# frozen_string_literal: true module DEBUGGER__ LOG_LEVELS = { UNKNOWN: 0, FATAL: 1, ERROR: 2, WARN: 3, INFO: 4, DEBUG: 5 }.freeze CONFIG_SET = { # UI setting log_level: ['RUBY_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL', "UI: Log level same as Logger", :loglevel, "WARN"], show_src_lines: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SHOW_SRC_LINES', "UI: Show n lines source code on breakpoint", :int, "10"], show_evaledsrc: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SHOW_EVALEDSRC', "UI: Show actually evaluated source", :bool, "false"], show_frames: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SHOW_FRAMES', "UI: Show n frames on breakpoint", :int, "2"], use_short_path: ['RUBY_DEBUG_USE_SHORT_PATH', "UI: Show shorten PATH (like $(Gem)/foo.rb)", :bool, "false"], no_color: ['RUBY_DEBUG_NO_COLOR', "UI: Do not use colorize", :bool, "false"], no_sigint_hook: ['RUBY_DEBUG_NO_SIGINT_HOOK', "UI: Do not suspend on SIGINT", :bool, "false"], no_reline: ['RUBY_DEBUG_NO_RELINE', "UI: Do not use Reline library", :bool, "false"], no_hint: ['RUBY_DEBUG_NO_HINT', "UI: Do not show the hint on the REPL", :bool, "false"], # control setting skip_path: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SKIP_PATH', "CONTROL: Skip showing/entering frames for given paths", :path], skip_nosrc: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SKIP_NOSRC', "CONTROL: Skip on no source code lines", :bool, "false"], keep_alloc_site:['RUBY_DEBUG_KEEP_ALLOC_SITE',"CONTROL: Keep allocation site and p, pp shows it", :bool, "false"], postmortem: ['RUBY_DEBUG_POSTMORTEM', "CONTROL: Enable postmortem debug", :bool, "false"], fork_mode: ['RUBY_DEBUG_FORK_MODE', "CONTROL: Control which process activates a debugger after fork (both/parent/child)", :forkmode, "both"], sigdump_sig: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SIGDUMP_SIG', "CONTROL: Sigdump signal", :bool, "false"], # boot setting nonstop: ['RUBY_DEBUG_NONSTOP', "BOOT: Nonstop mode", :bool, "false"], stop_at_load: ['RUBY_DEBUG_STOP_AT_LOAD',"BOOT: Stop at just loading location", :bool, "false"], init_script: ['RUBY_DEBUG_INIT_SCRIPT', "BOOT: debug command script path loaded at first stop"], commands: ['RUBY_DEBUG_COMMANDS', "BOOT: debug commands invoked at first stop. Commands should be separated by `;;`"], no_rc: ['RUBY_DEBUG_NO_RC', "BOOT: ignore loading ~/.rdbgrc(.rb)", :bool, "false"], history_file: ['RUBY_DEBUG_HISTORY_FILE',"BOOT: history file", :string, "~/.rdbg_history"], save_history: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SAVE_HISTORY',"BOOT: maximum save history lines", :int, "10000"], # remote setting open: ['RUBY_DEBUG_OPEN', "REMOTE: Open remote port (same as `rdbg --open` option)"], port: ['RUBY_DEBUG_PORT', "REMOTE: TCP/IP remote debugging: port"], host: ['RUBY_DEBUG_HOST', "REMOTE: TCP/IP remote debugging: host", :string, ""], sock_path: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SOCK_PATH', "REMOTE: UNIX Domain Socket remote debugging: socket path"], sock_dir: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SOCK_DIR', "REMOTE: UNIX Domain Socket remote debugging: socket directory"], local_fs_map: ['RUBY_DEBUG_LOCAL_FS_MAP', "REMOTE: Specify local fs map", :path_map], skip_bp: ['RUBY_DEBUG_SKIP_BP', "REMOTE: Skip breakpoints if no clients are attached", :bool, 'false'], cookie: ['RUBY_DEBUG_COOKIE', "REMOTE: Cookie for negotiation"], chrome_path: ['RUBY_DEBUG_CHROME_PATH', "REMOTE: Platform dependent path of Chrome (For more information, See [here](https://github.com/ruby/debug/pull/334/files#diff-5fc3d0a901379a95bc111b86cf0090b03f857edfd0b99a0c1537e26735698453R55-R64))"], # obsolete parent_on_fork: ['RUBY_DEBUG_PARENT_ON_FORK', "OBSOLETE: Keep debugging parent process on fork", :bool, "false"], }.freeze CONFIG_MAP = CONFIG_SET.map{|k, (ev, _)| [k, ev]}.to_h.freeze class Config @config = nil def self.config @config end def initialize argv if self.class.config raise 'Can not make multiple configurations in one process' end config = self.class.parse_argv(argv) # apply defaults CONFIG_SET.each do |k, config_detail| unless config.key?