require "jsduck/util/singleton" module JsDuck module Js # Analyzes the AST of a Function for possible return values. class Returns include Util::Singleton # True when function always finishes with returning this. def chainable?(ast) detect(ast) == [:this] end # Detects possible return types of the given function. # # For now there are three possible detected return values: # # * :this - the code contins 'return this;' # # * "undefined" - the code finishes by returning undefined or # without explicitly returning anything # # * :other - some other value is returned. # def detect(ast) h = return_types_hash(ast["body"]["body"]) # Replace the special :void value that signifies possibility of # exiting without explicitly returning anything if h[:void] h["undefined"] = true h.delete(:void) end h.keys end private def return_types_hash(body) rvalues = {} body.each do |ast| if return?(ast) type = value_type(ast["argument"]) rvalues[type] = true return rvalues elsif possibly_blocking?(ast) extract_bodies(ast).each do |b| rvalues.merge!(return_types_hash(b)) end if !rvalues[:void] return rvalues else rvalues.delete(:void) end elsif control_flow?(ast) extract_bodies(ast).each do |b| rvalues.merge!(return_types_hash(b)) end rvalues.delete(:void) end end rvalues[:void] = true return rvalues end def return?(ast) ast["type"] == "ReturnStatement" end def value_type(ast) if !ast :void elsif undefined?(ast) || void?(ast) "undefined" elsif this?(ast) :this elsif boolean?(ast) "Boolean" elsif regexp?(ast) "RegExp" elsif string?(ast) "String" else :other end end def undefined?(ast) ast["type"] == "Identifier" && ast["name"] == "undefined" end def void?(ast) ast["type"] == "UnaryExpression" && ast["operator"] == "void" end def this?(ast) ast["type"] == "ThisExpression" end def boolean?(ast) if boolean_literal?(ast) true elsif ast["type"] == "UnaryExpression" || ast["type"] == "BinaryExpression" !!BOOLEAN_RETURNING_OPERATORS[ast["operator"]] elsif ast["type"] == "LogicalExpression" boolean?(ast["left"]) && boolean?(ast["right"]) elsif ast["type"] == "ConditionalExpression" boolean?(ast["consequent"]) && boolean?(ast["alternate"]) elsif ast["type"] == "AssignmentExpression" && ast["operator"] == "=" boolean?(ast["right"]) else false end end def boolean_literal?(ast) ast["type"] == "Literal" && (ast["value"] == true || ast["value"] == false) end def string?(ast) if string_literal?(ast) true elsif ast["type"] == "BinaryExpression" && ast["operator"] == "+" string?(ast["left"]) || string?(ast["right"]) elsif ast["type"] == "UnaryExpression" && ast["operator"] == "typeof" true else false end end def string_literal?(ast) ast["type"] == "Literal" && ast["value"].is_a?(String) end def regexp?(ast) ast["type"] == "Literal" && ast["raw"] =~ /^\// end def control_flow?(ast) CONTROL_FLOW[ast["type"]] end def extract_bodies(ast) body = [] CONTROL_FLOW[ast["type"]].each do |name| statements = ast[name] if statements.is_a?(Hash) body << [statements] else body << Array(statements) end end body end # True if the node is a control structure which will block further # program flow when all its branches finish with a return # statement. def possibly_blocking?(ast) if POSSIBLY_BLOCKING[ast["type"]] CONTROL_FLOW[ast["type"]].all? {|key| ast[key] } else false end end BOOLEAN_RETURNING_OPERATORS = { "!" => true, ">" => true, ">=" => true, "<" => true, "<=" => true, "==" => true, "!=" => true, "===" => true, "!==" => true, "in" => true, "instanceof" => true, "delete" => true, } POSSIBLY_BLOCKING = { "IfStatement" => true, "DoWhileStatement" => true, "WithStatement" => true, "LabeledStatement" => true, "BlockStatement" => true, } CONTROL_FLOW = { "IfStatement" => ["consequent", "alternate"], "SwitchStatement" => ["cases"], "SwitchCase" => ["consequent"], "ForStatement" => ["body"], "ForInStatement" => ["body"], "WhileStatement" => ["body"], "DoWhileStatement" => ["body"], "TryStatement" => ["block", "handlers", "finalizer"], "CatchClause" => ["body"], "WithStatement" => ["body"], "LabeledStatement" => ["body"], "BlockStatement" => ["body"], } end end end