#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 # Ubuntu does not accept arguments to ruby when called using env. To get warnings to show up the -w options is # required. That can be set in the RUBYOPT environment variable. # export RUBYOPT=-w $VERBOSE = true $: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../lib") $: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../ext") require 'test/unit' require 'oj' $json1 = %{{ "array": [ { "num" : 3, "string": "message", "hash" : { "h2" : { "a" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] } } } ], "boolean" : true }} class DocTest < ::Test::Unit::TestCase def test_nil json = %{null} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(NilClass, doc.type) assert_equal(nil, doc.fetch()) end end def test_true json = %{true} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(TrueClass, doc.type) assert_equal(true, doc.fetch()) end end def test_false json = %{false} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(FalseClass, doc.type) assert_equal(false, doc.fetch()) end end def test_string json = %{"a string"} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(String, doc.type) assert_equal('a string', doc.fetch()) end end def test_fixnum json = %{12345} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(Fixnum, doc.type) assert_equal(12345, doc.fetch()) end end def test_float json = %{12345.6789} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(Float, doc.type) assert_equal(12345.6789, doc.fetch()) end end def test_float_exp json = %{12345.6789e7} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(Float, doc.type) #assert_equal(12345.6789e7, doc.fetch()) assert_equal(12345.6789e7.to_i, doc.fetch().to_i) end end def test_array_empty json = %{[]} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(Array, doc.type) assert_equal([], doc.fetch()) end end def test_array json = %{[true,false]} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(Array, doc.type) assert_equal([true, false], doc.fetch()) end end def test_hash_empty json = %{{}} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(Hash, doc.type) assert_equal({}, doc.fetch()) end end def test_hash json = %{{"one":true,"two":false}} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| assert_equal(Hash, doc.type) assert_equal({'one' => true, 'two' => false}, doc.fetch()) end end # move() and where?() def test_move_hash json = %{{"one":{"two":false}}} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| doc.move('/one') assert_equal('/one', doc.where?) doc.move('/one/two') assert_equal('/one/two', doc.where?) end end def test_move_array json = %{[1,[2,true]]} Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| doc.move('/1') assert_equal('/1', doc.where?) doc.move('/2/1') assert_equal('/2/1', doc.where?) end end def test_move Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| [ '/', '/array', '/boolean', '/array/1/hash/h2/a/3', ].each do |p| doc.move(p) assert_equal(p, doc.where?) end begin doc.move('/array/x') rescue Exception assert_equal('/', doc.where?) assert(true) end end end def test_move_relative Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| [['/', 'array', '/array'], ['/array', '1/num', '/array/1/num'], ['/array/1/hash', 'h2/a', '/array/1/hash/h2/a'], ['/array/1', 'hash/h2/a/2', '/array/1/hash/h2/a/2'], ['/array/1/hash', '../string', '/array/1/string'], ['/array/1/hash', '..', '/array/1'], ].each do |start,path,where| doc.move(start) doc.move(path) assert_equal(where, doc.where?) end end end def test_type Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| [['/', Hash], ['/array', Array], ['/array/1', Hash], ['/array/1/num', Fixnum], ['/array/1/string', String], ['/array/1/hash/h2/a', Array], ['/array/1/hash/../num', Fixnum], ['/array/1/hash/../..', Array], ].each do |path,type| assert_equal(type, doc.type(path)) end end end def test_local_key Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| [['/', nil], ['/array', 'array'], ['/array/1', 1], ['/array/1/num', 'num'], ['/array/1/string', 'string'], ['/array/1/hash/h2/a', 'a'], ['/array/1/hash/../num', 'num'], ['/array/1/hash/..', 1], ['/array/1/hash/../..', 'array'], ].each do |path,key| doc.move(path) assert_equal(key, doc.local_key()) end end end def test_fetch_move Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| [['/array/1/num', 3], ['/array/1/string', 'message'], ['/array/1/hash/h2/a', [1, 2, 3]], ['/array/1/hash/../num', 3], ['/array/1/hash/..', {'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}], ['/array/1/hash/../..', [{'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}]], ['/array/1', {'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}], ['/array', [{'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}]], ['/', {'array' => [{'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}], 