--- title: Quick Start --- In a hurry? No sweat! Here's a quick start to using ufo that takes only a few minutes. For this example, we will use a sinatra app from [tongueroo/demo-ufo](https://github.com/tongueroo/demo-ufo). The `ufo init` command sets up the ufo directory structure in your project. The `ufo ship` command deploys your code to an AWS ECS service. The `ufo ps` and `ufo scale` command shows you how to verify and scale additional containers. gem install ufo git clone https://github.com/tongueroo/demo-ufo.git demo cd demo ufo init --image=tongueroo/demo-ufo ufo current --service demo-web ufo ship ufo ps ufo scale 2 Note: The example pushes the Docker image to Dockerhub. If you are using ECR instead, you can specific an ECR repo with the `--image` option. Example: ufo init --image 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/myimage For more info, refer to the [ufo init](http://ufoships.com/reference/ufo-init/) reference docs. ## What Happened The `ufo ship demo-web` command does the following: 1. Builds the Docker image and pushes it to a registry 2. Builds the ECS task definitions and registry them to ECS 3. Updates the ECS Service You should see something similar to this: ``` $ ufo init --app=demo --image=tongueroo/demo-ufo Setting up ufo project... create .env create .ufo/settings.yml create .ufo/task_definitions.rb create .ufo/templates/main.json.erb create .ufo/variables/base.rb create .ufo/variables/development.rb create .ufo/variables/production.rb create Dockerfile create bin/deploy append .gitignore Starter ufo files created. $ ufo ship demo-web Building docker image with: docker build -t tongueroo/demo-ufo:ufo-2017-09-10T15-00-19-c781aaf -f Dockerfile . .... Software shipped! $ ufo ps +----------+------+-------------+---------------+---------+-------+ | Id | Name | Release | Started | Status | Notes | +----------+------+-------------+---------------+---------+-------+ | f590ee5e | web | demo-web:85 | 1 minutes ago | RUNNING | | +----------+------+-------------+---------------+---------+-------+ $ ufo scale 2 Scale demo-web service in development cluster to 2 $ ``` Congratulations! You have successfully deployed code to AWS ECS with ufo. It was really that simple 😁 Note: This quick start requires a working Docker installation. For Docker installation instructions refer to to the [Docker installation guide](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/). Learn more in the next sections.

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