module Effective module EffectiveDatatable module Resource AGGREGATE_SQL_FUNCTIONS = ['ARRAY_AGG(', 'AVG(', 'COUNT(', 'MAX(', 'MIN(', 'STRING_AGG(', 'SUM('] def admin_namespace? controller_namespace == 'admin' end def controller_namespace @attributes[:_n] end private # This looks at all the columns and figures out the as: def load_resource! @resource =, namespace: controller_namespace) if active_record_collection? columns.each do |name, opts| # col 'comments.title' if name.kind_of?(String) && name.include?('.') raise "invalid datatables column '#{name}'. the joined syntax only supports one dot." if name.scan(/\./).count > 1 (associated, field) = name.split('.').first(2) unless resource.macros.include?(resource.sql_type(associated)) raise "invalid datatables column '#{name}'. unable to find '#{name.split('.').first}' association on '#{resource}'." end joins_values = (collection.joins_values + collection.left_outer_joins_values) unless joins_values.include?(associated.to_sym) raise "your datatables collection must .joins(:#{associated}) or .left_outer_joins(:#{associated}) to work with the joined syntax" end opts[:resource] =, namespace: controller_namespace) if opts[:resource].column(field) opts[:as] ||= opts[:resource].sql_type(field) opts[:as] = :integer if opts[:resource].sql_type(field) == :belongs_to && field.end_with?('_id') opts[:sql_column] = opts[:resource].sql_column(field) if opts[:sql_column].nil? opts[:resource].sort_column = field opts[:resource].search_columns = field end opts[:resource_field] = field next end # Regular fields opts[:as] ||= resource.sql_type(name) opts[:sql_column] = resource.sql_column(name) if opts[:sql_column].nil? case opts[:as] when *resource.macros opts[:resource] ||=, namespace: controller_namespace) opts[:sql_column] = name if opts[:sql_column].nil? when Class if opts[:as].ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) opts[:resource] =[:as], namespace: controller_namespace) opts[:as] = :resource opts[:sql_column] = name if opts[:sql_column].nil? end when :effective_addresses opts[:resource] =, namespace: controller_namespace) opts[:sql_column] = :effective_addresses when :effective_roles opts[:sql_column] = :effective_roles when :string # This is the fallback # Anything that doesn't belong to the model or the sql table, we assume is a SELECT SUM|AVG|RANK() as fancy opts[:sql_as_column] = true if (resource.table && resource.column(name).blank?) end if opts[:sql_column].present? && AGGREGATE_SQL_FUNCTIONS.any? { |str| opts[:sql_column].to_s.start_with?(str) } opts[:sql_as_column] = true end end end if array_collection? row = collection.first columns.each do |name, opts| if opts[:as].kind_of?(Class) && opts[:as].ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) opts[:resource] =[:as], namespace: controller_namespace) opts[:as] = :resource elsif opts[:as] == nil if (value = Array(row[opts[:index]]).first).kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base) opts[:resource] =, namespace: controller_namespace) opts[:as] = :resource end end end end columns.each do |name, opts| opts[:as] ||= :string opts[:as] = :email if (opts[:as] == :string && name.to_s.end_with?('email')) if opts[:resource] && !opts[:resource_field] && opts[:as] != :effective_addresses opts[:partial] ||= '/effective/datatables/resource_column' end opts[:col_class] = "col-#{opts[:as]} col-#{name.to_s.parameterize} #{opts[:col_class]}".strip end end def load_resource_search! columns.each do |name, opts| case opts[:search] when false opts[:search] = { as: :null }; next when Symbol opts[:search] = { as: opts[:search] } when Array, ActiveRecord::Relation opts[:search] = { collection: opts[:search] } when Hash # Nothing else raise "column #{name} unexpected search value" end search = opts[:search] if search[:collection].kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Relation) search[:collection] = search[:collection].map { |obj| [obj.to_s, obj.to_param] } elsif search[:collection].kind_of?(Array) && search[:collection].first.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base) search[:collection] = search[:collection].map { |obj| [obj.to_s, obj.to_param] } elsif search[:collection].kind_of?(Array) search[:collection].each { |obj| obj[1] = 'nil' if obj[1] == nil } elsif search[:collection].kind_of?(Hash) search[:collection].each { |k, v| search[:collection][k] = 'nil' if v == nil } end search[:value] ||= search.delete(:selected) if search.key?(:selected) search[:as] ||= :select if search.key?(:collection) search[:fuzzy] = true unless search.key?(:fuzzy) if array_collection? && opts[:resource].present? search.reverse_merge!(resource.search_form_field(name, collection.first[opts[:index]])) elsif search[:as] != :string search.reverse_merge!(resource.search_form_field(name, opts[:as])) end # Assign default include_null if search[:as] == :select && !search.key?(:include_null) search[:include_null] = true end end end def apply_belongs_to_attributes! return unless active_record_collection? changed = do |attribute, value| attribute = attribute.to_s next unless attribute.ends_with?('_id') associated = attribute.gsub(/_id\z/, '').to_sym # Replace last _id next unless columns[associated] if columns[associated][:as] == :belongs_to @_collection = @_collection.where(attribute => value) columns.delete(associated) elsif columns[associated][:as] == :belongs_to_polymorphic associated_type = attributes["#{associated}_type".to_sym] || raise("Expected #{associated}_type attribute to be present when #{associated}_id is present on a polymorphic belongs to") @_collection = @_collection.where(attribute => value).where("#{associated}_type" => associated_type) columns.delete(associated) end end.present? load_columns! if changed end end end end