# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../spec_helpers') describe URI, '#download' do before do write @source = 'source', @content = 'Just a file' @uri = URI(URI.escape("file://#{File.expand_path(@source)}")) @target = 'target' end it 'should download file if found' do @uri.download @target file(@target).should contain(@content) end it 'should fail if file not found' do lambda { (@uri + 'missing').download @target }.should raise_error(URI::NotFoundError) file(@target).should_not exist end it 'should work the same way from static method with URI' do URI.download @uri, @target file(@target).should contain(@content) end it 'should work the same way from static method with String' do URI.download @uri.to_s, @target file(@target).should contain(@content) end it 'should download to a task' do @uri.download file(@target) file(@target).should contain(@content) end it 'should download to a file' do File.open(@target, 'w') { |file| @uri.download file } file(@target).should contain(@content) end end describe URI, '#upload' do before do write @source = 'source', @content = 'Just a file' @target = 'target' @uri = URI(URI.escape("file://#{File.expand_path(@target)}")) end it 'should upload file if found' do @uri.upload @source file(@target).should contain(@content) end it 'should fail if file not found' do lambda { @uri.upload @source.ext('missing') }.should raise_error(URI::NotFoundError) file(@target).should_not exist end it 'should work the same way from static method with URI' do URI.upload @uri, @source file(@target).should contain(@content) end it 'should work the same way from static method with String' do URI.upload @uri.to_s, @source file(@target).should contain(@content) end it 'should upload from a task' do @uri.upload file(@source) file(@target).should contain(@content) end it 'should create MD5 hash' do @uri.upload file(@source) file(@target.ext('.md5')).should contain(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@content)) end it 'should create SHA1 hash' do @uri.upload file(@source) file(@target.ext('.sha1')).should contain(Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@content)) end it 'should upload an entire directory' do mkpath 'dir' ; write 'dir/test', 'in directory' mkpath 'dir/nested' ; write 'dir/nested/test', 'in nested directory' @uri.upload 'dir' file(@target).should contain('test', 'nested/test') file(@target + '/test').should contain('in directory') file(@target + '/nested/test').should contain('in nested directory') end end describe URI::FILE do it 'should complain about file:' do lambda { URI('file:') }.should raise_error(URI::InvalidURIError) end it 'should accept file:something as file:///something' do URI('file:something').should eql(URI('file:///something')) end it 'should accept file:/ as file:///' do URI('file:/').should eql(URI('file:///')) end it 'should accept file:/something as file:///something' do URI('file:/something').should eql(URI('file:///something')) end it 'should complain about file://' do lambda { URI('file://').should eql(URI('file:///')) }.should raise_error(URI::InvalidURIError) end it 'should accept file://something as file://something/' do URI('file://something').should eql(URI('file://something/')) end it 'should accept file:///something' do URI('file:///something').should be_kind_of(URI::FILE) URI('file:///something').to_s.should eql('file:///something') URI('file:///something').path.should eql('/something') end it 'should treat host as path when host name is a Windows drive' do URI('file://c:/something').should eql(URI('file:///c:/something')) end end describe URI::FILE, '#read' do before do @filename = 'readme' @uri = URI(URI.escape("file:///#{File.expand_path(@filename)}")) @content = 'Readme. Please!' write 'readme', @content end it 'should not complain about excessive options' do @uri.read :proxy=>[], :lovely=>true end it 'should read the file' do @uri.read.should eql(@content) end it 'should read the file and yield to block' do @uri.read { |content| content.should eql(@content) } end it 'should raise NotFoundError if file doesn\'t exist' do lambda { (@uri + 'notme').read }.should raise_error(URI::NotFoundError) end it 'should raise NotFoundError if file is actually a directory' do mkpath 'dir' lambda { (@uri + 'dir').read }.should raise_error(URI::NotFoundError) end end describe URI::FILE, '#write' do before do @filename = 'readme' @uri = URI(URI.escape("file:///#{File.expand_path(@filename)}")) @content = 'Readme. Please!' end it 'should not complain about excessive options' do @uri.write @content, :proxy=>[], :lovely=>true end it 'should write the file from a string' do @uri.write @content read(@filename).should eql(@content) end it 'should write the file from a reader' do reader = Object.new class << reader def read(bytes) ; @array.pop ; end end reader.instance_variable_set :@array, [@content] @uri.write reader read(@filename).should eql(@content) end it 'should write the file from a block' do array = [@content] @uri.write { array.pop } read(@filename).should eql(@content) end it 'should not create file if read fails' do @uri.write { fail } rescue nil file(@filename).should_not exist end end describe URI::HTTP, '#read' do before do @proxy = 'http://john:smith@myproxy:8080' @domain = 'domain' @host_domain = "host.#{@domain}" @path = "/foo/bar/baz" @query = "?query" @uri = URI("http://#{@host_domain}#{@path}#{@query}") @no_proxy_args = [@host_domain, 80] @proxy_args = @no_proxy_args + ['myproxy', 8080, 'john', 'smith'] @http = mock('http') @http.stub!