# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Daedalus |ˈdedl-əs| Greek Mythology a craftsman, considered the inventor of carpentry, who is said to have built the labyrinth for Minos, king of Crete. Minos imprisoned him and his son Icarus, but they escaped using wings that Daedalus made and fastened with wax. Icarus, however, flew too near the sun and was killed. In other words, he built things for a living. =end require 'digest/sha1' require 'thread' require 'daedalus/dependency_grapher' module Daedalus class Logger def initialize(level=3) @count = 0 @total = nil @level = level @thread_count = 0 @count_mutex = Mutex.new end def thread_id id = Thread.current[:build_id] unless id @count_mutex.synchronize do @thread_count += 1 id = Thread.current[:build_id] = @thread_count end end return id end def start(count) @count = 0 @total = count end def stop @total = nil end def inc! @count += 1 end def show(kind, cmd) if @total STDOUT.puts "[%3d/%3d] #{kind} #{cmd}" % [@count, @total] else STDOUT.puts "#{thread_id}: #{kind} #{cmd}" end end def command(cmd) system cmd if $?.exitstatus != 0 STDOUT.puts "Error: #{cmd}" raise "Error compiling" end end def verbose(str) if @level >= 5 STDOUT.puts "daedalus: #{str}" end end def info(str) if @level >= 3 STDOUT.puts "daedalus: #{str}" end end end class FancyLogger < Logger HEADER = "Daedalus building:" def initialize(level=0) super 0 end def start(count) super STDOUT.sync = true STDOUT.puts HEADER end def show(kind, cmd) @count += 1 perc = (100 * (@count.to_f / @total)).to_i bar_size = (30 * (@count.to_f / @total)).to_i bar = "#{'=' * bar_size}#{' ' * (30 - bar_size)}" if cmd.size > 38 cmd = "..#{cmd[-38,38]}" else cmd = cmd.ljust(40) end STDOUT.print "\r[%3d%% #{bar}] #{kind} #{cmd}" % perc.to_i end def command(cmd) output = IO.popen "sh -c '#{cmd} 2>&1'", "r" begin str = output.read rescue Exception Process.kill 'SIGINT', output.pid STDOUT.puts "\nInterrupt compiling." raise "Stopped compiling" end Process.wait output.pid if $?.exitstatus != 0 STDOUT.puts "Error compiling: #{cmd}" STDOUT.puts "Output:\n#{str}" raise "Error compiling" end end def stop super STDOUT.puts end end class Compiler def initialize(cc, cxx, ldshared, ldsharedxx, logger, blueprint) @cc = cc @cxx = cxx @ldshared = ldshared @ldsharedxx = ldsharedxx @cflags = [] @cxxflags = [] @ldflags = [] @libraries = [] @log = logger @blueprint = blueprint @mod_times = Hash.new do |h,k| h[k] = (File.exist?(k) ? File.mtime(k) : Time.at(0)) end @sha1_mtimes = {} @sha1s = Hash.new do |h,k| if File.exist?(k) @log.verbose "computing SHA1: #{k}" @sha1_mtimes[k] = File.mtime(k) h[k] = Digest::SHA1.file(k).hexdigest else h[k] = "" end end @mtime_only = false end attr_accessor :mtime_only def header_directories dirs = [] @cflags.each do |fl| fl.split(/\s+/).each do |part| if part.index("-I") == 0 dirs << part[2..-1] end end end dirs end attr_reader :cc, :cxx, :ldshared, :ldsharedxx, :path, :cflags, :cxxflags, :ldflags, :log def add_library(lib) if f = lib.cflags @cflags = f + @cflags @cflags.uniq! end if f = lib.ldflags @ldflags = f + @ldflags @ldflags.uniq! end end def mtime(path) @mod_times[path] end def sha1(path) if @sha1s.key?(path) if File.mtime(path) > @sha1_mtimes[path] @sha1s.delete(path) end end @sha1s[path] end def compile(source, object) if source =~ /\.cpp$/ cxx_compile(source, object) else c_compile(source, object) end end def c_compile(source, object) @log.show "CC", source @log.command "#{@cc} #{@cflags.join(' ')} -c -o #{object} #{source}" end def cxx_compile(source, object) @log.show "CXX", source @log.command "#{@cxx} #{@cflags.join(' ')} #{@cxxflags.join(' ')} -c -o #{object} #{source}" end def link(path, files) @log.show "LD", path @log.command "#{@cxx} -o #{path} #{files.join(' ')} #{@libraries.join(' ')} #{@ldflags.join(' ')}" end def ar(library, objects) @log.show "AR", library @log.command "ar rv #{library} #{objects.join(' ')}" @log.command "ranlib #{library}" end def link_shared(library, objects) @log.show "LDSHARED", library @log.command "#{@ldsharedxx} #{objects.join(' ')} -o #{library}" end def calculate_deps(path) dirs = header_directories() + ["/usr/include"] flags = @cflags.join(' ') begin dep = DependencyGrapher.new @cc, [path], dirs, flags dep.process # This is a quick work-around for a craptastic bug that I can't figure # out. Sometimes this raises an exception saying it can't find a file # which is pretty obviously there. I've been unable to figure out # what causes this and thus how to fix. # # So as a temporary measure, if an exception is raised, I'm going to # just do it again. Previous results have shown that this should # work the 2nd time even though the first time failed. # # I know this sounds silly, but we need some fix for this. rescue Exception dep = DependencyGrapher.new @cc, [path], dirs, flags dep.process end dep.sources.first.dependencies.sort end end class Path def initialize(path) @path = path if File.exist?(data_path) begin File.open data_path, "rb" do |f| @data = Marshal.load(f.read) end rescue STDERR.puts "WARNING: Path#initialize: load '#{data_path}' failed" @data = {} end else @data = {} end end attr_reader :data, :path def basename File.basename @path end def artifacts_path dir = File.join File.dirname(@path), "artifacts" Dir.mkdir dir unless File.directory?(dir) return dir end def data_path File.join artifacts_path, "#{basename}.data" end def save! File.open(data_path, "wb") do |f| f << Marshal.dump(data) end end end class SourceFile < Path def initialize(path) super @static_deps = [] @autogen_builder = nil end def depends_on(static_deps) @static_deps = static_deps end def autogenerate(&builder) @autogen_builder = builder end def object_path File.join artifacts_path, "#{basename}.o" end def dependencies(ctx) deps = @data[:deps] if ctx.sha1(@path) != @data[:dep_sha1] or !deps deps = recalc_depedencies(ctx) end return deps + @static_deps end def recalc_depedencies(ctx) deps = ctx.calculate_deps(@path) @data[:dep_sha1] = ctx.sha1(@path) @data[:deps] = deps return deps end def sha1(ctx) sha1 = Digest::SHA1.new sha1 << ctx.sha1(@path) begin dependencies(ctx).each do |d| sha1 << ctx.sha1(d) end rescue StandardError recalc_depedencies(ctx) sha1 = Digest::SHA1.new sha1 << ctx.sha1(@path) dependencies(ctx).each do |d| begin sha1 << ctx.sha1(d) rescue StandardError raise "Unable to find dependency '#{d}' from #{@path}" end end end sha1.hexdigest end def newer_dependencies(ctx) dependencies(ctx).find_all do |x| ctx.mtime(x) > ctx.mtime(object_path) end end def out_of_date?(ctx) unless File.exist?(@path) return true if @autogen_builder raise Errno::ENOENT, "Missing #{@path}" end return true unless File.exist?(object_path) return true if ctx.mtime_only and ctx.mtime(@path) > ctx.mtime(object_path) return true unless @data[:sha1] == sha1(ctx) return false end def consider(ctx, tasks) tasks << self if out_of_date?(ctx) end def build(ctx) ctx.log.inc! if @autogen_builder ctx.log.show "GN", @path @autogen_builder.call(ctx.log) end @data[:sha1] = sha1(ctx) ctx.compile path, object_path save! end def clean File.unlink object_path if File.exist?(object_path) File.unlink data_path if File.exist?(data_path) Dir.rmdir artifacts_path if Dir.entries(artifacts_path).empty? end def describe(ctx) if !File.exist?(object_path) puts "#{@path}: unbuilt" else if @data[:sha1] != sha1(ctx) puts "#{@path}: out-of-date" end deps = newer_dependencies(ctx) unless deps.empty? puts "#{@path}: dependencies changed" deps.each do |d| puts " - #{d}" end end end end def info(ctx) puts @path puts " object: #{object_path}" puts " last hash: #{@data[:sha1]}" puts " curr hash: #{sha1(ctx)}" puts " dependencies:" dependencies(ctx).each do |x| puts " #{x}" end end end class ExternalLibrary def initialize(path) @path = path @cflags = nil @ldflags = nil @objects = nil @build_dir = path @builder = nil @data = nil end attr_accessor :path, :cflags, :ldflags, :objects def to_build(&blk) @builder = blk @data_file = "#{@build_dir}.data" if File.exist?(@data_file) begin File.open @data_file, "rb" do |f| @data = Marshal.load(f.read) end rescue STDERR.puts "WARNING: ExternalLibrary#to_build: load '#{data_path}' failed" @data = {} end else @data = {} end end def file(f) File.join(@path, f) end def sha1 sha1 = Digest::SHA1.new Dir["#{@build_dir}/*"].each do |f| sha1.file(f) if File.file?(f) end Dir["#{@build_dir}/**/*"].each do |f| sha1.file(f) if File.file?