module Cul::Hydra::Solrizer module ModsFieldable extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Solrizer::DefaultDescriptors::Normal MODS_NS = {'mods'=>''} ORIGIN_INFO_DATES = ["dateCreated", "dateIssued", "dateOther"] module ClassMethods def value_mapper(maps=nil) @value_mapper ||= end def map_field(field_key, map_key) value_mapper.map_field(field_key, map_key) end def map_value(field_key, value_key) value_mapper.map_value(field_key, value_key) end def maps_field?(field_key) value_mapper.maps_field? field_key end def normalize(t, strip_punctuation=false) # strip whitespace n_t = t.dup.strip # collapse intermediate whitespace n_t.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') # pull off paired punctuation, and any leading punctuation if strip_punctuation # strip brackets n_t = n_t.sub(/^\((.*)\)$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^\{(.*)\}$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^\[(.*)\]$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^<(.*)>$/, "\\1") # strip quotes n_t = n_t.sub(/^"(.*)"$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^'(.*)'$/, "\\1") is_negative_number = n_t =~ /^-\d+$/ n_t = n_t.sub(/^[[:punct:]]+/, '') # this may have 'created' leading/trailing space, so strip n_t.strip! n_t = '-' + n_t if is_negative_number end n_t end end extend ClassMethods def mods ng_xml.xpath('/mods:mods', MODS_NS).first end def projects mods.xpath("./mods:relatedItem[@type='host' and @displayLabel='Project']", MODS_NS).collect do |p_node| ModsFieldable.normalize(main_title(p_node), true) end end def collections mods.xpath("./mods:relatedItem[@type='host' and @displayLabel='Collection']", MODS_NS).collect do |p_node| ModsFieldable.normalize(main_title(p_node), true) end end def sort_title(node=mods) # include only the untyped [!@type] titleInfo, exclude noSort base_text = '' t = node.xpath('./mods:titleInfo[not(@type)]', MODS_NS).first if t t.children.each do |child| base_text << child.text unless == 'nonSort' end end base_text = ModsFieldable.normalize(base_text, true) base_text = nil if base_text.empty? base_text end def main_title(node=mods) # include only the untyped [!@type] titleInfo t = node.xpath('./mods:titleInfo[not(@type)]', MODS_NS).first if t ModsFieldable.normalize(t.text) else nil end end def titles(node=mods) # all titles without descending into relatedItems # For now, this only includes the main title and selected alternate_titles all_titles = [] all_titles << main_title unless main_title.nil? all_titles += alternative_titles unless alternative_titles.nil? end def alternative_titles(node=mods) node.xpath('./mods:titleInfo[@type and (@type="alternative" or @type="abbreviated" or @type="translated" or @type="uniform")]', MODS_NS).collect do |t| ModsFieldable.normalize(t.text) end end def names(role_authority=nil, role=nil) # get all the name nodes # keep all child text except the role terms xpath = "./mods:name" unless role_authority.nil? xpath << "/mods:role/mods:roleTerm[@authority='#{role_authority.to_s}'" unless role.nil? xpath << " and normalize-space(text()) = '#{role.to_s.strip}'" end xpath << "]/ancestor::mods:name" end names = mods.xpath(xpath, MODS_NS).collect do |node| base_text = node.xpath('./mods:namePart', MODS_NS).collect { |c| c.text }.join(' ') ModsFieldable.normalize(base_text, true) end # Note: Removing subject names from name field extraction. # See: and #xpath = "./mods:subject" + xpath[1,xpath.length] #mods.xpath(xpath, MODS_NS).each do |node| # base_text = node.xpath('./mods:namePart', MODS_NS).collect { |c| c.text }.join(' ') # names << ModsFieldable.normalize(base_text, true) #end names end def dates(node=mods) # get all the dateIssued with keyDate = 'yes', but not point = 'end' end def formats(node=mods) # get all the form values with authority != 'marcform' node.xpath("./mods:physicalDescription/mods:form[@authority != 'marcform']", MODS_NS).collect do |n| ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text) end end def