require 'optparse' require 'shellwords' require 'yaml' require 'english' require 'private_attr' module HerokuRailsDeploy class Deployer extend PrivateAttr PRODUCTION_BRANCH_REGEX = /\A((master)|(release\/.+)|(hotfix\/.+))\z/ PRODUCTION = 'production'.freeze attr_reader :config_file, :args private_attr_reader :options, :app_registry class Options <, :revision, :register_avro_schemas, :skip_avro_schemas) def self.create_default(app_registry) new(app_registry.keys.first, 'HEAD') end end def initialize(config_file, args) raise "Missing config file #{config_file}" unless File.file?(config_file) @app_registry = YAML.load( @config_file = config_file @args = args @options = parse_options end def run return unless options app_name = app_registry.fetch(options.environment) do raise"Invalid environment '#{options.environment}'. " \ "Must be in #{app_registry.keys.join(', ')}") end raise 'Only master, release or hotfix branches can be deployed to production' if production? && !production_branch?(options.revision) no_uncommitted_changes! puts "Deploying to Heroku app #{app_name} for environment #{options.environment}" if !options.skip_avro_schemas && (production? || options.register_avro_schemas) puts 'Checking for pending Avro schemas' pending_schemas = list_pending_schemas(app_name) if pending_schemas.any? puts 'Registering Avro schemas' register_avro_schemas!(registry_url(app_name), pending_schemas) else puts 'No pending Avro schemas' end end puts 'Pushing code' push_code(app_name, options.revision) puts 'Checking for pending migrations' if pending_migrations?(app_name) puts 'Running migrations' run_migrations(app_name) puts 'Restarting dynos' restart_dynos(app_name) else puts 'No migrations required' end end def production? options.try(:environment) == PRODUCTION end private def parse_options options = Options.create_default(app_registry) do |parser| parser.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts parser # rubocop:disable Lint/NonLocalExitFromIterator return # rubocop:enable Lint/NonLocalExitFromIterator end parser.on('-e', '--environment ENVIRONMENT', "The environment to deploy to. Must be in #{app_registry.keys.join(', ')} (default #{app_registry.keys.first})") do |environment| options.environment = environment end parser.on('-r', '--revision REVISION', 'The git revision to push. (default HEAD)') do |revision| options.revision = revision end parser.on('--register-avro-schemas', 'Force the registration of Avro schemas when deploying to a non-production environment.') do |register_avro_schemas| options.register_avro_schemas = register_avro_schemas end parser.on('--skip-avro-schemas', 'Skip the registration of Avro schemas when deploying to production.') do |skip_avro_schemas| options.skip_avro_schemas = skip_avro_schemas end end.parse!(args) options end def production_branch?(revision) git_branch_name(revision).match(PRODUCTION_BRANCH_REGEX) end def no_uncommitted_changes! uncommitted_changes = run_command!('git status --porcelain', quiet: true) raise "There are uncommitted changes:\n#{uncommitted_changes}" unless uncommitted_changes.blank? end def push_code(app_name, revision) run_command!("git push --force #{app_remote(app_name)} #{revision}:master") end def git_branch_name(revision) run_command!("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref #{Shellwords.escape(revision)}", quiet: true).strip rescue raise "Unable to get branch for #{revision}" end def run_migrations(app_name) run_heroku_command!(app_name, 'run rake db:migrate') end def restart_dynos(app_name) run_heroku_command!(app_name, 'ps:restart') end def pending_migrations?(app_name) !run_heroku_command(app_name, 'run rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations') end def run_heroku_command!(app_name, command) run_heroku_command(app_name, command, validate: true) rescue raise "Heroku command '#{command}' failed" end def run_heroku_command(app_name, command, validate: nil) cli_command = "heroku #{command} --app #{app_name}" if command.start_with?('run ') # If we're running a shell command, return the underlying # shell command exit code cli_command << ' --exit-code' display_output = true else display_output = false end run_command(cli_command, validate: validate, display_output: display_output) end def registry_url(app_name) result = run_command!("heroku config -a #{app_name} | grep AVRO_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL:", quiet: true) result.split.last end def register_avro_schemas!(registry_url, schemas) cmd = "rake avro:register_schemas schemas=#{schemas.join(',')}" run_command!("DEPLOYMENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL=#{registry_url} #{cmd}", print_command: cmd) end def list_pending_schemas(app_name) changed_files(app_name).select { |filename| /\.avsc$/ =~ filename } end def changed_files(app_name) run_command("git diff --name-only #{remote_commit(app_name)}..#{current_commit}", quiet: true).split("\n").map(&:strip) end def current_commit run_command!("git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1", quiet: true) end def remote_commit(app_name) run_command!("git ls-remote --heads #{app_remote(app_name)} master", quiet: true).split.first end def app_remote(app_name) "{app_name}.git" end def run_command!(command, print_command: nil, quiet: false, display_output: false) run_command(command, print_command: print_command, quiet: quiet, display_output: display_output, validate: true) end def run_command(command, print_command: nil, validate: nil, quiet: false, display_output: false) printed_command = print_command || command puts printed_command unless quiet if display_output Bundler.with_clean_env { system(command) } else output = Bundler.with_clean_env { `#{command}` } end success = $CHILD_STATUS.success? raise "Command '#{printed_command}' failed#{output && output.strip != '' ? ", output: #{output}" : ''}" if validate && !success display_output ? success : output end end end