# frozen_string_literal: true require 'intranet/core' require 'intranet/logger' require 'intranet/abstract_responder' require 'intranet/pictures/responder' RSpec.describe Intranet::Pictures::Responder do it 'should inherit from Intranet::AbstractResponder' do expect(described_class.superclass).to eql(Intranet::AbstractResponder) end it 'should define its name, version and homepage' do expect { described_class.module_name }.not_to raise_error expect { described_class.module_version }.not_to raise_error expect { described_class.module_homepage }.not_to raise_error end before do logger = Intranet::Logger.new(Intranet::Logger::FATAL) @core = Intranet::Core.new(logger) @provider = Intranet::Pictures::JsonDbProvider.new(File.join(__dir__, 'sample-db.json')) @responder = described_class.new(@provider) @core.register_module( @responder, ['pictures'], File.absolute_path('../../../lib/intranet/resources', __dir__) ) end describe '#in_menu?' do it 'should return the value provided at initialization' do expect(described_class.new(nil, [], [], false).in_menu?).to be false expect(described_class.new(nil, [], [], true).in_menu?).to be true end end describe '#resources_dir' do it 'should return the absolute path of the resources directory' do expect(described_class.new(nil, [], [], false).resources_dir).to eql( File.absolute_path('../../../lib/intranet/resources', __dir__) ) end end describe '#title' do it 'should return the title of the webpage provided by the module' do expect(@responder.title).to eql('My Gallery') end end describe '#generate_page' do context 'when asked for \'/index.html\'' do it 'should return a partial HTML content showing recent groups according to configuration' do # Nominal case with limit recents = [{ 'group_by' => 'location', 'sort_by' => 'datetime', 'sort_order' => 'desc', 'limit' => 2 }] @responder.instance_variable_set(:@recents, recents) code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/index.html', {}) expect(code).to eql(206) expect(mime).to eql('text/html') expect(content).to eql( { content: "

My Gallery

\n" \ "\n\n" \ "


\n" \ "\n" \ "


\n" \ "
\n", title: 'My Gallery', stylesheets: [ 'design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css' ], scripts: [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }] } ) # Nominal case with limit recents = [{ 'group_by' => 'location', 'sort_by' => 'datetime', 'limit' => 2 }] @responder.instance_variable_set(:@recents, recents) code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/index.html', {}) expect(code).to eql(206) expect(mime).to eql('text/html') expect(content).to eql( { content: "

My Gallery

\n" \ "\n\n" \ "


\n" \ "\n" \ "


\n" \ "
\n", title: 'My Gallery', stylesheets: [ 'design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css' ], scripts: [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }] } ) # Nominal case without limit recents = [{ 'group_by' => 'location', 'sort_by' => 'location', 'sort_order' => 'desc' }] @responder.instance_variable_set(:@recents, recents) code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/index.html', {}) expect(code).to eql(206) expect(mime).to eql('text/html') expect(content).to eql( { content: "

My Gallery

\n" \ "\n\n" \ "


\n" \ "\n" \ "
\n", title: 'My Gallery', stylesheets: [ 'design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css' ], scripts: [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }] } ) # Incorrect recents specification recents = [{ 'group_by' => 'invalid', 'sort_by' => 'location' }] @responder.instance_variable_set(:@recents, recents) code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/index.html', {}) expect(code).to eql(404) expect(mime).to be_empty expect(content).to be_empty end it 'should return a partial HTML content showing all groups according to configuration' do # Nominal case without recents home_groups = [{ 'group_by' => 'location', 'sort_by' => 'location', 'browse_group_by' => 'author' }] @responder.instance_variable_set(:@home_groups, home_groups) code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/index.html', {}) expect(code).to eql(206) expect(mime).to eql('text/html') expect(content).to eql( { content: "

My Gallery

\n" \ "\n\n" \ "


