require 'facter' require 'jgrep' module FacterDB module Errors class InvalidFilter < RuntimeError; end end # @return [String] returns a giant incomprehensible string of concatenated json data def self.database @database ||= "[#{ { |f| read_json_file(f) }.join(',')}]\n" end # @note Call this method at the end of test suite, for example via after(:suite), to reclaim back the memory required to hold json data and filter cache def self.cleanup @database = nil Thread.current[:facterdb_last_filter_seen] = nil Thread.current[:facterdb_last_facts_seen] = nil end # @return [Boolean] returns true if we should use the default facterdb database, false otherwise # @note If the user passes anything to the FACTERDB_SKIP_DEFAULTDB environment variable we assume # they want to skip the default db def self.use_defaultdb? ENV['FACTERDB_SKIP_DEFAULTDB'].nil? end # @return [Boolean] returns true if we should inject the source file name and file path into the json factsets. # The default is false. def self.inject_source? !ENV['FACTERDB_INJECT_SOURCE'].nil? end def self.read_json_file(f) content = return content unless inject_source? # Find the opening brace first_brace = content.index('{') return content if first_brace.nil? # Inject source file information json_injection = "\"_facterdb_filename\": #{File.basename(f).to_json}, " json_injection += "\"_facterdb_path\": #{File.expand_path(f).to_json}, " content.insert(first_brace + 1, json_injection) end private_class_method :read_json_file # @return [Array[String]] list of all files found in the default facterdb facts path def self.default_fact_files return [] unless use_defaultdb? proj_root = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) facts_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(proj_root, 'facts')) Dir.glob(File.join(facts_dir, '**', '*.facts')) end # @return [Array[String]] list of all files found in the user supplied facterdb facts path # @param fact_paths [String] a comma separated list of paths to search for fact files def self.external_fact_files(fact_paths = ENV.fetch('FACTERDB_SEARCH_PATHS', nil)) fact_paths ||= '' return [] if fact_paths.empty? paths = fact_paths.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map do |fact_path| unless warn("[FACTERDB] Ignoring external facts path #{fact_path} as it is not a directory") next nil end fact_path = fact_path.gsub(File::ALT_SEPARATOR, File::SEPARATOR) if File::ALT_SEPARATOR File.join(fact_path.strip, '**', '*.facts') end.compact Dir.glob(paths) end # @return [Array[String]] list of all files found in the default facterdb facts path and user supplied path # @note external fact files supplied by the user will take precedence over default fact files found in this gem def self.facterdb_fact_files (external_fact_files + default_fact_files).uniq end # @deprecated Use {.get_facts} instead. def self.get_os_facts(facter_version = '*', filter = []) if facter_version == '*' if filter.is_a?(Array) filter_str = { |f| { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(' and ') }.join(' or ') elsif filter.is_a?(Hash) filter_str = { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(' and ') elsif filter.is_a?(String) filter_str = filter else raise 'filter must be either an Array a Hash or a String' end elsif filter.is_a?(Array) filter_str = "facterversion=/^#{facter_version}/ and (#{ do |f| do |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" end.join(' and ') end.join(' or ')})" elsif filter.is_a?(Hash) filter_str = "facterversion=/^#{facter_version}/ and (#{ { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(' and ')})" elsif filter.is_a?(String) filter_str = "facterversion=/^#{facter_version}/ and (#{filter})" else raise 'filter must be either an Array a Hash or a String' end warn "[DEPRECATION] `get_os_facts` is deprecated. Please use `get_facts(#{filter_str})` instead." get_facts(filter_str) end # @return [String] the string filter # @param filter [Object] The filter to convert to jgrep string def self.generate_filter_str(filter = nil) case filter when ::Array '(' + { |f| { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(' and ') }.join(') or (') + ')' when ::Hash { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(' and ') when ::String filter when ::NilClass '' else raise Errors::InvalidFilter, "filter must be either an Array a Hash, String, or nil, received #{filter.class}" end end # @return [Boolean] true if the filter is valid against the jgrep filter validator # @param filters [Object] The filter to convert to jgrep string def self.valid_filters?(filters) filter_str = generate_filter_str(filters) JGrep.validate_filters(filter_str).nil? rescue RuntimeError false end # @return [Array[Hash[Symbol, Any]]] array of hashes of facts # @param filter [Object] The filter to convert to jgrep string def self.get_facts(filter = nil, cache = true) if cache && filter && filter == Thread.current[:facterdb_last_filter_seen] return Thread.current[:facterdb_last_facts_seen] end filter_str = generate_filter_str(filter) result = JGrep.jgrep(database, filter_str).map { |hash| { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }.to_h } if cache Thread.current[:facterdb_last_filter_seen] = filter Thread.current[:facterdb_last_facts_seen] = result end result end end