require 'support' require 'mustermann/sinatra' describe Mustermann::Sinatra do extend Support::Pattern pattern '' do it { should match('') } it { should_not match('/') } end pattern '/' do it { should match('/') } it { should_not match('/foo') } end pattern '/foo' do it { should match('/foo') } it { should_not match('/bar') } it { should_not match('/') } end pattern '/foo/bar' do it { should match('/foo/bar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2Fbar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2fbar') } end pattern '/foo\/bar' do it { should match('/foo/bar') } it { should match('/foo%2Fbar') } it { should match('/foo%2fbar') } end pattern '/:foo' do it { should match('/foo') .capturing foo: 'foo' } it { should match('/bar') .capturing foo: 'bar' } it { should match('/') .capturing foo: '' } it { should match('/%0Afoo') .capturing foo: '%0Afoo' } it { should match('/foo%2Fbar') .capturing foo: 'foo%2Fbar' } it { should_not match('/foo?') } it { should_not match('/foo/bar') } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/foo/') } end pattern '/föö' do it { should match("/f%C3%B6%C3%B6") } end pattern "/:foo/:bar" do it { should match('/foo/bar') .capturing foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' } it { should match('/') .capturing foo: '', bar: '' } it { should match('/') .capturing foo: '', bar: 'name' } it { should match('/10.1/') .capturing foo: '10.1', bar: '' } it { should match('/10.1.2/') .capturing foo: '10.1.2', bar: '' } it { should_not match('/foo%2Fbar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2fbar') } example { pattern.params('/bar/foo').should be == {"foo" => "bar", "bar" => "foo"} } example { pattern.params('').should be_nil } end pattern '/hello/:person' do it { should match('/hello/Frank').capturing person: 'Frank' } end pattern '/?:foo?/?:bar?' do it { should match('/hello/world') .capturing foo: 'hello', bar: 'world' } it { should match('/hello') .capturing foo: 'hello', bar: nil } it { should match('/') .capturing foo: nil, bar: nil } it { should match('') .capturing foo: nil, bar: nil } it { should_not match('/hello/world/') } end pattern '/:foo_bar' do it { should match('/hello').capturing foo_bar: 'hello' } end pattern '/*' do it { should match('/') .capturing splat: '' } it { should match('/foo') .capturing splat: 'foo' } it { should match('/foo/bar') .capturing splat: 'foo/bar' } example { pattern.params('/foo').should be == {"splat" => ["foo"]} } end pattern '/:foo/*' do it { should match("/foo/bar/baz") .capturing foo: 'foo', splat: 'bar/baz' } it { should match("/foo/") .capturing foo: 'foo', splat: '' } it { should match('/h%20w/h%20a%20y') .capturing foo: 'h%20w', splat: 'h%20a%20y' } it { should_not match('/foo') } example { pattern.params('/bar/foo').should be == {"splat" => ["foo"], "foo" => "bar"} } example { pattern.params('/bar/foo/f%20o').should be == {"splat" => ["foo/f o"], "foo" => "bar"} } end pattern '/test$/' do it { should match('/test$/') } end pattern '/te+st/' do it { should match('/te+st/') } it { should_not match('/test/') } it { should_not match('/teest/') } end pattern "/path with spaces" do it { should match('/path%20with%20spaces') } it { should match('/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces') } it { should match('/path+with+spaces') } end pattern '/foo&bar' do it { should match('/foo&bar') } end pattern '/*/:foo/*/*' do it { should match('/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom') } it "should capture all splat parts" do match = pattern.match('/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom') match.captures.should be == ['bar', 'foo', 'bling', 'baz/boom'] match.names.should be == ['splat', 'foo'] end it 'should map to proper params' do pattern.params('/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom').should be == { "foo" => "foo", "splat" => ['bar', 'bling', 'baz/boom'] } end end pattern '/' do it { should match('/') } it { should_not match('/test0bar') } end pattern '/:file.:ext' do it { should match('/pony.