module Apipie module Extractor class Recorder MULTIPART_BOUNDARY = 'APIPIE_RECORDER_EXAMPLE_BOUNDARY' def initialize @ignored_params = [:controller, :action] end def analyse_env(env) @verb = env["REQUEST_METHOD"].to_sym @path = env["PATH_INFO"].sub(/^\/*/,"/") @query = env["QUERY_STRING"] unless env["QUERY_STRING"].blank? @params = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(@query) @params.merge!(env["action_dispatch.request.request_parameters"] || {}) rack_input = env["rack.input"] if data = parse_data( @request_data = data elsif form_hash = env["rack.request.form_hash"] @request_data = reformat_multipart_data(form_hash) end rack_input.rewind end def analyse_controller(controller) @controller = controller.class @action = controller.params[:action] end def analyse_response(response) if response.last.respond_to?(:body) && data = parse_data(response.last.body) @response_data = if response[1]['Content-Disposition'].to_s.start_with?('attachment') '' else data end end @code = response.first end def analyze_functional_test(test_context) request, response = test_context.request, test_context.response @verb = request.request_method.to_sym @path = request.path @params = request.request_parameters if [:POST, :PUT, :PATCH, :DELETE].include?(@verb) @request_data = @params else @query = request.query_string end @response_data = parse_data(response.body) @code = response.code end def parse_data(data) return nil if data.strip.blank? JSON.parse(data) rescue StandardError data end def reformat_multipart_data(form) form.empty? and return '' lines = ["Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=#{MULTIPART_BOUNDARY}",''] boundary = "--#{MULTIPART_BOUNDARY}" form.each do |key, attrs| if attrs.is_a?(String) lines << boundary << content_disposition(key) << "Content-Length: #{attrs.size}" << '' << attrs else reformat_hash(boundary, attrs, lines) end end lines << "#{boundary}--" lines.join("\n") end def reformat_hash(boundary, attrs, lines) if head = attrs[:head] lines << boundary lines.concat(head.split("\r\n")) # To avoid large and/or binary file bodies, simply indicate the contents in the output. lines << '' << %{... contents of "#{attrs[:name]}" ...} else # Look for subelements that contain a part. attrs.each { |k,v| v.is_a?(Hash) and reformat_hash(boundary, v, lines) } end end def content_disposition(name) %{Content-Disposition: form-data; name="#{name}"} end def reformat_data(data) parsed = parse_data(data) case parsed when nil nil when String parsed else JSON.pretty_generate().gsub(/: \[\s*\]/,": []").gsub(/\{\s*\}/,"{}") end end def record if @controller {:controller => @controller, :action => @action, :verb => @verb, :path => @path, :params => @params, :query => @query, :request_data => @request_data, :response_data => @response_data, :code => @code} else nil end end protected def api_description end class Middleware def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) if Apipie.configuration.record analyze(env) do end else end end def analyze(env, &block) Apipie::Extractor.call_recorder.analyse_env(env) response = Apipie::Extractor.call_recorder.analyse_response(response) Apipie::Extractor.call_finished response ensure Apipie::Extractor.clean_call_recorder end end module FunctionalTestRecording def process(*) # action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, http_method = 'GET') ret = super if Apipie.configuration.record Apipie::Extractor.call_recorder.analyze_functional_test(self) Apipie::Extractor.call_finished end ret ensure Apipie::Extractor.clean_call_recorder end ruby2_keywords :process if respond_to?(:ruby2_keywords, true) end end end end