(:request).and_yield(Net::HTTPNotModified.new(nil, nil, nil)) end it 'should not use proxy unless proxy is set' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@no_proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read end it 'should use HTTPS if applicable' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(@host_domain, 443).and_return(@http) @http.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true) URI(@uri.to_s.sub(/http/, 'https')).read end it 'should use proxy from environment variable HTTP_PROXY when using http' do ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = @proxy Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read end it 'should use proxy from environment variable HTTPS_PROXY when using https' do ENV['HTTPS_PROXY'] = @proxy Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(@host_domain, 443, 'myproxy', 8080, 'john', 'smith').and_return(@http) @http.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true) URI(@uri.to_s.sub(/http/, 'https')).read end it 'should not use proxy for hosts from environment variable NO_PROXY' do ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = @proxy ENV['NO_PROXY'] = @host_domain Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@no_proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read end it 'should use proxy for hosts other than those specified by NO_PROXY' do ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = @proxy ENV['NO_PROXY'] = 'whatever' Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read end it 'should support comma separated list in environment variable NO_PROXY' do ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = @proxy ENV['NO_PROXY'] = 'optimus,prime' Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('optimus', 80).and_return(@http) URI('http://optimus').read Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('prime', 80).and_return(@http) URI('http://prime').read Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('bumblebee', *@proxy_args[1..-1]).and_return(@http) URI('http://bumblebee').read end it 'should support glob pattern in NO_PROXY' do ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = @proxy ENV['NO_PROXY'] = "*.#{@domain}" Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).once.with(*@no_proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read end it 'should support specific port in NO_PROXY' do ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = @proxy ENV['NO_PROXY'] = "#{@host_domain}:80" Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@no_proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read ENV['NO_PROXY'] = "#{@host_domain}:800" Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read end it 'should not die if content size is zero' do ok = Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, nil, nil) ok.stub!(:read_body) @http.stub!(:request).and_yield(ok) Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).and_return(@http) $stdout.should_receive(:isatty).and_return(false) @uri.read :progress=>true end it 'should use HTTP Basic authentication' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).and_return(@http) request = mock('request') Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).and_return(request) request.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('john', 'secret') URI("http://john:secret@#{@host_domain}").read end it 'should preseve authentication information during a redirect' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).twice.and_return(@http) # The first request will produce a redirect redirect = Net::HTTPRedirection.new(nil, nil, nil) redirect['Location'] = "http://#{@host_domain}/asdf" request1 = mock('request1') Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).once.with('/', nil).and_return(request1) request1.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('john', 'secret') @http.should_receive(:request).with(request1).and_yield(redirect) # The second request will be ok ok = Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, nil, nil) ok.stub!(:read_body) request2 = mock('request2') Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).once.with("/asdf", nil).and_return(request2) request2.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('john', 'secret') @http.should_receive(:request).with(request2).and_yield(ok) URI("http://john:secret@#{@host_domain}").read end it 'should include the query part when performing HTTP GET' do # should this test be generalized or shared with any other URI subtypes? Net::HTTP.stub!(:new).and_return(@http) Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with(/#{Regexp.escape(@query)}$/, nil) @uri.read end end describe URI::HTTP, '#write' do before do @content = 'Readme. Please!' @uri = URI('http://john:secret@host.domain/foo/bar/baz.jar') @http = mock('Net::HTTP') @http.stub!(:request).and_return(Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, nil, nil)) Net::HTTP.stub!(:new).and_return(@http) end it 'should open connection to HTTP server' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('host.domain', 80).and_return(@http) @uri.write @content end it 'should use HTTP basic authentication' do @http.should_receive(:request) do |request| request['authorization'].should == ('Basic ' + ['john:secret'].pack('m').delete("\r\n")) Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, nil, nil) end @uri.write @content end it 'should use HTTPS if applicable' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('host.domain', 443).and_return(@http) @http.