### # Baron configuration require 'baron' baron = Baron::Server.new do # Turns on blog comments using disqus. true or false set :disqus, true # Specify the title of your blog set :title, 'Robert Frost' # Specify a description for your blog set :description, 'The fake blog of Robert Frost' # Path to the image used in the site header set :header_image, 'robert-frost.png' set :header_image_small, 'robert-frost-small.png' # Specify the name you want your articles to appear written by set :author, 'Rob' # Provide a ruby block function used to render the date # http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.0/Time.html#method-i-strftime set :date, lambda {|now| now.strftime("#{now.day} %b %Y") } # Prefix your permalink URL. This is useful for maintaining compatibility # with the permalink format of your current blog, or so your permalink URLs # don't collide with your custom pages set :permalink_prefix, '' # Specify which theme you would like to use. You can see the list of themes # in the themes/ folder. # TODO: link to article for hacking your own theme set :theme, 'typography' # Specify how and if you would like the article date to be included in your # permalink URL. # Options: :year_date, :year_month_date, :year_month_day_date, :no_date set :permalink_date_format, :year_month_day_date # Specifies the maximum number of articles that will be show on the home page set :article_max, 3 # Specify the URL of your blog for creating permalinks (good in case people # steal your content, then the links will still point to your articles.) # for example: http://nathanbuggia.com set :url, 'http://localhost:3000/' # specify your google analytics ID # format of "UA-XXXXXX-X" set :google_analytics, '' # specify your google webmaster key # format: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX set :google_webmaster, '' # You can add any value here like this: # => set :foo_bar, 'foobar' # and then access it from any of the rhtml templates like this: # => <%= @config[:foo_bar] %> end ### # Rack configuration # Rack will allow public access to these folders (and sub folders), though it # will not support directory browsing. Add your own folders. use Rack::Static, :urls => ['/themes', '/downloads', '/images'] use Rack::CommonLogger if ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'development' use Rack::ShowExceptions end # RUN! run baron