\n" \ "\n" \ "
\n", title: 'My Gallery', stylesheets: [ 'design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css' ], scripts: [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }] } ) # Nominal case with recents recents = [{ 'group_by' => 'location', 'sort_by' => 'location', 'sort_order' => 'asc' }] @responder.instance_variable_set(:@recents, recents) home_groups = [{ 'group_by' => 'author', 'sort_by' => 'author', 'sort_order' => 'asc', 'browse_group_by' => 'location', 'browse_sort_by' => 'location', 'browse_sort_order' => 'desc' }] @responder.instance_variable_set(:@home_groups, home_groups) code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/index.html', {}) expect(code).to eql(206) expect(mime).to eql('text/html') expect(content).to eql( { content: "

My Gallery

\n" \ "\n\n" \ "


\n" \ "\n" \ "


\n" \ "\n" \ "
\n", title: 'My Gallery', stylesheets: [ 'design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css' ], scripts: [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }] } ) end end context 'when asked for \'/browse.html\'' do it 'should return a partial HTML content with selected pictures grouped as requested' do # No selector nor sort order query = { 'group_by' => 'author' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/browse.html', query) expect(code).to eql(206) expect(mime).to eql('text/html') expect(content).to eql( { content: "

My Gallery

\n" \ "\n\n" \ "\n" \ "
\n", title: 'My Gallery', stylesheets: [ 'design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css' ], scripts: [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }] } ) # Valid selector, valid sort order query = { 'group_by' => 'location', 'author' => 'John Doe', 'sort_by' => 'location', 'sort_order' => 'desc' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/browse.html', query) expect(code).to eql(206) expect(mime).to eql('text/html') expect(content).to eql( { content: "

My Gallery

\n" \ "\n\n" \ "\n" \ "
\n", title: 'My Gallery', stylesheets: [ 'design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css' ], scripts: [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }] } ) # Invalid selector query = { 'group_by' => 'location', 'foo' => 'bar' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/browse.html', query) expect(code).to eql(206) expect(mime).to eql('text/html') expect(content).to eql( { content: "