(k) default_value = config_detail[3] config[k] = parse_config_value(k, default_value) end end update config end def inspect config.inspect end def [](key) config[key] end def []=(key, val) set_config(key => val) end def set_config(**kw) conf = config.dup kw.each{|k, v| if CONFIG_MAP[k] conf[k] = parse_config_value(k, v) # TODO: ractor support else raise "Unknown configuration: #{k}" end } update conf end def append_config key, val conf = config.dup if CONFIG_SET[key] if CONFIG_SET[key][2] == :path conf[key] = [*conf[key], *parse_config_value(key, val)]; else raise "not an Array type: #{key}" end else raise "Unknown configuration: #{key}" end update conf end def update conf old_conf = self.class.instance_variable_get(:@config) || {} # TODO: Use Ractor.make_shareable(conf) self.class.instance_variable_set(:@config, conf.freeze) # Post process if_updated old_conf, conf, :keep_alloc_site do |old, new| if new require 'objspace' ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start end if old && !new ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_stop end end if_updated old_conf, conf, :postmortem do |_, new_p| if defined?(SESSION) SESSION.postmortem = new_p end end if_updated old_conf, conf, :sigdump_sig do |old_sig, new_sig| setup_sigdump old_sig, new_sig end if_updated old_conf, conf, :no_sigint_hook do |old, new| if defined?(SESSION) SESSION.set_no_sigint_hook old, new end end end private def if_updated old_conf, new_conf, key old, new = old_conf[key], new_conf[key] yield old, new if old != new end private def enable_sigdump sig @sigdump_sig_prev = trap(sig) do str = [] str << "Simple sigdump on #{Process.pid}" Thread.list.each{|th| str << "Thread: #{th}" th.backtrace.each{|loc| str << " #{loc}" } str << '' } STDERR.puts str end end private def disable_sigdump old_sig trap(old_sig, @sigdump_sig_prev) @sigdump_sig_prev = nil end # emergency simple sigdump. # Use `sigdump` gem for more rich features. private def setup_sigdump old_sig = nil, sig = CONFIG[:sigdump_sig] if !old_sig && sig enable_sigdump sig elsif old_sig && !sig disable_sigdump old_sig elsif old_sig && sig disable_sigdump old_sig enable_sigdump sig end end private def config self.class.config end private def parse_config_value name, valstr self.class.parse_config_value name, valstr end def self.parse_config_value name, valstr return valstr unless valstr.kind_of? String case CONFIG_SET[name][2] when :bool case valstr when '1', 'true', 'TRUE', 'T' true else false end when :int valstr.to_i when :loglevel if DEBUGGER__::LOG_LEVELS[s = valstr.to_sym] s else raise "Unknown loglevel: #{valstr}" end when :forkmode case sym = valstr.to_sym when :parent, :child, :both, nil sym else raise "unknown fork mode: #{sym}" end when :path # array of String valstr.split(/:/).map{|e| if /\A\/(.