(f) end sha1.hexdigest end def have_objects return true unless @objects @objects.each do |o| return false unless File.exist?(o) end return true end def out_of_date?(ctx) return true unless have_objects return false unless @builder return false if @data and @data[:sha1] == sha1 return true end def consider(ctx, tasks) tasks.pre << self if out_of_date?(ctx) end def build(ctx) raise "Unable to build" unless @builder ctx.log.inc! ctx.log.show "LB", @build_dir Dir.chdir(@build_dir) do @builder.call(ctx.log) end @data[:sha1] = sha1() File.open(@data_file, "wb") do |f| f << Marshal.dump(@data) end end def describe(ctx) end end class Library attr_reader :sources def initialize(path, base, compiler) @base = base @compiler = compiler @directory = File.dirname path @library = File.basename path @sources = [] yield self if block_given? source_files "#{path}.c" if @sources.empty? end def path File.join @base, @directory, library end def name File.join @directory, library end def source_files(*patterns) Dir.chdir @base do patterns.each do |t| Dir[t].each do |f| @sources << SourceFile.new(f) end end end end def object_files @sources.map { |s| s.object_path } end def out_of_date?(compiler) Dir.chdir @base do return true unless File.exist? name @sources.each do |s| return true unless File.exist? s.object_path return true if File.mtime(s.object_path) > File.mtime(name) end @sources.any? { |s| s.out_of_date? compiler } end end def consider(compiler, tasks) tasks.pre << self if out_of_date? compiler end def clean Dir.chdir @base do @sources.each { |s| s.clean } File.delete name if File.exist? name end end end class StaticLibrary < Library def library "#{@library}.a" end def build(compiler) Dir.chdir @base do # TODO: out of date checking should be subsumed in building @sources.each { |s| s.build @compiler if s.out_of_date? @compiler } @compiler.ar name, object_files end end end class SharedLibrary < Library def library "#{@library}.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]}" end def build(compiler) Dir.chdir @base do # TODO: out of date checking should be subsumed in building @sources.each { |s| s.build @compiler if s.out_of_date? @compiler } @compiler.link_shared name, object_files end end end # The purpose of a LibraryGroup is to combine multiple static and shared # libraries into a unit. Static libraries are used to statically link a # program, while shared libraries may be dynamically loaded by that program # or another program. # # NOTE: The current protocol for getting a list of static libraries is the # #objects method. This should be changed when reworking Daedalus. class LibraryGroup attr_accessor :cflags, :ldflags def initialize(base, compiler) @base = base @static_libraries = [] @shared_libraries = [] @compiler = Compiler.new(compiler.cc, compiler.cxx, compiler.ldshared, compiler.ldsharedxx, compiler.log, nil) yield self compiler.add_library self @compiler.cflags.concat cflags if cflags @compiler.ldflags.concat ldflags if ldflags end def depends_on(file, command) # TODO: HACK, the agony, this should be implicit unless File.exist? File.join(@base, file) raise "library group #{@base} depends on #{file}, please run #{command}" end end # TODO: change the way files are sorted def path @base end def static_library(path, &block) @static_libraries << StaticLibrary.new(path, @base, @compiler, &block) end def shared_library(path, &block) @shared_libraries << SharedLibrary.new(path, @base, @compiler, &block) end # TODO: Fix this protocol def objects @static_libraries.map { |l| l.path } end def libraries @static_libraries + @shared_libraries end def consider(compiler, tasks) # TODO: Note we are using @compiler, not compiler. There should not be a # global compiler. There should be a global configuration object that is # specialized by specific libraries as needed. libraries.each { |l| l.consider @compiler, tasks } end def clean libraries.each { |l| l.clean } end end class Program < Path def initialize(path, files) super path @files = files.sort_by { |x| x.path } end def objects # This partitions the list into .o's first and .a's last. This # is because gcc on some platforms require that static libraries # be linked last. This is because gcc builds a list of undefined # symbols, and then when it hits a .a, looks in the archive # to try and resolve those symbols. So if a .o needs something # from a .a, the .a MUST come after the .o objects = [] archives = [] @files.each do |x| if x.respond_to? :object_path if File.extname(x.object_path) == ".a" archives << x.object_path else objects << x.object_path end else x.objects.each do |obj| if File.extname(obj) == ".a" archives << obj else objects << obj end end end end objects.sort + archives end def consider(ctx, tasks) @files.each { |x| x.consider(ctx, tasks) } tasks.post << self unless tasks.empty? and File.exist?