module Bunny # Base class for all Bunny exceptions # @api public class Exception < ::StandardError end # Indicates a network failure. If automatic network # recovery mode is enabled, these will be typically handled # by the client itself. # # @api public class NetworkFailure < Exception attr_reader :cause def initialize(message, cause) super(message) @cause = cause end end # Base class for all channel level exceptions class ChannelLevelException < Exception attr_reader :channel, :channel_close def initialize(message, ch, channel_close) super(message) @channel = ch @channel_close = channel_close end end # Base class for all connection level exceptions class ConnectionLevelException < Exception attr_reader :connection, :connection_close def initialize(message, connection, connection_close) super(message) @connection = connection @connection_close = connection_close end end # Raised when TCP connection to RabbitMQ fails because of an unresolved # hostname, connectivity problem, etc class TCPConnectionFailed < Exception attr_reader :hostname, :port def initialize(e, hostname, port) m = case e when String then e when Exception then e.message end super("Could not estabilish TCP connection to #{hostname}:#{port}: #{m}") end end # Raised when a frame is sent over an already closed connection class ConnectionClosedError < Exception def initialize(frame) if frame.respond_to?(:method_class) super("Trying to send frame through a closed connection. Frame is #{frame.inspect}, method class is #{frame.method_class}") else super("Trying to send frame through a closed connection. Frame is #{frame.inspect}") end end end # Raised when RabbitMQ closes TCP connection before finishing connection # sequence properly. This typically indicates an authentication issue. class PossibleAuthenticationFailureError < Exception # # API # attr_reader :username, :vhost def initialize(username, vhost, password_length) @username = username @vhost = vhost super("RabbitMQ closed TCP connection before authentication succeeded: this usually means authentication failure due to misconfiguration or that RabbitMQ version does not support AMQP 0.9.1. Please check your configuration. Username: #{username}, vhost: #{vhost}, password length: #{password_length}") end # initialize(settings) end # PossibleAuthenticationFailureError # backwards compatibility # @private ConnectionError = TCPConnectionFailed # @private ServerDownError = TCPConnectionFailed # Raised when a channel is closed forcefully using rabbitmqctl # or the management UI plugin class ForcedChannelCloseError < ChannelLevelException; end # Raised when a connection is closed forcefully using rabbitmqctl # or the management UI plugin class ForcedConnectionCloseError < ConnectionLevelException; end # @private class MessageError < ConnectionLevelException; end # @private class ProtocolError < ConnectionLevelException; end # Raised when RabbitMQ reports and internal error class InternalError < ConnectionLevelException; end # Raised when read or write I/O operations time out (but only if # a connection is configured to use them) class ClientTimeout < Timeout::Error; end # Raised on initial TCP connection timeout class ConnectionTimeout < Timeout::Error; end # Base exception class for data consistency and framing errors. class InconsistentDataError < Exception end # Raised by adapters when frame does not end with {final octet AMQ::Protocol::Frame::FINAL_OCTET}. # This suggest that there is a bug in adapter or AMQ broker implementation. # # @see AMQP 0.9.1 specification (Section 2.3) class NoFinalOctetError < InconsistentDataError def initialize super("Frame doesn't end with #{AMQ::Protocol::Frame::FINAL_OCTET} as it must, which means the size is miscalculated.") end end # Raised by adapters when actual frame payload size in bytes is not equal # to the size specified in that frame's header. # This suggest that there is a bug in adapter or AMQ broker implementation. # # @see AMQP 0.9.1 specification (Section 2.3) class BadLengthError < InconsistentDataError def initialize(expected_length, actual_length) super("Frame payload should be #{expected_length} long, but it's #{actual_length} long.") end end # Raised when a closed channel is used class ChannelAlreadyClosed < Exception attr_reader :channel def initialize(message, ch) super(message) @channel = ch end end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 406 PRECONDITION_FAILED class PreconditionFailed < ChannelLevelException end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 404 NOT_FOUND class NotFound < ChannelLevelException end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 405 RESOUCE_LOCKED class ResourceLocked < ChannelLevelException end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 403 ACCESS_REFUSED class AccessRefused < ChannelLevelException end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 504 CHANNEL_ERROR class ChannelError < ConnectionLevelException end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 503 COMMAND_INVALID class CommandInvalid < ConnectionLevelException end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 501 FRAME_ERROR class FrameError < ConnectionLevelException end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 505 UNEXPECTED_FRAME class UnexpectedFrame < ConnectionLevelException end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 506 RESOURCE_ERROR class ResourceError < ConnectionLevelException end # @private class NetworkErrorWrapper < Exception attr_reader :other def initialize(other) super(other.message) @other = other end end # Raised when RabbitMQ responds with 302 CONNECTION_FORCED # (which means the connection was closed using rabbitmqctl or # RabbitMQ management UI) class ConnectionForced < ConnectionLevelException end end