+)\/\z/ =~ e Regexp.compile $1 else e end } when :path_map valstr.split(',').map{|e| e.split(':')} else valstr end end def self.parse_argv argv config = { mode: :start, no_color: (nc = ENV['NO_COLOR']) && !nc.empty?, } CONFIG_MAP.each{|key, evname| if val = ENV[evname] config[key] = parse_config_value(key, val) end } return config if !argv || argv.empty? if argv.kind_of? String require 'shellwords' argv = Shellwords.split(argv) end require 'optparse' require_relative 'version' have_shown_version = false opt = OptionParser.new do |o| o.banner = "#{$0} [options] -- [debuggee options]" o.separator '' o.version = ::DEBUGGER__::VERSION o.separator 'Debug console mode:' o.on('-n', '--nonstop', 'Do not stop at the beginning of the script.') do config[:nonstop] = '1' end o.on('-e DEBUG_COMMAND', 'Execute debug command at the beginning of the script.') do |cmd| config[:commands] ||= '' config[:commands] += cmd + ';;' end o.on('-x FILE', '--init-script=FILE', 'Execute debug command in the FILE.') do |file| config[:init_script] = file end o.on('--no-rc', 'Ignore ~/.rdbgrc') do config[:no_rc] = true end o.on('--no-color', 'Disable colorize') do config[:no_color] = true end o.on('--no-sigint-hook', 'Disable to trap SIGINT') do config[:no_sigint_hook] = true end o.on('-c', '--command', 'Enable command mode.', 'The first argument should be a command name in $PATH.', 'Example: \'rdbg -c bundle exec rake test\'') do config[:command] = true end o.separator '' o.on('-O', '--open=[FRONTEND]', 'Start remote debugging with opening the network port.', 'If TCP/IP options are not given, a UNIX domain socket will be used.', 'If FRONTEND is given, prepare for the FRONTEND.', 'Now rdbg, vscode and chrome is supported.') do |f| case f # some format patterns are not documented yet when nil config[:open] = true when /\A\d\z/ config[:open] = true config[:port] = f.to_i when /\A(\S+):(\d+)\z/ config[:open] = true config[:host] = $1 config[:port] = $2.to_i when 'tcp' config[:open] = true config[:port] ||= 0 when 'vscode', 'chrome', 'cdp' config[:open] = f&.downcase else raise "Unknown option for --open: #{f}" end end o.on('--sock-path=SOCK_PATH', 'UNIX Domain socket path') do |path| config[:sock_path] = path end o.on('--port=PORT', 'Listening TCP/IP port') do |port| config[:port] = port end o.on('--host=HOST', 'Listening TCP/IP host') do |host| config[:host] = host end o.on('--cookie=COOKIE', 'Set a cookie for connection') do |c| config[:cookie] = c end rdbg = 'rdbg' o.separator '' o.separator ' Debug console mode runs Ruby program with the debug console.' o.separator '' o.separator " '#{rdbg} target.rb foo bar' starts like 'ruby target.rb foo bar'." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -- -r foo -e bar' starts like 'ruby -r foo -e bar'." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -c rake test' starts like 'rake test'." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -c -- rake test -t' starts like 'rake test -t'." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -c bundle exec rake test' starts like 'bundle exec rake test'." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -O target.rb foo bar' starts and accepts attaching with UNIX domain socket." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -O --port 1234 target.rb foo bar' starts accepts attaching with TCP/IP localhost:1234." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -O --port 1234 -- -r foo -e bar' starts accepts attaching with TCP/IP localhost:1234." o.separator " '#{rdbg} target.rb -O chrome --port 1234' starts and accepts connecting from Chrome Devtools with localhost:1234." o.separator '' o.separator 'Attach mode:' o.on('-A', '--attach', 'Attach to debuggee process.') do config[:mode] = :attach end o.separator '' o.separator ' Attach mode attaches the remote debug console to the debuggee process.' o.separator '' o.separator " '#{rdbg} -A' tries to connect via UNIX domain socket." o.separator " #{' ' * rdbg.size} If there are multiple processes are waiting for the" o.separator " #{' ' * rdbg.size} debugger connection, list possible debuggee names." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -A path' tries to connect via UNIX domain socket with given path name." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -A port' tries to connect to localhost:port via TCP/IP." o.separator " '#{rdbg} -A host port' tries to connect to host:port via TCP/IP." o.separator '' o.separator 'Other options:' o.on('-v', 'Show version number') do puts o.ver have_shown_version = true end o.on('--version', 'Show version number and exit') do puts o.ver exit end o.on("-h", "--help", "Print help") do puts o exit end o.on('--util=NAME', 'Utility mode (used by tools)') do |name| require_relative 'client' Client.util(name) exit end o.on('--stop-at-load', 'Stop immediately when the debugging feature is loaded.') do config[:stop_at_load] = true end o.separator '' o.separator 'NOTE' o.separator ' All messages communicated between a debugger and a debuggee are *NOT* encrypted.' o.separator ' Please use the remote debugging feature carefully.' end opt.parse!(argv) if argv.empty? case when have_shown_version && config[:mode] == :start pp config exit end end config end def self.config_to_env_hash config CONFIG_MAP.each_with_object({}){|(key, evname), env| unless config[key].nil? case CONFIG_SET[key][2] when :path valstr = config[key].map{|e| e.kind_of?(Regexp) ? e.inspect : e}.join(':') when :path_map valstr = config[key].map{|e| e.join(':')}.join(',') else valstr = config[key].to_s end env[evname] = valstr end } end end CONFIG = Config.new ENV['RUBY_DEBUG_OPT'] ## Unix domain socket configuration def self.check_dir_authority path fs = File.stat(path) unless (dir_uid = fs.uid) == (uid = Process.uid) raise "#{path} uid is #{dir_uid}, but Process.uid is #{uid}" end if fs.world_writable? && !fs.sticky? raise "#{path} is world writable but not sticky" end path end def self.unix_domain_socket_tmpdir require 'tmpdir' if tmpdir = Dir.tmpdir path = File.join(tmpdir, "ruby-debug-sock-#{Process.uid}") unless File.exist?(path) d = Dir.mktmpdir File.rename(d, path) end check_dir_authority(path) end end def self.unix_domain_socket_homedir if home = ENV['HOME'] path = File.join(home, '.ruby-debug-sock') unless File.exist?(path) Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) end check_dir_authority(path) end end def self.unix_domain_socket_dir case when path = CONFIG[:sock_dir] when path = ENV['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'] when path = unix_domain_socket_tmpdir when path = unix_domain_socket_homedir else raise 'specify RUBY_DEBUG_SOCK_DIR environment variable.' end path end def self.create_unix_domain_socket_name_prefix(base_dir = unix_domain_socket_dir) user = ENV['USER'] || 'UnknownUser' File.join(base_dir, "ruby-debug-#{user}") end def self.create_unix_domain_socket_name(base_dir = unix_domain_socket_dir) create_unix_domain_socket_name_prefix(base_dir) + "-#{Process.pid}" end ## Help def self.parse_help helps = Hash.new{|h, k| h[k] = []} desc = cat = nil cmds = Hash.new File.read(File.join(__dir__, 'session.rb'), encoding: Encoding::UTF_8).each_line do |line| case line when /\A\s*### (.+)/ cat = $1 break if $1 == 'END' when /\A register_command (.+)/ next unless cat next unless desc ws = [] $1.gsub(/'([a-z]+)'/){|w| ws << $1 } helps[cat] << [ws, desc] desc = nil max_w = ws.max_by{|w| w.length} ws.each{|w| cmds[w] = max_w } when /\A\s+# (\s*\*.+)/ if desc desc << "\n" + $1 else desc = $1 end end end @commands = cmds @helps = helps end def self.helps (defined?(@helps) && @helps) || parse_help end def self.commands (defined?(@commands) && @commands) || (parse_help; @commands) end def self.help r = [] self.helps.each{|cat, cmds| r << "### #{cat}" r << '' cmds.each{|_, desc| r << desc } r << '' } r.join("\n") end end