(@path) end def build(ctx) ctx.log.inc! ctx.link @path, objects end def clean @files.each do |f| f.clean if f.respond_to? :clean end File.unlink @path if File.exist?(@path) File.unlink data_path if File.exist?(data_path) Dir.rmdir artifacts_path if Dir.entries(artifacts_path).empty? end def describe(ctx) puts "Program: #{@path}" @files.each do |f| f.describe(ctx) end end def file_info(ctx, files) files.each do |n| obj = @files.find { |x| x.path == n } if obj obj.info(ctx) else puts "Unable to find file: #{n}" end end end end class Tasks def initialize @pre = [] @default = [] @post = [] end attr_reader :pre, :default, :post def <<(obj) @default << obj end def empty? @pre.empty? and @default.empty? and @post.empty? end end class TaskRunner def initialize(compiler, tasks, max=nil) @max = TaskRunner.detect_cpus @tasks = tasks @compiler = compiler calculate_max(max) end def calculate_max(max) cpus = TaskRunner.detect_cpus case max when nil # auto case cpus when 1, 2 @max = cpus when 4 @max = 3 else @max = 4 end when Fixnum @max = max when "cpu" @max = cpus end end def self.detect_cpus if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /windows/ return 1 else if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /bsd/ key = 'NPROCESSORS_CONF' else key = '_NPROCESSORS_CONF' end count = `getconf #{key} 2>&1`.to_i return 1 if $?.exitstatus != 0 return count end end def start linear_tasks @tasks.pre perform_tasks @tasks.default linear_tasks @tasks.post end def linear_tasks(tasks) tasks.each do |task| task.build @compiler end end def perform_tasks(tasks) count = tasks.size puts "Running #{count} tasks using #{@max} parallel threads" start = Time.now queue = Queue.new threads = [] @max.times do threads << Thread.new { while true task = queue.pop break unless task task.build @compiler end } end sync = [] queue_tasks(queue, tasks, sync) # Kill off the builders threads.each do |t| queue << nil end threads.each do |t| t.join end sync.each do |task| task.build @compiler end puts "Build time: #{Time.now - start} seconds" end def queue_tasks(queue, tasks, sync) tasks.each do |task| if task.kind_of? Array queue_tasks queue, task[1..-1], sync sync << task[0] else queue.push task end end end end class Blueprint def initialize @programs = [] @compiler = nil end def external_lib(path) ex = ExternalLibrary.new(path) yield ex ex end def library_group(path, &block) LibraryGroup.new(path, @compiler, &block) end def gcc!(cc, cxx, ldshared, ldsharedxx) @compiler = Compiler.new(cc, cxx, ldshared, ldsharedxx, Logger.new, self) end def source_files(*patterns) files = [] patterns.each do |t| Dir[t].each do |f| files << SourceFile.new(f) end end files end def source_file(file) sf = SourceFile.new(file) yield sf if block_given? sf end def program(name, *files) @programs << Program.new(name, files) end def build(targets=[], jobs=nil) if !targets.empty? @programs.each do |x| if targets.include? x.path tasks = Tasks.new x.consider @compiler, tasks if tasks.empty? @compiler.log.info "Nothing to do for #{x.path}" else tr = TaskRunner.new @compiler, tasks, jobs tr.start end end end else @programs.each { |x| x.build @compiler } end end def clean(targets=[]) if !targets.empty? @programs.each do |x| if targets.include? x.path x.clean end end else @programs.each { |x| x.clean } end end def describe(targets=[]) if !targets.empty? @programs.each do |x| if targets.include? x.path x.describe @compiler end end else @programs.each { |x| x.describe @compiler } end end def file_info(files) @programs.each do |x| x.file_info @compiler, files end end end def self.blueprint b = Blueprint.new yield b b end def self.load(file) eval File.read(file) end end