require 'spec_helper' describe 'Client-Side Encryption' do describe 'Prose tests: Corpus Test' do require_libmongocrypt require_enterprise min_server_fcv '4.2' include_context 'define shared FLE helpers' let(:client) { authorized_client } let(:key_vault_client) do client.with( database: 'admin', write_concern: { w: :majority } )['datakeys'] end let(:test_schema_map) { BSON::ExtJSON.parse('spec/support/crypt/corpus/corpus-schema.json')) } let(:local_data_key) { BSON::ExtJSON.parse('spec/support/crypt/corpus/corpus-key-local.json')) } let(:aws_data_key) { BSON::ExtJSON.parse('spec/support/crypt/corpus/corpus-key-aws.json')) } let(:client_encrypted) do new_local_client( SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( auto_encryption_options: { kms_providers: { local: { key: local_master_key }, aws: { access_key_id: SpecConfig.instance.fle_aws_key, secret_access_key: SpecConfig.instance.fle_aws_secret, }, }, key_vault_namespace: 'admin.datakeys', schema_map: local_schema_map, # Spawn mongocryptd on non-default port for sharded cluster tests extra_options: extra_options, }, database: 'db', ) ) end let(:client_encryption) do client, { kms_providers: { local: { key: local_master_key }, aws: { access_key_id: SpecConfig.instance.fle_aws_key, secret_access_key: SpecConfig.instance.fle_aws_secret, } }, key_vault_namespace: 'admin.datakeys', }, ) end let(:corpus) do BSON::ExtJSON.parse('spec/support/crypt/corpus/corpus.json'), mode: :bson) end let(:corpus_encrypted_expected) do BSON::ExtJSON.parse('spec/support/crypt/corpus/corpus_encrypted.json')) end let(:corpus_copied) do # As per the instructions of the prose spec, corpus_copied is a copy of # the corpus BSON::Document that encrypts all fields that are meant to # be explicitly encrypted. corpus is a document containing many # sub-documents, each with a value to encrypt and information about how # to encrypt that value. corpus_copied = corpus.each do |key, doc| if ['_id', 'altname_aws', 'altname_local'].include?(key) corpus_copied[key] = doc next end if doc['method'] == 'auto' corpus_copied[key] = doc elsif doc['method'] == 'explicit' options = if doc['identifier'] == 'id' key_id = if doc['kms'] == 'local' 'LOCALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==' else 'AWSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==' end { key_id:, :uuid) } elsif doc['identifier'] == 'altname' { key_alt_name: doc['kms'] } end algorithm = if doc['algo'] == 'rand' 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random' else 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic' end begin encrypted_value = client_encryption.encrypt( doc['value'], options.merge({ algorithm: algorithm }) ) corpus_copied[key] = doc.merge('value' => encrypted_value) rescue => e # If doc['allowed'] is true, it means that this field should have # been encrypted without error, and thus that this error is unexpected. # If doc['allowed'] is false, this error was expected and the value # should be copied over without being encrypted. if doc['allowed'] raise "Unexpected error occured in client-side encryption " + "corpus tests: #{e.class}: #{e.message}" end corpus_copied[key] = doc end end end corpus_copied end before do client.use('db')['coll'].drop key_vault_collection = client.use('admin')['datakeys', write_concern: { w: :majority }] key_vault_collection.drop key_vault_collection.insert_one(local_data_key) key_vault_collection.insert_one(aws_data_key) end shared_context 'with jsonSchema collection validator' do let(:local_schema_map) { nil } before do client.use('db')['coll', { 'validator' => { '$jsonSchema' => test_schema_map } } ].create end end shared_context 'with local schema map' do let(:local_schema_map) { { 'db.coll' => test_schema_map } } end shared_examples 'a functioning encrypter' do it 'properly encrypts and decrypts a document' do corpus_encrypted_id = client_encrypted['coll'] .insert_one(corpus_copied) .inserted_id corpus_decrypted = client_encrypted['coll'] .find(_id: corpus_encrypted_id) .first # Ensure that corpus_decrypted is the same as the original corpus # document by checking that they have the same set of keys, and that # they have the same values at those keys (improved diagnostics). expect(corpus_decrypted.keys).to eq(corpus.keys) corpus_decrypted.each do |key, doc| expect(key => doc).to eq(key => corpus[key]) end corpus_encrypted_actual = client .use('db')['coll'] .find(_id: corpus_encrypted_id) .first # Check that the actual encrypted document matches the expected # encrypted document. expect(corpus_encrypted_actual.keys).to eq(corpus_encrypted_expected.keys) corpus_encrypted_actual.each do |key, value| # If it was deterministically encrypted, test the encrypted values # for equality. if value['algo'] == 'det' expect(value['value']).to eq(corpus_encrypted_expected[key]['value']) else # If the document was randomly encrypted, the two encrypted values # will not be equal. Ensure that they are equal when decrypted. if value['allowed'] actual_decrypted_value = client_encryption.decrypt(value['value']) expected_decrypted_value = client_encryption.decrypt(corpus_encrypted_expected[key]['value']) expect(actual_decrypted_value).to eq(expected_decrypted_value) else # If 'allowed' was false, the value was never encrypted; ensure # that it is equal to the original, unencrypted value. expect(value['value']).to eq(corpus[key]['value']) end end end end end context 'with local KMS provider' do include_context 'with local kms_providers' context 'with collection validator' do include_context 'with jsonSchema collection validator' it_behaves_like 'a functioning encrypter' end context 'with schema map' do include_context 'with local schema map' it_behaves_like 'a functioning encrypter' end end context 'with AWS KMS provider' do include_context 'with AWS kms_providers' context 'with collection validator' do include_context 'with jsonSchema collection validator' it_behaves_like 'a functioning encrypter' end context 'with schema map' do include_context 'with local schema map' it_behaves_like 'a functioning encrypter' end end end end