repository_code(node=mods) # get the location/physicalLocation[@authority = 'marcorg'] repo_code_node = node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:physicalLocation[@authority = 'marcorg']", MODS_NS).first if repo_code_node ModsFieldable.normalize(repo_code_node.text) else return nil end end def repository_text(node=mods) # get the location/physicalLocation[not(@authority)] repo_text_node = node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:physicalLocation[not(@authority)]", MODS_NS).first if repo_text_node ModsFieldable.normalize(repo_text_node.text) else return nil end end def translate_repo_marc_code(code, type) #code = ModsFieldable.normalize(code) if type == 'short' return translate_with_default(SHORT_REPO, code, 'Non-Columbia Location') elsif type == 'long' return translate_with_default(LONG_REPO, code, 'Non-Columbia Location') elsif type == 'full' return translate_with_default(FULL_REPO, code, 'Non-Columbia Location') end return nil end def translate_project_title(project_title, type) normalized_project_title = ModsFieldable.normalize(project_title) if type == 'short' return translate_with_default(SHORT_PROJ, normalized_project_title, normalized_project_title) elsif type == 'full' return translate_with_default(FULL_PROJ, normalized_project_title, normalized_project_title) end return nil end def shelf_locators(node=mods) values = node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:shelfLocator", MODS_NS).collect do |n| ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end values += node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:holdingSimple/mods:copyInformation/mods:shelfLocator", MODS_NS).collect do |n| ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end values end def sublocation(node=mods) values = node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:sublocation", MODS_NS).collect do |n| ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end values += node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:holdingSimple/mods:copyInformation/mods:sublocation", MODS_NS).collect do |n| ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end values end def textual_dates(node=mods) dates = [] ORIGIN_INFO_DATES.each do |element| node.xpath("./mods:originInfo/mods:#{element}[not(@keyDate) and not(@point) and not(@encoding)]", MODS_NS).collect do |n| dates << n.text.strip end end return dates end def key_date_range(node=mods) dates = [] encodings = ['w3cdtf','iso8601'] ORIGIN_INFO_DATES.each do |element| encodings.each do |encoding| xpath = "./mods:originInfo/mods:#{element}[(@keyDate) and (@encoding = '#{encoding}')]" node.xpath(xpath, MODS_NS).collect do |n| range = [ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true)] if n['point'] != 'end' n.xpath("../mods:#{element}[(@encoding = '#{encoding}' and @point = 'end')]", MODS_NS).each do |ep| range << ModsFieldable.normalize(ep.text, true) end end dates << range end end end return dates.first || dates end def date_range_to_textual_date(start_year, end_year) start_year = start_year.to_i.to_s # Remove zero-padding if present end_year = end_year.to_i.to_s # Remove zero-padding if present if start_year == end_year return [start_year] else return [('Between ' + (start_year.to_i > 0 ? start_year : start_year[1,start_year.length] + ' BCE') + ' and ' + (end_year.to_i > 0 ? (start_year.to_i > 0 ? end_year : end_year + ' CE') : end_year[1,end_year.length] + ' BCE') )] end end def date_notes(node=mods) date_notes = [] node.xpath("./mods:note[@type = 'date' or @type = 'date source']", MODS_NS).collect do |n| date_notes << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end return date_notes end def non_date_notes(node=mods) non_date_notes = [] node.xpath("./mods:note[not(@type) or (@type != 'date' and @type != 'date source' and @type != 'filename')]", MODS_NS).collect do |n| if n.attr('type') == 'view direction' non_date_notes << 'View Direction: ' + ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) else non_date_notes << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end end return non_date_notes end def item_in_context_url(node=mods) item_in_context_url_val = [] node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:url[@access='object in context']", MODS_NS).collect do |n| item_in_context_url_val << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end item_in_context_url_val end def non_item_in_context_url(node=mods) non_item_in_context_url_val = [] node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:url[not(@access='object in context')]", MODS_NS).collect do |n| non_item_in_context_url_val << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end non_item_in_context_url_val end def project_url(node=mods) project_url_val = [] node.xpath("./mods:relatedItem[@type='host' and @displayLabel='Project']/mods:location/mods:url", MODS_NS).collect do |n| project_url_val << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end project_url_val end def all_subjects(node=mods) list_of_subjects = [] node.xpath("./mods:subject[not(@authority) or @authority != 'Durst']/mods:topic", MODS_NS).collect do |n| list_of_subjects << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end node.xpath("./mods:subject/mods:geographic", MODS_NS).collect do |n| list_of_subjects << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end node.xpath("./mods:subject/mods:name", MODS_NS).collect do |n| list_of_subjects << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end node.xpath("./mods:subject/mods:temporal", MODS_NS).collect do |n| list_of_subjects << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end node.xpath("./mods:subject/mods:titleInfo", MODS_NS).collect do |n| list_of_subjects << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end node.xpath("./mods:subject/mods:genre", MODS_NS).collect do |n| list_of_subjects << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end return list_of_subjects end def durst_subjects(node=mods) list_of_subjects = [] node.xpath("./mods:subject[@authority='Durst']/mods:topic", MODS_NS).collect do |n| list_of_subjects << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end return list_of_subjects end def origin_info_place(node=mods) places = [] node.xpath("./mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm", MODS_NS).collect do |n| places << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end return places end def origin_info_place_for_display(node=mods) # If there are multiple origin_info place elements, choose only the ones without valueURI attributes. Otherwise show the others. places_with_uri = [] places_without_uri = [] node.xpath("./mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@valueURI]", MODS_NS).collect do |n| places_with_uri << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end node.xpath("./mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[not(@valueURI)]", MODS_NS).collect do |n| places_without_uri << ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end return (places_without_uri.length > 0 ? places_without_uri : places_with_uri) end def coordinates(node=mods) coordinate_values = [] node.xpath("./mods:subject/mods:cartographics/mods:coordinates", MODS_NS).collect do |n| n = ModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) if n.match(/-*\d+\.\d+\s*,\s*-*\d+\.\d+\s*/) # Expected coordinate format: 40.123456,-73.5678 coordinate_values << n end end coordinate_values end def to_solr(solr_doc={}) solr_doc = (defined? super) ? super : solr_doc return solr_doc if mods.nil? # There is no mods. Return because there is nothing to process, otherwise NoMethodError will be raised by subsequent lines. solr_doc["all_text_teim"] ||= [] solr_doc["title_si"] = sort_title solr_doc["title_ssm"] = titles solr_doc["alternative_title_ssm"] = alternative_titles solr_doc["all_text_teim"] += solr_doc["alternative_title_ssm"] solr_doc["lib_collection_sim"] = collections solr_doc["lib_name_sim"] = names solr_doc["lib_name_teim"] = solr_doc["lib_name_sim"] solr_doc["all_text_teim"] += solr_doc["lib_name_teim"] solr_doc["lib_all_subjects_ssm"] = all_subjects