/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ // Provides control sap.m.Link. sap.ui.define([ './library', 'sap/ui/core/Control', 'sap/ui/core/InvisibleText', 'sap/ui/core/EnabledPropagator', 'sap/ui/core/library', 'sap/ui/Device', './LinkRenderer', "sap/ui/events/KeyCodes", "sap/base/Log", "sap/base/security/URLWhitelist" ], function( library, Control, InvisibleText, EnabledPropagator, coreLibrary, Device, LinkRenderer, KeyCodes, Log, URLWhitelist ) { "use strict"; // shortcut for sap.ui.core.TextDirection var TextDirection = coreLibrary.TextDirection; // shortcut for sap.ui.core.TextAlign var TextAlign = coreLibrary.TextAlign; /** * Constructor for a new Link. * * @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given * @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control * * @class * A hyperlink control used to navigate to other apps and web pages or to trigger actions. * *


* * The Link control is a clickable text element visualized in such a way that it stands out * from the standard text. On hover, it changes its style to underlined text to provide * additional feedback to the user. * *


* * You can set the Link to be enabled or disabled. * * To create a visual hierarchy in large lists of links, you can set the less important links as * subtle or the more important ones as emphasized. * * To specify where the linked content is opened, you can use the target property. * *

Responsive behavior

* * If there is not enough space, the text of the Link becomes truncated. * If the wrapping property is set to true, the text will be * displayed on several lines, instead of being truncated. * * @see {@link fiori:https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/link/ Link} * * @extends sap.ui.core.Control * @implements sap.ui.core.IShrinkable, sap.ui.core.IFormContent * * @author SAP SE * @version 1.60.23 * * @constructor * @public * @since 1.12 * @alias sap.m.Link * @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel */ var Link = Control.extend("sap.m.Link", /** @lends sap.m.Link.prototype */ { metadata : { interfaces : [ "sap.ui.core.IShrinkable", "sap.ui.core.IFormContent" ], library : "sap.m", designtime: "sap/m/designtime/Link.designtime", properties : { /** * Defines the displayed link text. */ text : {type : "string", group : "Data", defaultValue : ''}, /** * Determines whether the link can be triggered by the user. */ enabled : {type : "boolean", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : true}, /** * Specifies a target where the linked content will open. * * Options are the standard values for window.open() supported by browsers: * _self, _top, _blank, _parent, _search. * Alternatively, a frame name can be entered. This property is only used when the href property is set. */ target : {type : "string", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : null}, /** * Determines the width of the link (CSS-size such as % or px). When it is set, this is the exact size. * When left blank, the text defines the size. */ width : {type : "sap.ui.core.CSSSize", group : "Dimension", defaultValue : null}, /** * Defines the link target URI. Supports standard hyperlink behavior. If a JavaScript action should be triggered, * this should not be set, but instead an event handler for the press event should be registered. */ href : {type : "sap.ui.core.URI", group : "Data", defaultValue : null}, /** * Defines whether the link target URI should be validated. * * If validation fails, the value of the href property will still be set, but will not be applied to the DOM. * * Note: Additional whitelisting of URLs is allowed through * {@link sap.base.security.URLWhiteList}. * * @since 1.54.0 */ validateUrl : {type : "boolean", group : "Data", defaultValue : false}, /** * Determines whether the link text is allowed to wrap when there is no sufficient space. */ wrapping : {type : "boolean", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : false}, /** * Determines the horizontal alignment of the text. * @since 1.28.0 */ textAlign : {type : "sap.ui.core.TextAlign", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : TextAlign.Initial}, /** * This property specifies the element's text directionality with enumerated options. By default, the control inherits text direction from the parent DOM. * @since 1.28.0 */ textDirection : {type : "sap.ui.core.TextDirection", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : TextDirection.Inherit}, /** * Subtle links look more like standard text than like links. They should only be used to help with visual hierarchy between large data lists of important and less important links. Subtle links should not be used in any other use case. * @since 1.22 */ subtle : {type : "boolean", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : