# Radiosonde Radiosonde is a tool to manage CloudWatch Alarm. It defines the state of CloudWatch Alarm using DSL, and updates CloudWatch Alarm according to DSL. [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/radiosonde) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'radiosonde' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install radiosonde ## Usage ```sh export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='...' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='...' export AWS_REGION='us-east-1' radiosonde -e -o Alarmfile # export CloudWatch Alarm vi Alarmfile radiosonde -a --dry-run radiosonde -a # apply `Alarmfile` to CloudWatch ``` ## Help ``` Usage: radiosonde [options] -p, --profile PROFILE_NAME -k, --access-key ACCESS_KEY -s, --secret-key SECRET_KEY -r, --region REGION -a, --apply -f, --file FILE --dry-run -e, --export -o, --output FILE --show-metrics --show-dimensions --show-statistics --namespace NAMESPACE --metric-name NAME --start-time TIME --end-time TIME --statistic STATISTIC --include REGEXP --exclude REGEXP --no-color --debug ``` ## Alarmfile example ```ruby require 'other/alarmfile' alarm "alarm1" do namespace "AWS/EC2" metric_name "CPUUtilization" dimensions "InstanceId"=>"i-XXXXXXXX" period 300 statistic :average threshold ">=", 50.0 evaluation_periods 1 actions_enabled true alarm_actions [] ok_actions [] insufficient_data_actions ["arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my_topic"] end alarm "alarm2" do ... end ``` ### Use template ```ruby template "basic" do namespace "AWS/EC2" metric_name "CPUUtilization" dimensions "InstanceId"=>"i-XXXXXXXX" period 300 statistic :average threshold ">=", 50.0 evaluation_periods 1 actions_enabled true alarm_actions [] ok_actions [] insufficient_data_actions [context[:sns_topic]] end alarm "alarm1" do include_template "basic", :sns_topic=>"arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my_topic" end alarm "alarm2" do context.sns_topic = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my_topic2" include_template "basic" end ``` ## Similar tools * [Codenize.tools](http://codenize.tools/)