solr_doc["durst_subjects_ssim"] = durst_subjects solr_doc["lib_all_subjects_teim"] = solr_doc["lib_all_subjects_ssm"] solr_doc["all_text_teim"] += solr_doc["lib_all_subjects_teim"] solr_doc["lib_name_ssm"] = solr_doc["lib_name_sim"] solr_doc["lib_author_sim"] = names(:marcrelator, 'aut') solr_doc["lib_recipient_sim"] = names(:marcrelator, 'rcp') solr_doc["lib_format_sim"] = formats solr_doc["lib_shelf_sim"] = shelf_locators solr_doc['location_shelf_locator_ssm'] = solr_doc["lib_shelf_sim"] solr_doc["all_text_teim"] += solr_doc["lib_shelf_sim"] solr_doc['lib_sublocation_sim'] = sublocation solr_doc['lib_sublocation_ssm'] = solr_doc['lib_sublocation_sim'] solr_doc["all_text_teim"] += solr_doc['lib_sublocation_sim'] solr_doc["lib_date_textual_ssm"] = textual_dates solr_doc["lib_date_notes_ssm"] = date_notes solr_doc["lib_non_date_notes_ssm"] = non_date_notes solr_doc["lib_item_in_context_url_ssm"] = item_in_context_url solr_doc["lib_non_item_in_context_url_ssm"] = non_item_in_context_url solr_doc["lib_project_url_ssm"] = project_url solr_doc["origin_info_place_ssm"] = origin_info_place solr_doc["origin_info_place_for_display_ssm"] = origin_info_place_for_display repo_marc_code = repository_code unless repo_marc_code.nil? solr_doc["lib_repo_short_ssim"] = [translate_repo_marc_code(repo_marc_code, 'short')] solr_doc["lib_repo_long_sim"] = [translate_repo_marc_code(repo_marc_code, 'long')] solr_doc["lib_repo_full_ssim"] = [translate_repo_marc_code(repo_marc_code, 'full')] end solr_doc["lib_repo_text_ssm"] = repository_text project_titles = projects unless project_titles.nil? solr_doc["lib_project_short_ssim"] = [] solr_doc["lib_project_full_ssim"] = [] project_titles.each {|project_title| solr_doc["lib_project_short_ssim"] << translate_project_title(project_title, 'short') solr_doc["lib_project_full_ssim"] << translate_project_title(project_title, 'full') } solr_doc["lib_project_short_ssim"].uniq! solr_doc["lib_project_full_ssim"].uniq! end # Create convenient start and end date values based on one of the many possible originInfo/dateX elements. start_date, end_date = key_date_range start_year = nil end_year = nil if start_date.present? start_year = nil end_year = nil start_date = nil if start_date == 'uuuu' end_date = nil if end_date == 'uuuu' start_date = start_date.gsub('u', '0') unless start_date.nil? end_date = end_date.gsub('u', '0') unless end_date.nil? end_date = start_date if end_date.blank? start_date = end_date if start_date.blank? year_regex = /^(-?\d{1,4}).*/ unless start_date.blank? start_year_match = start_date.match(year_regex) if start_year_match && start_year_match.captures.length > 0 start_year = start_year_match.captures[0] start_year = zero_pad_year(start_year) solr_doc["lib_start_date_year_itsi"] = start_year.to_i # TrieInt version for searches end end unless end_date.blank? end_year_match = end_date.match(year_regex) if end_year_match && end_year_match.captures.length > 0 end_year = end_year_match.captures[0] end_year = zero_pad_year(end_year) solr_doc["lib_end_date_year_itsi"] = end_year.to_i # TrieInt version for searches end end solr_doc["lib_date_year_range_si"] = start_year + '-' + end_year if start_year && end_year solr_doc["lib_date_year_range_ss"] = solr_doc["lib_date_year_range_si"] # When no textual date is available, fall back to other date data (if available) if solr_doc["lib_date_textual_ssm"].blank? solr_doc["lib_date_textual_ssm"] = date_range_to_textual_date(start_year.to_i, end_year.to_i) end end # Geo data solr_doc["geo"] = coordinates solr_doc.each do |k, v| if self.class.maps_field? k solr_doc[k] = self.class.map_value(k, v) end end solr_doc end def zero_pad_year(year) year = year.to_s is_negative = year.start_with?('-') year_without_sign = (is_negative ? year[1, year.length]: year) if year_without_sign.length < 4 year_without_sign = year_without_sign.rjust(4, '0') end return (is_negative ? '-' : '') + year_without_sign end end end