module Caboose class VariantsController < Caboose::ApplicationController # POST /variants/find-by-options def find_by_options # Find the variant based on the product ID and options variant = Variant.find_by_options(params[:product_id], params[:option1], params[:option2], params[:option3]) # If there are customizations, find the correct variant customizations = if params[:customizations] params[:customizations].map do |customization_id, options| Variant.find_by_options(customization_id, options[:option1], options[:option2], options[:option3]) end else end render :json => { :variant => variant, :customizations => customizations } end # GET /variants/:id/display-image def display_image ap "File is found" render :json => Variant.find(params[:id]).product_images.first end #============================================================================= # Admin actions #============================================================================= # GET /admin/products/:id/variants # GET /admin/products/:id/variants/:variant_id def admin_index return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:product_id]) if @product.variants.nil? || @product.variants.count == 0 v = v.option1 = @product.default1 if @product.option1 v.option2 = @product.default2 if @product.option2 v.option3 = @product.default3 if @product.option3 v.status = 'Active' @product.variants = [v] end @variant = params[:variant_id] ? Variant.find(params[:variant_id]) : @product.variants[0] @highlight_variant_id = params[:highlight] ? params[:highlight].to_i : nil render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/:product_id/variants/json def admin_json return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'view') pager =, { 'product_id' => params[:product_id] }, { 'model' => 'Caboose::Variant', 'sort' => 'option1, option2, option3', 'desc' => false, 'base_url' => "/admin/products/#{params[:product_id]}/variants", 'items_per_page' => 100, 'use_url_params' => false }) render :json => { :pager => pager, :models => pager.items } end # GET /admin/products/:product_id/variants/:id/json def admin_json_single return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'view') v = Variant.find(params[:id]) render :json => v end # GET /admin/products/:product_id/variants/:variant_id def admin_edit return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'edit') @variant = Variant.find(params[:id]) @product = @variant.product render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/producst/:product_id/variants/:id/download-url def admin_download_url return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'edit') resp = v = Variant.find(params[:id]) expires_in = params[:expires_in].to_i if !v.downloadable resp.error = "This variant is not downloadable." else config = YAML.load_file("#{::Rails.root}/config/aws.yml") bucket =[Rails.env]['bucket']) s3object =, v.download_path) resp.url = s3object.url_for(:read, :expires => expires_in.minutes).to_s resp.success = true end render :json => resp end # PUT /admin/variants/:id def admin_update return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'edit') resp ={'attributes' => {}}) v = Variant.find(params[:id]) save = true params.each do |name,value| case name when 'alternate_id' then v.alternate_id = value when 'sku' then v.sku = value when 'barcode' then v.barcode = value when 'price' then v.price = value when 'quantity_in_stock' then v.quantity_in_stock = value when 'ignore_quantity' then v.ignore_quantity = value when 'allow_backorder' then v.allow_backorder = value when 'status' then v.status = value when 'weight' then v.weight = value when 'length' then v.length = value when 'width' then v.width = value when 'height' then v.height = value when 'option1' then v.option1 = value when 'option2' then v.option2 = value when 'option3' then v.option3 = value when 'requires_shipping' then v.requires_shipping = value when 'taxable' then v.taxable = value when 'downloadable' then v.downloadable = value when 'download_path' then v.download_path = value end end resp.success = save && render :json => resp end # GET /admin/products/:id/variants/new def admin_new return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'add') @top_categories = ProductCategory.where(:parent_id => nil).reorder('name').all @product_id = params[:id] @variant = render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # POST /admin/products/:id/variants def admin_add return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'add') resp = :error => nil, :refresh => nil ) p = Product.find(params[:id]) v = => v.option1 = p.default1 v.option2 = p.default2 v.option3 = p.default3 v.status = 'Active' resp.refresh = true render :json => resp end # PUT /admin/variants/:id/attach-to-image def admin_attach_to_image render :json => false if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'edit') variant_id = params[:id].to_i img = ProductImage.find(params[:product_image_id]) exists = false img.variants.each do |v| if == variant_id exists = true break end end if exists render :json => true return end img.variants = [] if img.variants.nil? img.variants << Variant.find(variant_id) render :json => true end # PUT /admin/variants/:id/unattach-from-image def admin_unattach_from_image render :json => false if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'edit') v = Variant.find(params[:id]) img = ProductImage.find(params[:product_image_id]) img.variants.delete(v) render :json => true end # DELETE /admin/products/:product_id/variants/:id def admin_delete return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'delete') v = Variant.find(params[:id]) v.status = 'Deleted' render :json =>{ :redirect => "/admin/products/#{v.product_id}/variants" }) end # DELETE /admin/products/:product_id/variants/bulk def admin_bulk_delete return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'delete') resp = params[:model_ids].each do |variant_id| v = Variant.find(variant_id) v.status = 'Deleted' end resp.success = true render :json => resp end # GET /admin/products/:product_id/variants/sort-order def admin_edit_sort_order return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:product_id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # PUT /admin/products/:product_id/variants/option1-sort-order def admin_update_option1_sort_order product_id = params[:product_id] params[:values].each_with_index do |value, i| Variant.where(:product_id => product_id, :option1 => value).all.each do |v| v.update_attribute(:option1_sort_order, i) end end render :json => { :success => true } end # PUT /admin/products/:product_id/variants/option1-sort-order def admin_update_option2_sort_order product_id = params[:product_id] params[:values].each_with_index do |value, i| Variant.where(:product_id => product_id, :option2 => value).all.each do |v| v.update_attribute(:option2_sort_order, i) end end render :json => { :success => true } end # PUT /admin/products/:product_id/variants/option1-sort-order def admin_update_option3_sort_order product_id = params[:product_id] params[:values].each_with_index do |value, i| Variant.where(:product_id => product_id, :option3 => value).all.each do |v| v.update_attribute(:option3_sort_order, i) end end render :json => { :success => true } end # GET /admin/variants def admin_group return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'edit') joins = [] where = [] values = [] if params[:category_ids] joins << [:category_memberships] where << 'store_category_memberships.category_id IN (?)' values << params[:category_ids] end if params[:vendor_ids] joins << [:vendor] where << ' IN (?)' values << params[:vendor_ids] end if params[:title] where << 'LOWER(store_products.title) LIKE ?' values << "%#{params[:title].downcase}%" end # Query for all relevant products products = values.any? ? Caboose::Product.joins(joins).where([where.join(' AND ')].concat(values)) : [] # Grab variants for each product @variants = products.collect { |product| product.variants }.flatten # Grab all categories; except for all and uncategorized @categories = Category.where('site_id = ? and parent_id IS NOT NULL AND name IS NOT NULL', # Grab all vendors @vendors = Vendor.where('site_id = ? and name IS NOT NULL', render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # POST /admin/products/:product_id/variants/add def admin_add resp = p = Caboose::Product.find(params[:product_id]) v = Caboose::Variant.where(:alternate_id => params[:alternate_id]).first v = => if v.nil? v.product_id = v.alternate_id = params[:alternate_id].strip v.quantity_in_stock = params[:quantity_in_stock].strip.to_i v.price = '%.2f' % params[:price].strip.to_f v.option1 = params[:option1] if p.option1 v.option2 = params[:option2] if p.option2 v.option3 = params[:option3] if p.option3 v.status = 'Active' resp.success = true render :json => resp end # POST /admin/products/:product_id/variants/bulk def admin_bulk_add product = Product.find(params[:product_id]) resp = p = Caboose::Product.find(params[:product_id]) # Check for data integrity first CSV.parse(params[:csv_data]).each do |row| if row[1].nil? then resp.error = "Quantity is not defined for variant: #{row[0].strip}" and break elsif row[2].nil? then resp.error = "Price is not defined for variant: #{row[0].strip}" and break elsif p.option1 && row[3].nil? then resp.error = "#{p.option1} is not defined for variant: #{row[0].strip}" and break elsif p.option2 && row[4].nil? then resp.error = "#{p.option2} is not defined for variant: #{row[0].strip}" and break elsif p.option3 && row[5].nil? then resp.error = "#{p.option3} is not defined for variant: #{row[0].strip}" and break end end if resp.error.nil? CSV.parse(params[:csv_data]).each do |row| v = nil if row[0].strip.length == 0 v = => else v = Caboose::Variant.where(:alternate_id => row[0]).first v = => if v.nil? end v.product_id = v.alternate_id = row[0].strip v.quantity_in_stock = row[1].strip.to_i v.price = '%.2f' % row[2].strip.to_f v.option1 = row[3] if p.option1 v.option2 = row[4] if p.option2 v.option3 = row[5] if p.option3 v.status = 'Active' end resp.success = true end render :json => resp end # PUT /admin/products/:product_id/variants/bulk def admin_bulk_update return unless user_is_allowed_to 'edit', 'sites' resp = variants = params[:model_ids].collect{ |variant_id| Variant.find(variant_id) } save = true params.each do |k,value| case k when 'alternate_id' then variants.each { |v| v.alternate_id = value } when 'sku' then variants.each { |v| v.sku = value } when 'barcode' then variants.each { |v| v.barcode = value } when 'price' then variants.each { |v| v.price = value } when 'quantity_in_stock' then variants.each { |v| v.quantity_in_stock = value } when 'ignore_quantity' then variants.each { |v| v.ignore_quantity = value } when 'allow_backorder' then variants.each { |v| v.allow_backorder = value } when 'status' then variants.each { |v| v.status = value } when 'weight' then variants.each { |v| v.weight = value } when 'length' then variants.each { |v| v.length = value } when 'width' then variants.each { |v| v.width = value } when 'height' then variants.each { |v| v.height = value } when 'option1' then variants.each { |v| v.option1 = value } when 'option2' then variants.each { |v| v.option2 = value } when 'option3' then variants.each { |v| v.option3 = value } when 'requires_shipping' then variants.each { |v| v.requires_shipping = value } when 'taxable' then variants.each { |v| v.taxable = value } when 'downloadable' then variants.each { |v| v.downloadable = value } when 'download_path' then variants.each { |v| v.download_path = value } end end variants.each{ |v| } resp.success = true render :json => resp end # POST /admin/products/:product_id/variants/remove def admin_remove_variants params[:variant_ids].each do |variant_id| variant = Variant.find(variant_id) # variant.update_attribute(:status, 'deleted') # variant.product.update_attribute(:status, 'deleted') if variant.product.variants.where('status != ?', 'deleted').count == 0 end # Remove passed variants # redirect_to "/admin/products/#{params[:id]}/variants/group" render :json => true end #=========================================================================== # Option methods #=========================================================================== # GET /admin/variants/status-options def admin_status_options arr = ['Active', 'Inactive', 'Deleted'] options = [] arr.each do |status| options << { :value => status, :text => status } end render :json => options end end end