'boolean' => true}], ].each do |path,val| doc.move(path) assert_equal(val, doc.fetch()) end end end def test_fetch_path Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| [['/array/1/num', 3], ['/array/1/string', 'message'], ['/array/1/hash/h2/a', [1, 2, 3]], ['/array/1/hash/../num', 3], ['/array/1/hash/..', {'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}], ['/array/1/hash/../..', [{'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}]], ['/array/1', {'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}], ['/array', [{'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}]], ['/', {'array' => [{'num' => 3, 'string' => 'message', 'hash' => {'h2' => {'a' => [1, 2, 3]}}}], 'boolean' => true}], ].each do |path,val| assert_equal(val, doc.fetch(path)) end end end def test_home Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| doc.move('/array/1/num') doc.home() assert_equal('/', doc.where?) end end def test_each_value_root Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| values = [] doc.each_value() { |v| values << v.to_s } assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', '3', 'message', 'true'], values.sort) end end def test_each_value_move Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| doc.move('/array/1/hash') values = [] doc.each_value() { |v| values << v.to_s } assert_equal(['1', '2', '3'], values.sort) end end def test_each_value_path Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| values = [] doc.each_value('/array/1/hash') { |v| values << v.to_s } assert_equal(['1', '2', '3'], values.sort) end end def test_each_child_move Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| locations = [] doc.move('/array/1/hash/h2/a') doc.each_child() { |d| locations << d.where? } assert_equal(['/array/1/hash/h2/a/1', '/array/1/hash/h2/a/2', '/array/1/hash/h2/a/3'], locations) locations = [] doc.move('/array/1') doc.each_child() { |d| locations << d.where? } assert_equal(['/array/1/num', '/array/1/string', '/array/1/hash'], locations) end end def test_each_child_path Oj::Doc.open($json1) do |doc| locations = [] doc.each_child('/array/1/hash/h2/a') { |d| locations << d.where? } assert_equal(['/array/1/hash/h2/a/1', '/array/1/hash/h2/a/2', '/array/1/hash/h2/a/3'], locations) locations = [] doc.each_child('/array/1') { |d| locations << d.where? } assert_equal(['/array/1/num', '/array/1/string', '/array/1/hash'], locations) end end def test_size Oj::Doc.open('[1,2,3]') do |doc| assert_equal(4, doc.size) end Oj::Doc.open('{"a":[1,2,3]}') do |doc| assert_equal(5, doc.size) end end def test_open_file filename = 'open_file_test.json' File.open(filename, 'w') { |f| f.write('{"a":[1,2,3]}') } Oj::Doc.open_file(filename) do |doc| assert_equal(5, doc.size) end end def test_open_close json = %{{"a":[1,2,3]}} doc = Oj::Doc.open(json) assert_equal(Oj::Doc, doc.class) assert_equal(5, doc.size) assert_equal('/', doc.where?) doc.move('a/1') doc.home() assert_equal(2, doc.fetch('/a/2')) assert_equal(2, doc.fetch('a/2')) doc.close() begin doc.home() rescue Exception assert(true) end end def test_file_open_close filename = 'open_file_test.json' File.open(filename, 'w') { |f| f.write('{"a":[1,2,3]}') } doc = Oj::Doc.open_file(filename) assert_equal(Oj::Doc, doc.class) assert_equal(5, doc.size) assert_equal('/', doc.where?) doc.move('a/1') doc.home() assert_equal(2, doc.fetch('/a/2')) assert_equal(2, doc.fetch('a/2')) doc.close() begin doc.home() rescue Exception assert(true) end end def test_open_no_close json = %{{"a":[1,2,3]}} doc = Oj::Doc.open(json) assert_equal(Oj::Doc, doc.class) assert_equal(5, doc.size) assert_equal('/', doc.where?) doc.move('a/1') doc.home() assert_equal(2, doc.fetch('/a/2')) assert_equal(2, doc.fetch('a/2')) doc = nil GC.start # a print statement confirms close is called end def test_dump Oj::Doc.open('[1,[2,3]]') do |doc| assert_equal('[1,[2,3]]', doc.dump()) end Oj::Doc.open('[1,[2,3]]') do |doc| assert_equal('[2,3]', doc.dump('/2')) end end def test_each_leaf results = Oj::Doc.open('[1,[2,3]]') do |doc| h = {} doc.each_leaf() { |d| h[d.where?] = d.fetch() } h end assert_equal({'/1' => 1, '/2/1' => 2, '/2/2' => 3}, results) end def test_comment json = %{{ "x"/*one*/:/*two*/true,//three "y":58/*four*/, "z": [1,2/*five*/, 3 // six ] } } results = Oj::Doc.open(json) do |doc| h = {} doc.each_leaf() { |d| h[d.where?] = d.fetch() } h end assert_equal({'/x' => true, '/y' => 58, '/z/1' => 1, '/z/2' => 2, '/z/3' => 3}, results) end end # DocTest