My Gallery

\n" \ "\n\n" \ "\n" \ "
\n", title: 'My Gallery', stylesheets: [ 'design/style.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe.css', 'design/photoswipe/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css' ], scripts: [{ src: 'design/jpictures.js', type: 'module' }] } ) # Invalid grouping criteria query = { 'group_by' => 'foo' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/browse.html', query) expect(code).to eql(404) expect(mime).to be_empty expect(content).to be_empty # Invalid sorting criteria query = { 'group_by' => 'location', 'sort_order' => 'foo' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/browse.html', query) expect(code).to eql(404) expect(mime).to be_empty expect(content).to be_empty end end context 'when asked for \'/i18n.js\'' do it 'should return the internationalized version of required JavaScript variables' do code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/i18n.js', {}) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('text/javascript') expect(content).to eql( "export default {\n" \ " viewer_close: '#{I18n.t('pictures.viewer.close')}',\n" \ " viewer_zoom: '#{I18n.t('pictures.viewer.zoom')}',\n" \ " viewer_previous: '#{I18n.t('pictures.viewer.previous')}',\n" \ " viewer_next: '#{I18n.t('pictures.viewer.next')}' };" ) end end context 'when asked for \'/api/group_thumbnail\'' do it 'should return the selected group thumnail' do # Existing group with thumbnail query = { 'location' => 'New York, USA' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/group_thumbnail', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('image/png') expect(content).to eql(File.read(File.join(__dir__, 'alpha.png'))) # Existing group with no specified thumbnail query = { 'location' => 'Paris, France' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/group_thumbnail', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('image/svg+xml') expect(content).to eql( File.read(File.join(__dir__, '../../../lib/intranet/resources/www/group_thumbnail.svg')) ) # Existing group with non-existant thumbnail query = { 'author' => 'Jane Doe' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/group_thumbnail', query) expect(code).to eql(404) expect(mime).to be_empty expect(content).to be_empty # Invalid query query = { 'location' => 'Tokyo, Japan', 'camera' => 'Canon EOS 5D MARK IV' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/group_thumbnail', query) expect(code).to eql(404) expect(mime).to be_empty expect(content).to be_empty end end context 'when asked for \'/api/group_brief\'' do it 'should return the selected group brief text' do # Existing group with brief text query = { 'location' => 'Paris, France' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/group_brief', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('application/json') expect(content).to eql('The City of Light'.to_json) # Existing group with no brief text query = { 'location' => 'Tokyo, Japan' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/group_brief', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('application/json') expect(content).to eql(''.to_json) # Invalid query query = { 'location' => 'Tokyo, Japan', 'camera' => 'Canon EOS 5D MARK IV' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/group_brief', query) expect(code).to eql(404) expect(mime).to be_empty expect(content).to be_empty end end context 'when asked for \'/api/pictures\'' do it 'should return a JSON representation of the selected pictures' do # All pictures (no selector nor sort order) code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/pictures', {}) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('application/json') expect(content).to eql( [ { 'datetime' => '2019:07:22 09:41:31', 'author' => 'John Doe', 'location' => 'Paris, France', 'camera' => 'Apple iPhone 11' }, { 'datetime' => '2020:06:19 07:51:05', 'flash' => false, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'Tokyo, Japan' }, { 'datetime' => '2020:06:20 18:14:09', 'flash' => true, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'New York, USA' }, { 'datetime' => '2020:06:20 06:09:54', 'flash' => true, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'Paris, France', 'camera' => 'Canon EOS 5D MARK IV' }, { 'datetime' => '2019:07:22 09:45:17', 'author' => 'John Doe', 'location' => 'Tokyo, Japan' } ].to_json ) # Valid selector, no sort order query = { 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'flash' => true } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/pictures', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('application/json') expect(content).to eql( [ { 'datetime' => '2020:06:20 18:14:09', 'flash' => true, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'New York, USA' }, { 'datetime' => '2020:06:20 06:09:54', 'flash' => true, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'Paris, France', 'camera' => 'Canon EOS 5D MARK IV' } ].to_json ) # Valid selector, valid sort order query = { 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'flash' => true, 'sort_by' => 'datetime' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/pictures', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('application/json') expect(content).to eql( [ { 'datetime' => '2020:06:20 06:09:54', 'flash' => true, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'Paris, France', 'camera' => 'Canon EOS 5D MARK IV' }, { 'datetime' => '2020:06:20 18:14:09', 'flash' => true, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'New York, USA' } ].to_json ) query = { 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'flash' => true, 'sort_by' => 'location', 'sort_order' => 'desc' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/pictures', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('application/json') expect(content).to eql( [ { 'datetime' => '2020:06:20 06:09:54', 'flash' => true, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'Paris, France', 'camera' => 'Canon EOS 5D MARK IV' }, { 'datetime' => '2020:06:20 18:14:09', 'flash' => true, 'author' => 'Jane Doe', 'location' => 'New York, USA' } ].to_json ) # Invalid selector query = { 'a' => 'b' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/pictures', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('application/json') expect(content).to eql([].to_json) # Invalid sort order query = { 'sort_order' => 'foo' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/pictures', query) expect(code).to eql(404) expect(mime).to be_empty expect(content).to be_empty end end context 'when asked for \'/api/picture\'' do it 'should return the selected picture' do # Existing picture query = { 'uri' => 'white.jpg' } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/picture', query) expect(code).to eql(200) expect(mime).to eql('image/jpeg') expect(content).to eql(File.read(File.join(__dir__, 'white.jpg'))) # Invalid selector query = { 'value' => true } code, mime, content = @responder.generate_page('/api/picture', query) expect(code).to eql(404) expect(mime).to be_empty expect(content).to be_empty end end context 'otherwise' do it 'should return an HTTP 404 error' do expect(@responder.generate_page('index.html', {})).to eql([404, '', '']) expect(@responder.generate_page('/api/groups', {})).to eql([404, '', '']) expect(@responder.generate_page('/api/group', {})).to eql([404, '', '']) expect(@responder.generate_page('/api/pictures/foo', {})).to eql([404, '', '']) end end end end