module Vanity class Metric AGGREGATES = [:average, :minimum, :maximum, :sum] # Use an ActiveRecord model to get metric data from database table. Also # forwards +after_create+ callbacks to hooks (updating experiments). # # Supported options: # :conditions -- Only select records that match this condition # :average -- Metric value is average of this column # :minimum -- Metric value is minimum of this column # :maximum -- Metric value is maximum of this column # :sum -- Metric value is sum of this column # :timestamp -- Use this column to filter/group records (defaults to # +created_at+) # # @example Track sign ups using User model # metric "Signups" do # model Account # end # @example Track satisfaction using Survey model # metric "Satisfaction" do # model Survey, :average=>:rating # end # @example Track only high ratings # metric "High ratings" do # model Rating, :conditions=>["stars >= 4"] # end # @example Track only high ratings (using scope) # metric "High ratings" do # model Rating.high # end # # @since 1.2.0 # @see Vanity::Metric::ActiveRecord def model(class_or_scope, options = nil) options = options || {} conditions = options.delete(:conditions) @ar_scoped = conditions ? class_or_scope.scoped(:conditions=>conditions) : class_or_scope @ar_aggregate = AGGREGATES.find { |key| options.has_key?(key) } @ar_column = options.delete(@ar_aggregate) fail "Cannot use multiple aggregates in a single metric" if AGGREGATES.find { |key| options.has_key?(key) } @ar_timestamp = options.delete(:timestamp) || :created_at fail "Unrecognized options: #{options.keys * ", "}" unless options.empty? @ar_scoped.after_create self extend ActiveRecord end # Calling model method on a metric extends it with these modules, redefining # the values and track! methods. # # @since 1.3.0 module ActiveRecord # This values method queries the database. def values(sdate, edate) query = { :conditions=>{ @ar_timestamp=>(sdate.to_time...(edate + 1).to_time) }, :group=>"date(#{@ar_scoped.connection.quote_column_name @ar_timestamp})" } grouped = @ar_column ? @ar_scoped.calculate(@ar_aggregate, @ar_column, query) : @ar_scoped.count(query) (sdate..edate).inject([]) { |ordered, date| ordered << (grouped[date.to_s] || 0) } end # This track! method stores nothing, but calls the hooks. def track!(*args) count = args.first || 1 call_hooks, count if count > 0 end # AR model after_create callback notifies all the hooks. def after_create(record) count = @ar_column ? (record.send(@ar_column) || 0) : 1 call_hooks record.send(@ar_timestamp), count if count > 0 && @ar_scoped.exists?(record) end end end end