false}, /** * Emphasized links look visually more important than regular links. * @since 1.22 */ emphasized : {type : "boolean", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : false} }, associations : { /** * Association to controls / ids which describe this control (see WAI-ARIA attribute aria-describedby). */ ariaDescribedBy: {type: "sap.ui.core.Control", multiple: true, singularName: "ariaDescribedBy"}, /** * Association to controls / ids which label this control (see WAI-ARIA attribute aria-labelledby). */ ariaLabelledBy: {type: "sap.ui.core.Control", multiple: true, singularName: "ariaLabelledBy"} }, events : { /** * Event is fired when the user triggers the link control. */ press : { allowPreventDefault : true, parameters: { /** * Indicates whether the CTRL key was pressed when the link was selected. * @since 1.58 */ ctrlKey: { type: "boolean" }, /** * Indicates whether the "meta" key was pressed when the link was selected. * * On Macintosh keyboards, this is the command key (⌘). * On Windows keyboards, this is the windows key (⊞). * * @since 1.58 */ metaKey: { type: "boolean" } } } } }}); EnabledPropagator.call(Link.prototype); // inherit "disabled" state from parent controls /** * Required adaptations before rendering. * * @private */ Link.prototype.onBeforeRendering = function() {}; /** * Triggers link activation when space key is pressed on the focused control. * * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The SPACE keyboard key event object */ Link.prototype.onsapspace = function(oEvent) { if (this.getEnabled() || this.getHref()) { // mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled by the link oEvent.setMarked(); oEvent.preventDefault(); } }; Link.prototype.onkeyup = function (oEvent) { if (oEvent.which === KeyCodes.SPACE) { this._handlePress(oEvent); if (this.getHref() && !oEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) { // Normal browser link, the browser does the job. According to the keyboard spec, space should fire press event on keyup. // To make the browser REALLY do the same (history, referrer, frames, target,...), create a new "click" event and let the browser "do the needful". // first disarm the Space key event oEvent.preventDefault(); // prevent any scrolling which the browser might do because from its perspective the Link does not handle the "space" key oEvent.setMarked(); // then create the click event var oClickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); oClickEvent.initEvent('click' /* event type */, false, true); // non-bubbling, cancelable this.getDomRef().dispatchEvent(oClickEvent); } } }; /** * Handler for the press event of the link. * * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The press event object * @private */ Link.prototype._handlePress = function(oEvent) { if (this.getEnabled()) { // mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled by the link oEvent.setMarked(); if (!this.firePress({ctrlKey: !!oEvent.ctrlKey, metaKey: !!oEvent.metaKey}) || !this.getHref()) { // fire event and check return value whether default action should be prevented oEvent.preventDefault(); } } else { // disabled oEvent.preventDefault(); // even prevent URLs from being triggered } }; /** * Handle when enter is pressed. * * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object. * @private */ Link.prototype.onsapenter = Link.prototype._handlePress; if (Device.support.touch) { Link.prototype.ontap = Link.prototype._handlePress; } else { Link.prototype.onclick = Link.prototype._handlePress; } /** * Handles the touch event on mobile devices. * * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The touchstart event object */ Link.prototype.ontouchstart = function(oEvent) { if (this.getEnabled()) { // for controls which need to know whether they should handle events bubbling from here oEvent.setMarked(); } }; /* override standard setters with direct DOM manipulation */ Link.prototype.setText = function(sText){ var $this = this.$(); this.setProperty("text", sText, true); sText = this.getProperty("text"); if (this.writeText) { this.writeText(sText); } else { $this.text(sText); } if (sText) { $this.attr("tabindex", "0"); } else { $this.attr("tabindex", "-1"); } return this; }; Link.prototype.setHref = function(sUri){ var bIsValid = this._isHrefValid(sUri); this.setProperty("href", sUri, true); if (!bIsValid) { this.$().removeAttr("href"); Log.warning(this + ": The href tag of the link was not set since it's not valid."); return this; } if (this.getEnabled()) { sUri = this.getProperty("href"); if (!sUri) { this.$().removeAttr("href"); } else { this.$().attr("href", sUri); } } return this; }; Link.prototype.setSubtle = function(bSubtle){ this.setProperty("subtle", bSubtle, true); var $this = this.