End replaceState closure
return true;
* Ensure Cross Browser Compatibility
if (navigator.vendor === 'Apple Computer, Inc.') {
* Fix Safari Initial State Issue
History.Adapter.onDomLoad(function() {
History.debug('Safari Initial State Change Fix');
var currentState = History.createStateObject({}, '', document.location.href);
History.pushState(currentState.data, currentState.title, currentState.url);
* Fix Safari HashChange Issue
History.Adapter.bind(window, 'hashchange', function() {
History.Adapter.trigger(window, 'popstate');
}; // init
// Try Load HTML5 Support