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony%2Ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony%2ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony%E6%AD%A3%2Ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony%E6%AD%A3', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony%e6%ad%a3%2ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony%e6%ad%a3', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony正%2Ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony正', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony正%2ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony正', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony正..jpg') .capturing file: 'pony正.', ext: 'jpg' } it { should_not match('/.jpg') } end pattern '/(:a)x?' do it { should match('/a') .capturing a: 'a' } it { should match('/xa') .capturing a: 'xa' } it { should match('/axa') .capturing a: 'axa' } it { should match('/ax') .capturing a: 'a' } it { should match('/axax') .capturing a: 'axa' } it { should match('/axaxx') .capturing a: 'axax' } end pattern '/:user(@:host)?' do it { should match('/foo@bar') .capturing user: 'foo', host: 'bar' } it { should match('/') .capturing user: '', host: 'bar' } it { should match('/') .capturing user: 'foo', host: '' } end pattern '/:file(.:ext)?' do it { should match('/pony') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: nil } it { should match('/pony.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony%2Ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony%2ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony.png.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony.png', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony.') .capturing file: 'pony.' } it { should_not match('/.jpg') } end pattern '/:id/' do it { should match('/3/') .capturing id: '3' } it { should match('/2/') .capturing id: '2' } it { should match('/2E/') .capturing id: '2E' } it { should match('/2e/') .capturing id: '2e' } it { should match('/%2E/') .capturing id: '%2E' } end pattern '/10/:id' do it { should match('/10/test') .capturing id: 'test' } it { should match('/10/') .capturing id: '' } end pattern '/10.1/:id' do it { should match('/10.1/test') .capturing id: 'test' } it { should match('/10.1/') .capturing id: '' } end pattern '/:foo.:bar/:id' do it { should match('/10.1/') .capturing foo: "10", bar: "1", id: "" } it { should match('/10.1.2/') .capturing foo: "10.1", bar: "2", id: "" } end pattern '/:a/:b.?:c?' do it { should match('/a/b') .capturing a: 'a', b: 'b', c: nil } it { should match('/a/b.c') .capturing a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c' } it { should match('/a.b/c') .capturing a: 'a.b', b: 'c', c: nil } it { should match('/a.b/c.d') .capturing a: 'a.b', b: 'c', c: 'd' } it { should_not match('/a.b/c.d/e') } end pattern '/:a(foo:b)?' do it { should match('/barfoobar') .capturing a: 'bar', b: 'bar' } it { should match('/barfoobarfoobar') .capturing a: 'barfoobar', b: 'bar' } it { should match('/bar') .capturing a: 'bar', b: nil } it { should_not match('/') } end pattern '/foo?' do it { should match('/fo') } it { should match('/foo') } it { should_not match('') } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/f') } it { should_not match('/fooo') } end pattern '/foo\?' do it { should match('/foo?') } it { should_not match('/foo\?') } it { should_not match('/fo') } it { should_not match('/foo') } it { should_not match('') } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/f') } it { should_not match('/fooo') } end pattern '/foo\\\?' do it { should match('/foo%5c') } it { should match('/foo') } it { should_not match('/foo\?') } it { should_not match('/fo') } it { should_not match('') } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/f') } it { should_not match('/fooo') } end pattern '/\(' do it { should match('/(') } end pattern '/\(?' do it { should match('/(') } it { should match('/') } end pattern '/(\()?' do it { should match('/(') } it { should match('/') } end pattern '/(\(\))?' do it { should match('/') } it { should match('/()') } it { should_not match('/(') } end pattern '/\(\)?' do it { should match('/(') } it { should match('/()') } it { should_not match('/') } end pattern '/\*' do it { should match('/*') } it { should_not match('/a') } end pattern '/\*/*' do it { should match('/*/b/c') } it { should_not match('/a/b/c') } end pattern '/\:foo' do it { should match('/:foo') } it { should_not match('/foo') } end pattern '/:fOO' do it { should match('/a').capturing fOO: 'a' } end pattern '/:_X' do it { should match('/a').capturing _X: 'a' } end pattern '/:f00' do it { should match('/a').capturing f00: 'a' } end pattern '/:foo(/:bar)?