3.2.9 (Media Mark) 4178a0745cb9a2158ed0d8beaf92226f546cdfa9 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[ o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI" shared:ET;[:@template0: @linei: @options{:@imported_file0o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"Š/* Webkit, IE10 and future support for [CSS Regions](http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-regions/) * * $target is a value you use to link two regions of your css. Give the source of your content the flow-into property, and give your target container the flow-from property. * * For a visual explanation, see the diagrams at Chris Coyier's * [CSS-Tricks](http://css-tricks.com/content-folding/) */; T: @type: silent;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode : @nameI"flow-into; T: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I" target; T:@underscored_nameI" target; T; @ 0: @splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;I" target; T: @expro:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I" unquote; T;[o; ;I" target; T;I" target; T; i; @ :@keywords{;0; i; @ : @guarded0;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;I"experimental; T;[ o:Sass::Script::String ;I"flow-into; T;:identifier; i; @ o; ;I" target; T;I" target; T; i; @ o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando; ;I" -moz; T;;; i; @ :@operator:not; i; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i; @ o; ;!o; ;I"-o; T;;; i; @ ;";#; i; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i; @ o; ;!o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i; @ ;";#; i; @ o; ;!o; ;I" official; T;;; i; @ ;";#; i; @ ;{;0;[; i; @ ; i:@has_childrenT; @ o; ;I"flow-from; T;[[o;;I" target; T;I" target; T; @ 0;0;[o; ;I" target; T;o; ;I" unquote; T;[o; ;I" target; T;I" target; T; i; @ ;{;0; i; @ ;0;[; i; @ o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"flow-from; T;;; i; @ o; ;I" target; T;I" target; T; i; @ o; ;!o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i; @ ;";#; i; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i; @ o; ;!o; ;I"-o; T;;; i; @ ;";#; i; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i; @ o; ;!o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i; @ ;";#; i; @ o; ;!o; ;I" official; T;;; i; @ ;";#; i; @ ;{;0;[; i; @ ; i;$T; @ ; I"î@import "shared"; // Webkit, IE10 and future support for [CSS Regions](http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-regions/) // // $target is a value you use to link two regions of your css. Give the source of your content the flow-into property, and give your target container the flow-from property. // // For a visual explanation, see the diagrams at Chris Coyier's // [CSS-Tricks](http://css-tricks.com/content-folding/) @mixin flow-into($target) { $target: unquote($target); @include experimental(flow-into, $target, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, not official ); } @mixin flow-from($target) { $target: unquote($target); @include experimental(flow-from, $target, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml, not official ); }; T; i;$T; @