module Hobo module AccessibleAssociations extend self def prepare_has_many_assignment(association, association_name, array_or_hash) owner = association.proxy_owner array = params_hash_to_array(array_or_hash)! do |record_hash_or_string| if association.conditions.nil? finder = association.member_class else finder = association.member_class.scoped :conditions => association.conditions end find_or_create_and_update(owner, association_name, finder, record_hash_or_string) do |id| # The block is required to either locate find an existing record in the collection, or build a new one if id # TODO: We don't really want to find these one by one association.find(id) else end end end array.compact end def find_or_create_and_update(owner, association_name, finder, record_hash_or_string) if record_hash_or_string.is_a?(String) return nil if record_hash_or_string.blank? # An ID or a name - the passed block will find the record record = find_by_name_or_id(finder, record_hash_or_string) elsif record_hash_or_string.is_a?(Hash) # A hash of attributes hash = record_hash_or_string # Remove completely blank hashes return nil if hash.values.all?(&:blank?) id = hash.delete(:id) record = yield id record.attributes = hash if owner.new_record? && record.new_record? # work around # # reverse = owner.class.reverse_reflection(association_name) if reverse && reverse.macro==:belongs_to method = "#{}=".to_sym record.send(method, owner) if record.respond_to? method end else owner.include_in_save(association_name, record) unless owner.class.reflections[association_name].options[:through] end else # It's already a record record = record_hash_or_string end record end def params_hash_to_array(array_or_hash) if array_or_hash.is_a?(Hash) array = array_or_hash.get(*array_or_hash.keys.sort_by(&:to_i)) elsif array_or_hash.is_a?(String) # Due to the way that rails works, there's no good way to tell # the difference between an empty array and a params hash that # just isn't making any updates to the array. So we're # hacking this in: if you pash an empty string where an array # is expected, we assume you wanted an empty array. [] else array_or_hash end end def find_by_name_or_id(finder, id_or_name) if id_or_name =~ /^@(.*)/ id = $1 finder.find(id) else finder.named(id_or_name) end end def finder_for_belongs_to(record, name) refl = record.class.reflections[name] conditions =, refl).conditions finder = refl.klass.scoped(:conditions => conditions) end end classy_module(AccessibleAssociations) do include Hobo::IncludeInSave # --- has_many mass assignment support --- # def self.has_many_with_accessible(name, options={}, &block) has_many_without_accessible(name, options, &block) if options[:accessible] class_eval %{ def #{name}_with_accessible=(array_or_hash) __items = Hobo::AccessibleAssociations.prepare_has_many_assignment(#{name}, :#{name}, array_or_hash) self.#{name}_without_accessible = __items # ensure the loaded array contains any changed records self.#{name}.proxy_target[0..-1] = __items end }, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 7 alias_method_chain :"#{name}=", :accessible end end metaclass.alias_method_chain :has_many, :accessible # --- belongs_to assignment support --- # def self.belongs_to_with_accessible(name, options={}, &block) belongs_to_without_accessible(name, options, &block) if options[:accessible] class_eval %{ def #{name}_with_accessible=(record_hash_or_string) finder = Hobo::AccessibleAssociations.finder_for_belongs_to(self, :#{name}) record = Hobo::AccessibleAssociations.find_or_create_and_update(self, :#{name}, finder, record_hash_or_string) do |id| if id raise ArgumentError, "attempted to update the wrong record in belongs_to association #{self}##{name}" unless #{name} && id.to_s == self.#{name}.id.to_s #{name} else end end self.#{name}_without_accessible = record end }, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 15 alias_method_chain :"#{name}=", :accessible else # Not accessible - but finding by name and ID is still supported class_eval %{ def #{name}_with_finder=(record_or_string) record = if record_or_string.is_a?(String) finder = Hobo::AccessibleAssociations.finder_for_belongs_to(self, :#{name}) Hobo::AccessibleAssociations.find_by_name_or_id(finder, record_or_string) else # it is a record record_or_string end self.#{name}_without_finder = record end }, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 12 alias_method_chain :"#{name}=", :finder end end metaclass.alias_method_chain :belongs_to, :accessible # Add :accessible to the valid keys so AR doesn't complain def self.valid_keys_for_has_many_association_with_accessible valid_keys_for_has_many_association_without_accessible + [:accessible] end metaclass.alias_method_chain :valid_keys_for_has_many_association, :accessible def self.valid_keys_for_belongs_to_association_with_accessible valid_keys_for_belongs_to_association_without_accessible + [:accessible] end metaclass.alias_method_chain :valid_keys_for_belongs_to_association, :accessible end end