=begin index:Ej = Ruby/ProgressBar: A Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby Last Modified: 2005-05-22 00:28:04 -- Ruby/ProgressBar is a text progress bar library for Ruby. It can indicate progress with percentage, a progress bar, and estimated remaining time. The latest version of Ruby/ProgressBar is available at (()) . == Examples % irb --simple-prompt -r progressbar >> pbar = ProgressBar.new("test", 100) => (ProgressBar: 0/100) >> 100.times {sleep(0.1); pbar.inc}; pbar.finish test: 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| Time: 00:00:10 => nil >> pbar = ProgressBar.new("test", 100) => (ProgressBar: 0/100) >> (1..100).each{|x| sleep(0.1); pbar.set(x)}; pbar.finish test: 67% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooo | ETA: 00:00:03 == API --- ProgressBar#new (title, total, out = STDERR) Display the initial progress bar and return a ProgressBar object. ((|title|)) specifies the title, and ((|total|)) specifies the total cost of processing. Optional parameter ((|out|)) specifies the output IO. The display of the progress bar is updated when one or more percent is proceeded or one or more seconds are elapsed from the previous display. --- ProgressBar#inc (step = 1) Increase the internal counter by ((|step|)) and update the display of the progress bar. Display the estimated remaining time on the right side of the bar. The counter does not go beyond the ((|total|)). --- ProgressBar#set (count) Set the internal counter to ((|count|)) and update the display of the progress bar. Display the estimated remaining time on the right side of the bar. Raise if ((|count|)) is a negative number or a number more than the ((|total|)). --- ProgressBar#finish Stop the progress bar and update the display of progress bar. Display the elapsed time on the right side of the bar. The progress bar always stops at 100 % by the method. --- ProgressBar#halt Stop the progress bar and update the display of progress bar. Display the elapsed time on the right side of the bar. The progress bar stops at the current percentage by the method. --- ProgressBar#format= Set the format for displaying a progress bar. Default: "%-14s %3d%% %s %s". --- ProgressBar#format_arguments= Set the methods for displaying a progress bar. Default: [:title, :percentage, :bar, :stat]. --- ProgressBar#file_transfer_mode Use :stat_for_file_transfer instead of :stat to display transfered bytes and transfer rate. --- ProgressBar#total= Change the progress bar's maximum value. ReverseProgressBar class is also available. The functionality is identical to ProgressBar but the direction of the progress bar is just opposite. == Limitations Since the progress is calculated by the proportion to the total cost of processing, Ruby/ProgressBar cannot be used if the total cost of processing is unknown in advance. Moreover, the estimation of remaining time cannot be accurately performed if the progress does not flow uniformly. == Download Ruby/ProgressBar is a free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY under the terms of Ruby's license. * (()) * (()) -- - (()) - =end