$(); if ($this.length) { // only when actually rendered $this.toggleClass("sapMLnkSubtle", bSubtle); if (bSubtle) { Link._addToDescribedBy($this, this._sAriaLinkSubtleId); } else { Link._removeFromDescribedBy($this, this._sAriaLinkSubtleId); } } if (bSubtle && !Link.prototype._sAriaLinkSubtleId) { Link.prototype._sAriaLinkSubtleId = InvisibleText.getStaticId("sap.m", "LINK_SUBTLE"); } return this; }; Link.prototype.setEmphasized = function(bEmphasized){ this.setProperty("emphasized", bEmphasized, true); var $this = this.$(); if ($this.length) { // only when actually rendered $this.toggleClass("sapMLnkEmphasized", bEmphasized); if (bEmphasized) { Link._addToDescribedBy($this, this._sAriaLinkEmphasizedId); } else { Link._removeFromDescribedBy($this, this._sAriaLinkEmphasizedId); } } if (bEmphasized && !Link.prototype._sAriaLinkEmphasizedId) { Link.prototype._sAriaLinkEmphasizedId = InvisibleText.getStaticId("sap.m", "LINK_EMPHASIZED"); } return this; }; Link.prototype.setWrapping = function(bWrapping){ this.setProperty("wrapping", bWrapping, true); this.$().toggleClass("sapMLnkWrapping", bWrapping); return this; }; Link.prototype.setEnabled = function(bEnabled){ bEnabled = this.validateProperty("enabled", bEnabled); if (bEnabled !== this.getProperty("enabled")) { // do nothing when the same value is set again (virtual table scrolling!) - don't use this.getEnabled() because of EnabledPropagator this.setProperty("enabled", bEnabled, true); var $this = this.$(); $this.toggleClass("sapMLnkDsbl", !bEnabled); if (bEnabled) { $this.attr("disabled", false); if (this.getText()) { $this.attr("tabindex", "0"); } else { $this.attr("tabindex", "-1"); } $this.removeAttr("aria-disabled"); if (this.getHref()) { $this.attr("href", this.getHref()); } } else { $this.attr("disabled", true); $this.attr("aria-disabled", true); $this.removeAttr("href"); } } return this; }; Link.prototype.setWidth = function(sWidth){ this.setProperty("width", sWidth, true); this.$().toggleClass("sapMLnkMaxWidth", !sWidth); this.$().css("width", sWidth); return this; }; Link.prototype.setTarget = function(sTarget){ this.setProperty("target", sTarget, true); if (!sTarget) { this.$().removeAttr("target"); } else { this.$().attr("target", sTarget); } return this; }; /*************************************** Static members ******************************************/ /** * Checks if the given sUri is valid depending on the validateUrl property * * @param {String} sUri * @returns {Boolean} * @private */ Link.prototype._isHrefValid = function (sUri) { return this.getValidateUrl() ? URLWhitelist.validate(sUri) : true; }; /** * Adds ARIA InvisibleText ID to aria-secribedby * * @param {Object} $oLink control DOM reference * @param {String} sInvisibleTextId static Invisible Text ID to be added */ Link._addToDescribedBy = function ($oLink, sInvisibleTextId) { var sAriaDescribedBy = $oLink.attr("aria-describedby"); if (sAriaDescribedBy) { $oLink.attr("aria-describedby", sAriaDescribedBy + " " + sInvisibleTextId); // Add the ID at the end, separated with space } else { $oLink.attr("aria-describedby", sInvisibleTextId); } }; /** * Removes ARIA InvisibleText ID from aria-secribedby or the attribute itself * * @param {Object} $oLink control DOM reference * @param {String} sInvisibleTextId static Invisible Text ID to be removed */ Link._removeFromDescribedBy = function ($oLink, sInvisibleTextId) { var sAriaDescribedBy = $oLink.attr("aria-describedby"); if (sAriaDescribedBy && sAriaDescribedBy.indexOf(sInvisibleTextId) !== -1) { // Remove only the static InvisibleText ID for Emphasized link sAriaDescribedBy = sAriaDescribedBy.replace(sInvisibleTextId, ''); if (sAriaDescribedBy.length > 1) { $oLink.attr("aria-describedby", sAriaDescribedBy); } else { $oLink.removeAttr("aria-describedby"); // Remove the aria-describedby attribute, as it`s not needed } } }; /** * Returns the sap.m.Link accessibility information. * * @see sap.ui.core.Control#getAccessibilityInfo * @protected * @returns {Object} The sap.m.Link accessibility information */ Link.prototype.getAccessibilityInfo = function() { return { role: "link", type: sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.m").getText("ACC_CTR_TYPE_LINK"), description: this.getText() || this.getHref() || "", focusable: this.getEnabled(), enabled: this.getEnabled() }; }; /* * Link must not be stretched in Form because this would stretch the size of the focus outline */ Link.prototype.getFormDoNotAdjustWidth = function() { return true; }; /* * Provides hook for overriding the tabindex in case the link is used in a composite control * for example inside ObjectAttribute */ Link.prototype._getTabindex = function() { return this.getText() ? "0" : "-1"; }; return Link; });