/:baz?' do it { should match('/foo/bar/baz').capturing foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', baz: 'baz' } end pattern '/:foo', capture: /\d+/ do it { should match('/1') .capturing foo: '1' } it { should match('/123') .capturing foo: '123' } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/foo') } end pattern '/:foo', capture: /\d+/ do it { should match('/1') .capturing foo: '1' } it { should match('/123') .capturing foo: '123' } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/foo') } end pattern '/:foo', capture: '1' do it { should match('/1').capturing foo: '1' } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/foo') } it { should_not match('/123') } end pattern '/:foo', capture: 'a.b' do it { should match('/a.b') .capturing foo: 'a.b' } it { should match('/a%2Eb') .capturing foo: 'a%2Eb' } it { should match('/a%2eb') .capturing foo: 'a%2eb' } it { should_not match('/ab') } it { should_not match('/afb') } it { should_not match('/a1b') } it { should_not match('/a.bc') } end pattern '/:foo(/:bar)?', capture: :alpha do it { should match('/abc') .capturing foo: 'abc', bar: nil } it { should match('/a/b') .capturing foo: 'a', bar: 'b' } it { should match('/a') .capturing foo: 'a', bar: nil } it { should_not match('/1/2') } it { should_not match('/a/2') } it { should_not match('/1/b') } it { should_not match('/1') } it { should_not match('/1/') } it { should_not match('/a/') } it { should_not match('//a') } end pattern '/:foo', capture: ['foo', 'bar', /\d+/] do it { should match('/1') .capturing foo: '1' } it { should match('/123') .capturing foo: '123' } it { should match('/foo') .capturing foo: 'foo' } it { should match('/bar') .capturing foo: 'bar' } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/baz') } it { should_not match('/foo1') } end pattern '/:foo:bar:baz', capture: { foo: :alpha, bar: /\d+/ } do it { should match('/ab123xy-1') .capturing foo: 'ab', bar: '123', baz: 'xy-1' } it { should match('/ab123') .capturing foo: 'ab', bar: '12', baz: '3' } it { should_not match('/123abcxy-1') } it { should_not match('/abcxy-1') } it { should_not match('/abc1') } end pattern '/:foo', capture: { foo: ['foo', 'bar', /\d+/] } do it { should match('/1') .capturing foo: '1' } it { should match('/123') .capturing foo: '123' } it { should match('/foo') .capturing foo: 'foo' } it { should match('/bar') .capturing foo: 'bar' } it { should_not match('/') } it { should_not match('/baz') } it { should_not match('/foo1') } end pattern '/:file(.:ext)?', capture: { ext: ['jpg', 'png'] } do it { should match('/pony') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: nil } it { should match('/pony.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony%2Ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony%2ejpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony.png') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'png' } it { should match('/pony%2Epng') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'png' } it { should match('/pony%2epng') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'png' } it { should match('/pony.png.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony.png', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony.jpg.png') .capturing file: 'pony.jpg', ext: 'png' } it { should match('/pony.gif') .capturing file: 'pony.gif', ext: nil } it { should match('/pony.') .capturing file: 'pony.', ext: nil } it { should_not match('.jpg') } end pattern '/:file:ext?', capture: { ext: ['.jpg', '.png', '.tar.gz'] } do it { should match('/pony') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: nil } it { should match('/pony.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: '.jpg' } it { should match('/pony.png') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: '.png' } it { should match('/pony.png.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony.png', ext: '.jpg' } it { should match('/pony.jpg.png') .capturing file: 'pony.jpg', ext: '.png' } it { should match('/pony.tar.gz') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: '.tar.gz' } it { should match('/pony.gif') .capturing file: 'pony.gif', ext: nil } it { should match('/pony.') .capturing file: 'pony.', ext: nil } it { should_not match('/.jpg') } end pattern '/:a(@:b)?', capture: { b: /\d+/ } do it { should match('/a') .capturing a: 'a', b: nil } it { should match('/a@1') .capturing a: 'a', b: '1' } it { should match('/a@b') .capturing a: 'a@b', b: nil } it { should match('/a@1@2') .capturing a: 'a@1', b: '2' } end pattern '/(:a)b?', greedy: false do it { should match('/ab').capturing a: 'a' } end pattern '/:file(.:ext)?', greedy: false do it { should match('/pony') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: nil } it { should match('/pony.