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true) URI(@uri.to_s.sub(/http/, 'https')).write @content end it 'should upload file with PUT request' do @http.should_receive(:request) do |request| request.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTP::Put) Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, nil, nil) end @uri.write @content end it 'should set Content-Length header' do @http.should_receive(:request) do |request| request.content_length.should == @content.size Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, nil, nil) end @uri.write @content end it 'should set Content-MD5 header' do @http.should_receive(:request) do |request| request['Content-MD5'].should == Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@content) Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, nil, nil) end @uri.write @content end it 'should send entire content' do @http.should_receive(:request) do |request| body_stream = request.body_stream body_stream.read(1024).should == @content body_stream.read(1024).should be_nil Net::HTTPOK.new(nil, nil, nil) end @uri.write @content end it 'should fail on 4xx response' do @http.should_receive(:request).and_return(Net::HTTPBadRequest.new(nil, nil, nil)) lambda { @uri.write @content }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /failed to upload/i) end it 'should fail on 5xx response' do @http.should_receive(:request).and_return(Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable.new(nil, nil, nil)) lambda { @uri.write @content }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /failed to upload/i) end end describe URI::SFTP, '#read' do before do @uri = URI('sftp://john:secret@localhost/root/path/readme') @content = 'Readme. Please!' @ssh_session = mock('Net::SSH::Session') @sftp_session = mock('Net::SFTP::Session') @file_factory = mock('Net::SFTP::Operations::FileFactory') Net::SSH.stub!(:start).with('localhost', 'john', :password=>'secret', :port=>22).and_return(@ssh_session) do Net::SFTP::Session.should_receive(:new).with(@ssh_session).and_yield(@sftp_session).and_return(@sftp_session) @sftp_session.should_receive(:connect!).and_return(@sftp_session) @sftp_session.should_receive(:loop) @sftp_session.should_receive(:file).with.and_return(@file_factory) @file_factory.stub!(:open) @ssh_session.should_receive(:close) @ssh_session end end it 'should open connection to SFTP server' do @uri.read end it 'should open file for reading' do @file_factory.should_receive(:open).with('/root/path/readme', 'r') @uri.read end it 'should read contents of file and return it' do file = mock('Net::SFTP::Operations::File') file.should_receive(:read).with(URI::RW_CHUNK_SIZE).once.and_return(@content, nil) @file_factory.should_receive(:open).with('/root/path/readme', 'r').and_yield(file) @uri.read.should eql(@content) end it 'should read contents of file and pass it to block' do file = mock('Net::SFTP::Operations::File') file.should_receive(:read).with(URI::RW_CHUNK_SIZE).once.and_return(@content, nil) @file_factory.should_receive(:open).with('/root/path/readme', 'r').and_yield(file) content = '' @uri.read do |chunk| content << chunk end content.should eql(@content) end end describe URI::SFTP, '#write' do before do @uri = URI('sftp://john:secret@localhost/root/path/readme') @content = 'Readme. Please!' @ssh_session = mock('Net::SSH::Session') @sftp_session = mock('Net::SFTP::Session') @file_factory = mock('Net::SFTP::Operations::FileFactory') Net::SSH.stub!(:start).with('localhost', 'john', :password=>'secret', :port=>22).and_return(@ssh_session) do Net::SFTP::Session.should_receive(:new).with(@ssh_session).and_yield(@sftp_session).and_return(@sftp_session) @sftp_session.should_receive(:connect!).and_return(@sftp_session) @sftp_session.should_receive(:loop) @sftp_session.stub!(:opendir!).and_return { fail } @sftp_session.stub!(:close) @sftp_session.stub!(:mkdir!) @sftp_session.should_receive(:file).with.and_return(@file_factory) @file_factory.stub!(:open) @ssh_session.should_receive(:close) @ssh_session end end it 'should open connection to SFTP server' do @uri.write @content end it 'should check that path exists on server' do paths = ['/root', '/root/path'] @sftp_session.should_receive(:opendir!).with(anything()).twice { |path| paths.shift.should == path } @uri.write @content end it 'should close all opened directories' do @sftp_session.should_receive(:opendir!).with(anything()).twice do |path| @sftp_session.should_receive(:close).with(handle = Object.new) handle end @uri.write @content end it 'should create missing paths on server' do @sftp_session.should_receive(:opendir!) { |path| fail unless path == '/root' } @sftp_session.should_receive(:mkdir!).once.with('/root/path', {}) @uri.write @content end it 'should create missing directories recursively' do paths = ['/root', '/root/path'] @sftp_session.should_receive(:mkdir!).with(anything(), {}).twice { |path, options| paths.shift.should == path } @uri.write @content end it 'should open file for writing' do @file_factory.should_receive(:open).with('/root/path/readme', 'w') @uri.write @content end it 'should write contents to file' do file = mock('Net::SFTP::Operations::File') file.should_receive(:write).with(@content) @file_factory.should_receive(:open).with('/root/path/readme', 'w').and_yield(file) @uri.write @content end end