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'jpg' } it { should match('/pony.png.jpg') .capturing file: 'pony', ext: 'png.jpg' } end pattern '/auth/*', except: '/auth/login' do it { should match('/auth/admin') } it { should match('/auth/foobar') } it { should_not match('/auth/login') } end pattern '/:foo/:bar', except: '/:bar/20' do it { should match('/foo/bar').capturing foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' } it { should_not match('/20/20') } end pattern '/foo?', uri_decode: false do it { should match('/foo') } it { should match('/fo') } it { should_not match('/foo?') } end pattern '/foo/bar', uri_decode: false do it { should match('/foo/bar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2Fbar') } it { should_not match('/foo%2fbar') } end pattern "/path with spaces", uri_decode: false do it { should match('/path with spaces') } it { should_not match('/path%20with%20spaces') } it { should_not match('/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces') } it { should_not match('/path+with+spaces') } end pattern "/path with spaces", space_matches_plus: false do it { should match('/path%20with%20spaces') } it { should_not match('/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces') } it { should_not match('/path+with+spaces') } end context 'invalid syntax' do example 'unexpected closing parenthesis' do expect {'foo)bar') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::ParseError, 'unexpected ) while parsing "foo)bar"') end example 'missing closing parenthesis' do expect {'foo(bar') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::ParseError, 'unexpected end of string while parsing "foo(bar"') end example 'missing unescaped closing parenthesis' do expect {'foo(bar\)') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::ParseError, 'unexpected end of string while parsing "foo(bar\\\\)"') end example '? at beginning of route' do expect {'?foobar') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::ParseError, 'unexpected ? while parsing "?foobar"') end example 'double ?' do expect {'foo??bar') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::ParseError, 'unexpected ? while parsing "foo??bar"') end example 'dangling escape' do expect {'foo\\') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::ParseError, 'unexpected end of string while parsing "foo\\\\"') end end context 'invalid capture names' do example 'empty name' do expect {'/:/') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::CompileError, "capture name can't be empty: \"/:/\"") end example 'named splat' do expect {'/:splat/') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::CompileError, "capture name can't be splat: \"/:splat/\"") end example 'named captures' do expect {'/:captures/') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::CompileError, "capture name can't be captures: \"/:captures/\"") end example 'with capital letter' do expect {'/:Foo/') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::CompileError, "capture name must start with underscore or lower case letter: \"/:Foo/\"") end example 'with integer' do expect {'/:1a/') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::CompileError, "capture name must start with underscore or lower case letter: \"/:1a/\"") end example 'same name twice' do expect {'/:foo(/:bar)?/:bar?') }. to raise_error(Mustermann::CompileError, "can't use the same capture name twice: \"/:foo(/:bar)?/:bar?\"") end end context 'Regexp compatibility' do describe :=== do example('non-matching') {"/") .should_not be === '/foo' } example('matching') {"/:foo") .should be === '/foo' } end describe :=~ do example('non-matching') {"/") .should_not be =~ '/foo' } example('matching') {"/:foo") .should be =~ '/foo' } context 'String#=~' do example('non-matching') { "/foo".should_not be =~"/") } example('matching') { "/foo".should be =~"/:foo") } end end describe :to_regexp do example('empty pattern') {'').to_regexp.should be == /\A\Z/ } context 'Regexp.try_convert' do example('empty pattern') { Regexp.try_convert('')).should be == /\A\Z/ } end end end end